Posts Tagged middle-grade fiction

Author Spotlight: Interview with Meg Eden Kuyatt

Today, we’re thrilled to welcome Meg Eden Kuykatt, author of the MG novel in verse, Good Different. Praised by Laura Shovan as “a powerful addition to literature about the autism experience,” as well as “funny, insightful, and poetic,” the novel–Meg’s MG debut!–is out now from Scholastic.

Summary of Good Different

Selah knows her rules for being normal.

She always, always sticks to them. This means keeping her feelings locked tightly inside, despite the way they build up inside her as each school day goes on, so that she has to run to the bathroom and hide in the stall until she can calm down. So that she has to tear off her normal-person mask the second she gets home from school, and listen to her favorite pop song on repeat, trying to recharge. Selah feels like a dragon stuck in a world of humans, but she knows how to hide it.

Until the day she explodes and hits a fellow student.

Selah’s friends pull away from her, her school threatens expulsion, and her comfortable, familiar world starts to crumble.

But as Selah starts to figure out more about who she is, she comes to understand that different doesn’t mean damaged. Can she get her school to understand that, too, before it’s too late?

Interview with Meg Eden Kykatt

MR: Welcome to the Mixed-Up Files, Meg! It’s great to have you here.

MEK: Thanks so much for having me!

Inspiration Station

MR: Could you please share your inspiration behind Good Different? Also, what made you choose the novel-in-verse form for this particular novel?

MEK: Selah’s poems came out in the worst of COVID lockdowns, when my autism and anxiety had no more places to hide. I felt so overwhelmed, attacked and scared, and as I wrote, I dug up an old memory of a classmate braiding my hair without my consent. But then the speaker was no longer me but this other girl, Selah. And Selah took action. She hit her classmate! I was in shock, but then also I knew I needed to write a novel to figure out why she hit her classmate and what would happen from there.

We come to poetry when prose is inadequate, when the content can only be in verse. I heard this quote for musical theater—I think it’s from Bob Fosse—how the characters sing when the emotion’s too strong for spoken word. They dance when the emotion’s too strong for music. Poetry’s like that. The emotion has to be so strong that it comes out in poetry. And writing about discovering my neurodivergence in a neurotypical world, all the exhaustion and overstimulation and confusion of not being able to keep up, the feelings were too big for prose. They just made sense in poetry.

Rules for Being “Normal”

MR: Selah, the main character of your novel, knows she’s different and follows certain rules for being “normal.” Was this something you had to do as a child? If so, how did it affect you?

MEK: Yes, absolutely! But I don’t think I consciously realized it until adulthood. I think home was so restorative and safe as a child that I put up with the challenges of the public sphere without even realizing the toll it was taking on me. Only in college did I hit a melting point of trying to just “put up” with everything around me. Shortly after, I began to wonder if I might be autistic. So, to be honest, I’m not sure how to answer how it affected me as a child—at least not yet. There’s probably things I still need to explore and unpack.

Poetry in the Spotlight

MR: Selah takes great comfort in poetry. What is it about poetry that appeals to Selah—and, by extension, to you?

MEK: Poetry is about big feelings. It’s also about the little moments and details that often go overlooked. Like Pablo Neruda’s “Odes to Common Things”—in poetry, even the small things can be in the spotlight. As an autistic person, I really resonate with the possibilities of poetry, and the space for those big feelings over things the neurotypical world will often call “small.” I also think in little episodes—less in plot, more in the details and surprises of the everyday—which makes me keep coming back to poetry. It’s also less daunting than setting out to write a whole novel!

Dealing with a Diagnosis

MR: Unlike Selah, who was diagnosed with autism as a middle schooler, you were diagnosed as an adult. Can you tell us about this experience? Also, did your diagnosis in any way change how you viewed yourself—or how others viewed you?

MEK: I always knew I was different, but in college, I realized I wasn’t just a fun quirky different, but that my differences made it difficult for me to keep up with others. I burned out on summer mission trips and had a meltdown at my roommate who kept her light on all night. I didn’t understand why the summer schedules were so relentlessly long with no breaks, or why my roommate would leave a light on at night. It seemed rude and obvious to me that you just don’t do things like that.

That’s when I realized people are different, and that just because something’s obvious to me doesn’t mean it is to someone else; that just because it bothers me doesn’t mean it bothers everyone. As a kid, I just ignored or put up with the things I didn’t like, but in college I hit a roadblock; I couldn’t just put up with things that I used to. When I tried, I exploded and burned out. This wasn’t an effective system for dealing with conflict, but I didn’t have the tools to deal with conflict. So I hit a real crisis.

And then, a breakthrough…

In college, I read a book with an autistic-coded protagonist, and though that book is controversial—and I’d probably go back and find all sorts of things that I find problematic about it—it was a gateway for me. I cried, realizing that I hadn’t felt so represented before on the page that way; that I understood this protagonist. I began to learn more about autism, and really connected—but it took me years to go from “I relate to autistic kids—maybe I can help them” to “I relate to autistic kids because I am autistic too.”

Finally during the pandemic, I sought a formal diagnosis. I think for a while I didn’t feel like I needed it, but a combo of starting to write about my autism and the exhaustion of the pandemic made me realize that a formal confirmation of what I’m dealing with would be incredibly helpful.

The diagnosis is a huge relief to me! It changed how I view myself in that it gave me permission to be kinder to myself. In college and my twenties, I wondered if I couldn’t keep up with “normal” because I was lazy or weak, that I wasn’t trying hard enough to be an “adult.” I pushed myself to burn out over and over again. But now I realize I am just wired differently and have a spiky skill set. While I don’t always do well with a traditional full-time job, I excel at self-employment: teaching online and at conferences, and writing. I’m very intrinsically motivated and do well working from home, where if needed, I can work from bed with a hot pack. Instead of shaming myself for what I can’t do, I can now see where I excel, and look for ways to capitalize on what I do well. I now have language to explain what’s going on to not just others but myself. I used to get overstimulated and have a complete panicked meltdown—why was I panicking? Where was it coming from? Now I understand what’s going on, and that helps calm me down.

Most people have been really kind when I explain that I’m autistic. Many people are surprised. I don’t know if it’s necessarily changed how people view me (I’d be curious to know if that’s the case!). But it’s been freeing for me to have that language when I’m struggling. It’s a shorthand that helps people get that I might need more help than it seems on the surface.

Restorative Power of Gaming

MR: Rumor has it that you’re a huge fan of video games. You also write extensively on gaming. What is it about video games that captures your imagination?

MEK: Video games are about play, possibilities and control. When you feel like you have no control, or things are happening at a pace that’s overwhelming, games give you a space to slow down, or try things until you get the outcome you want. As someone with an anxiety disorder, I often overthink what I’ve said and ruminate and wonder what it would’ve been like if I did something else. Games allow me to play through those possibilities and provide relief and satisfaction. I often go to games when I’m really stressed or burned out, and they’re restorative. They also give space for other parts of my brain to work and get ideas on new stories.

Anne of Green Gables: Pokémon Fan

MR: While we’re on the subject of video games, you’ve famously said that Anne of Green Gables would have been a Pokémon [fan] had she been a kid in the early 2000s. Please elaborate.

MEK: Ha! This is maybe more of a wish than a founded theory! Anne was my best friend in fifth grade, when everything was changing and I felt so alone. That’s also when I really fell into my special interest of Pokemon. I always felt a kinship with Anne, who found joy in her imagination, strong emotions and differences. I think fifth-grade me wanted Anne to love the things I love, so that I could connect with her more deeply. But the companionship and magic of Pokemon… I think Anne might resonate with those ideas 🙂

Path to Publication

MR: You wrote your first novel, a YA, in tenth grade and signed with an agent the following year. Your first book was published when you were 26. Can you tell us about your path to publication, especially at such a young age? It’s deeply impressive.

MEK: Oof, we could be here all day if I talk too much about my path! I think it’s kind that you call it impressive, Melissa. It’s felt so embarrassing to me, that it’s taken me so long when there are people for whom it all happens so fast.

In high school I was so full of myself, thinking, “Oh, now I’m going to be a career writer, and it’s all going to be easy from this point forward.” I hate to break it to folks, but it doesn’t usually work out like that! I know writers who say things like: “It took TWO WHOLE YEARS from the first idea of this book until it was published,” and if I’m honest, I really struggle with this. I’m so jealous of those folks, but also I’m reminded that that is very much not the norm.

My path has been lots of encouragement but also lots of bumps. I got an agent, as you said, in high school. We almost sold that book when I was in college. Then silence. My agent wasn’t really engaging with my other projects, so we parted ways and I went the small-press route. I think this was the right fit for the specific project; Post-High School Reality Quest is a weird book and I knew it wouldn’t have been picked up by a big press. That said, I think I should’ve tried to get an agent again to have an advocate, even for the small-press experience (my editor agrees).

Enter Pitch Wars…

I went through an MFA program in poetry, published individual pieces and small chapbooks of poems, tried to get another agent, and had quite a bit of silence–until 2020 when I got into Pitch Wars! From Pitch Wars I got a lot of agent interest, and we quickly sold my book to Scholastic. That gave me a lot of time for my craft to get stronger; for me to collect ideas, and learn how to focus a plot.

I’ve gotten a lot of humble pie on my journey—and I’d suspect there’s much more on the menu for the future. I thought I was an amazing writer, that I had “earned” a career with my hard work. Nope! There is ALWAYS more to learn, and you never “earn” anything, even if you give it your all. Writing is an incredibly unfair profession in that way. I still have so much to learn, and humility is still NOT my strong point. But I’m learning to always have my eyes open, and to be grateful for whatever I have because I do not deserve it. All I have is because of God’s grace, not because of me.

The Waiting Game

I’m also still learning to wait. There is still waiting! Even when you get a publishing deal! Even when your press expresses interest in more proposals! I have several manuscripts I’d love to have out in the world, including a rewrite of that first book you mentioned, but they are in the waiting room. For now. I refuse to believe in manuscripts being locked in a drawer for good. I love these stories and I believe so fiercely in them. They will find homes in the right time, I’m sure.

MR: Speaking of Pitch Wars, I noticed that your bio leads with the fact that you were a 2020 Pitch Wars mentee. What influence did Pitch Wars have on your journey to be a published writer?

MEK: HUGE. I might still be in the query trenches, slowly dying if it wasn’t for Pitch Wars. I’m so beyond grateful to Eric Bell for seeing Selah and choosing me. I had the story, but Pitch Wars gave it lots of eyes that weren’t seeing it yet. And of course, working with Eric made the manuscript so much tighter, and shine so much more.

Switching it Up

MR: In addition to MG, you also write poetry and YA. Is it tricky to switch from one genre to another?

MEK: It’s getting easier. I think I’m learning what each form and medium brings to the table. Each of them has tools that are best for certain content or material, and I go to whichever one will help me convey what I’m trying to convey. It’s not too hard to switch between them, I don’t think, but sometimes it takes a few tries to find the right medium. Many of my old YA drafts are now becoming middle grade, because I’m realizing that age range and the tools of that form are going to help me create the experience I want more than YA.

Write What You Know

MR: As a college-level creative writing instructor, what’s your go-to advice for writers? Also, are you a proponent of the common wisdom of “Write what you know”?

MEK: Yes! I actually just wrote a five-minute memoir for Writer’s Digest on writing what you know (Jan/Feb 2023 issue). I ran away from that advice for so long. First, I didn’t know what I knew, but second, I think I thought my life was boring, but also I love to learn, so writing outside of my experience let me explore so much. I think writing outside your experience can be a helpful personal exercise for empathy building but is rarely a good idea to publish. Writing what we know isn’t constricting; it’s an opening up of the gates! I’m learning how freeing it is to write what I know.

My go-to advice is to persist, read, and always be willing to learn. Try new things. Take courses in writing that you’ve never tried. Maybe that means taking some poetry courses or a workshop on Op-Eds—or maybe even a completely different art, like assemblage! Whatever we learn will give us tools in our toolbox. Also, a spirit of humility–and doing this because you love it. All these things will aid you in the long run. A writing career is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. (For more thoughts from Meg on the writing process/journey, click here.)

Writing Rituals

MR: What does your writing routine look like, Meg? Do you have any particular rituals?

MEK: I have playlists for each project. Usually video game soundtracks. The first track has conditioned me to fall into that world, to tell me: It’s go time! The last track usually tells me to take a break.

Sneak Peek

MR: What are you working on now, Meg? Can you give Mixed-Up Files readers a sneak peek?

MEK: I am in the middle of a few projects. I’m waiting for feedback on a possible middle grade project, and am taking a little bit of a breather to play with new ideas until I hear more. I’m also editing a YA manuscript that has taken me at least 20 drafts at this point, but I think (hope) we’re starting to go in the right direction…

Lightning Round!

MR: And finally, no MUF interview is complete without a lightning round, so…

Preferred writing snack?

Fruit gummies!

Coffee or tea?


Favorite video game?

Fire Emblem

Zombie apocalypse: Yea or nay?



Time travel

Favorite place on earth?


If you were stranded on a desert island with only three things, what would they be?

A Bible would be in there. Probably something to write with, and something to make music with.

MR: Thank you for chatting with us, Meg. It a pleasure, and I’m sure MUF readers will agree!


A 2020 Pitch Wars mentee, Meg received her MFA in creative writing from the University of Maryland College Park. She teaches college-level creative writing courses and is the author of the YA novel Post-High School Reality Quest (2017) as well as five poetry chapbooks and a poetry collection, Drowning in the Floating World (2020). She is also a participating author with the PEN/Faulkner Writers in Schools program. Her debut MG novel, Good Different, a JLG Gold Standard Selection, is out from Scholastic now.

In addition to being a writer, Meg has worked as an advertising manager, eBay seller, research assistant in linguistics and neuroscience, and publishing and marketing contact for a small press. She is the webinar coordinator for the SCBWI MD/DE/WV region, and runs the Magfest MAGES Library blog, which posts accessible academic articles about video games.

Meg is neurodivergent (autistic and anxiety disorder), an extroverted-introvert, and a complete nerd for all things Pokémon and Fire Emblem. She lives with her husband and two cats, Chaos Theory (CT) and Hazel, also known as “Floaf” (the fluffy loaf). Learn more about Meg on her website and follow her on Twitter and Instagram. (And if you missed Meg’s cover reveal for Good Different, click here for an encore!)

New April Books for Middle-Grade Readers!

cover art Indigo and Ida

Middle-grade readers will be showered with many new books being released in April.

A middle-grade debut from Angie Thomas. Graphic novels.  A new adventure story by author and illustrator Brian Selznick (The Invention of Hugo Cabret). PLUS, an MG debut from MUF’s very own Heather Murphy Capps: Indigo and Ida! This month’s lineup of new releases for middle-grade readers will help beat the blahs when those April Showers arrive. Enjoy!

I’m Still Here (Adapted for Young Readers): Loving Myself in a World Not Made for Me, written by

Austin Channing Brown, Convergent Books, April  4

Austin Channing Brown’s first encounter with race in America came at age seven, when she discovered that her parents had named her Austin to trick future employers into thinking she was a white man. Growing up in majority-white schools and churches, Channing Brown writes, “I had to learn what it means to love Blackness,” a journey that led to a lifetime spent navigating America’s racial divide as a writer, speaker, and expert helping organizations practice genuine inclusion.

In this adaptation of her bestselling and critically acclaimed memoir, she explores how America’s racial dynamics show up in the classrooms, friend groups, and conversations kids inhabit every day. “I love being a Black girl,” she writes. “And sometimes being a Black girl in America is hard.” Covering topics like representation, self-love, allyship, and being Black in public, Brown helps kids nourish their identity and make sense of how they fit into the world.

For students navigating a time of racial hostility, and for the adults and educators who care for them, I’m Still Here is an empowering look at the experiences of young Black kids, inviting the reader to confront apathy, find their voice, and discover how Blackness–if we let it–can save us all.

School Trip: A Graphic Novel, written by Jerry Craft, Quill Tree Books, April 4

New York Times bestselling author Jerry Craft is back with the newest adventures of Jordan, Drew, Liam, and all the characters that fans first met in New Kid, winner of the Newbery Award and the Coretta Scott King Author Award! In this full-color contemporary graphic novel, the gang from Riverdale Academy Day is heading to Paris, for an international education like you’ve never seen before …

Jordan, Drew, Liam, Maury, and their friends from Riverdale Academy Day School are heading out on a school trip to Paris. As an aspiring artist himself, Jordan can’t wait to see all the amazing art in the famous City of Lights.

But when their trusted faculty guides are replaced at the last minute, the school trip takes an unexpected–and hilarious–turn. Especially when trying to find their way around a foreign city ends up being almost as tricky as navigating the same friendships, fears, and differences that they struggle with at home.

Will Jordan and his friends embrace being exposed to a new language, unfamiliar food, and a different culture? Or will they all end up feeling like the “new kid”?

Indigo and Ida, written by Heather Murphy Capps, Published by Carolrhoda Books/Lerner, April 4

When eighth grader and aspiring journalist Indigo breaks an important story, exposing an unfair school policy, she’s suddenly popular for the first time. 

The friends who’ve recently drifted away from her want to hang out again. Then Indigo notices that the school’s disciplinary policies seem to be enforced especially harshly with students of color, like her. She wants to keep investigating, but her friends insist she’s imagining things.

Meanwhile, Indigo stumbles upon a book by Black journalist and activist Ida B. Wells―with private letters written by Ida tucked inside. As she reads about Ida’s lifelong battle against racism, Indigo realizes she must choose between keeping quiet and fighting for justice.


Good Different written by Meg Eden Kuyatt, Published by Scholastic, April 4

An extraordinary novel-in-verse for fans of Starfish and A Kind of Spark about a neurodivergent girl who comes to understand and celebrate her difference.

Selah knows her rules for being normal.

She always, always sticks to them. This means keeping her feelings locked tightly inside, despite the way they build up inside her as each school day goes on, so that she has to run to the bathroom and hide in the stall until she can calm down. So that she has to tear off her normal-person mask the second she gets home from school, and listen to her favorite pop song on repeat, trying to recharge. Selah feels like a dragon stuck in a world of humans, but she knows how to hide it.

Until the day she explodes and hits a fellow student.

Selah’s friends pull away from her, her school threatens expulsion, and her comfortable, familiar world starts to crumble.

But as Selah starts to figure out more about who she is, she comes to understand that different doesn’t mean damaged. Can she get her school to understand that, too, before it’s too late?

Spy Camp the Graphic Novel, written by Stuart Gibbs, Illustrated by Anjan Sarkar

The second book in the New York Times bestselling Spy School series continues in graphic novel form as aspiring spy Ben Ripley must spend his summer in top-secret training–and is thrown back into danger.

Ben Ripley is a middle schooler whose school is not exactly average–he’s spent the last year training to be a top-level spy and dodging all sorts of associated danger. So now that summer’s finally here, Ben would like to have some fun and relax. But that’s not going to happen during required spy survival training at a rustic wilderness camp, where SPYDER, an enemy spy organization, has infiltrated the spies’ ranks. Can Ben root out the enemy before it takes him out–for good?

Warriors: A Starless Clan #3 Shadow, written by Erin Hunter, HarperCollins, April 4

A crossroads for the Clans–and the warrior code!

The warrior code now allows a cat to formally change Clans, but ShadowClan’s newest arrival feels increasingly unwelcome–and though ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam thinks every cat deserves a chance, one of the loudest voices of opposition is her own mother. Meanwhile medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw scrambles to help RiverClan stay afloat under the watchful eye of a second Tigerstar, and the shadow of growing conflict looms over them all…

This seventh epic Warriors series is full of action, intrigue, and adventure–a perfect introduction for new readers and for long-time fans eager to discover what unfolds after the events of The Broken Code.

Big Tree, written by Brian Selznick, Scholastic, April 4

“Hello, stars. I thought I heard you calling me.”

A mysterious voice has been speaking to Louise in her dreams. She and her brother Merwin are Sycamore seeds, who hope to one day set down roots and become big trees. But when a fire forces them to leave their mama tree prematurely, they find themselves catapulted into the unknown, far from home. Alone and unprepared, they must use their wits and imagination to navigate a dangerous world–filled with dinosaurs, meteors, and volcanoes!–and the fear of never finding a safe place to grow up. As the mysterious voice gets louder, Louise comes to realize their mission in life may be much bigger than either of them ever could have imagined!

Brimming with humor, wonder, mystery, and a profound sense of hope, Big Tree is a trailblazing adventure, illustrated with nearly 300 pages of breathtaking pictures. It is Selznick’s most imaginative and far-reaching work to date and a singular reading experience for the whole family!

Nic Blake and The Remarkables, written by Angie Thomas, Published by Balzer & Bray/Harperteen, April 4

Internationally bestselling superstar author Angie Thomas makes her middle grade debut with the launch of an inventive, hilarious, and suspenseful new contemporary fantasy trilogy inspired by African American history and folklore.

It’s not easy being a Remarkable in the Unremarkable world. Some things are cool–like getting a pet hellhound for your twelfth birthday. Others, not so much–like not being trusted to learn magic because you might use it to take revenge on an annoying neighbor.

All Nic Blake wants is to be a powerful Manifestor like her dad. But before she has a chance to convince him to teach her the gift, a series of shocking revelations and terrifying events launch Nic and two friends on a hunt for a powerful magic tool she’s never heard of…to save her father from imprisonment for a crime she refuses to believe he committed.

The Little Mermaid: Guide to Merfolkwritten by Erin Geron, Disney Press, April 11

Learn everything you ever wanted to know about mermaids and more from Disney’s new live action film The Little Mermaid inside this gorgeous guidebook!

From Prince Eric’s royal library, this beautiful guidebook deep dives into the legends and lore surrounding the mermaids and their world from The Little Mermaid live action film. Learn more about the Seven Seas and the mermaid princesses who rule them, discover stories of sirens and sea witches, and come to know the legend of the coral moon. With gorgeous full-color illustrations throughout, this book is perfect for any reader who can’t get enough of mermaids.

Creatures of the In Between, written by Cindy Lin, HarperCollins Publishers, April 11

Princess Mononoke meets How to Train Your Dragon in this magical middle grade adventure from Cindy Lin, author of The Twelve, featuring a blend of East and Southeast Asian folklore and mythical creatures, and starring a boy with a hero’s destiny.

Prince Jin is running out of time.

He must find a monster companion before his thirteenth birthday or lose the throne completely.

And that means travelling to the only place where monsters still live: the legendary, dangerous Whisper Island.

But untold perils await Jin there. The magical creatures he seeks are not so easily swayed, and an even greater threat looms on the horizon–one that could threaten everything Jin hopes to achieve.

Fireborn: Phoenix and the Frost Palace, written by Aisling Fowler, HarperCollins, April 18

Twelve journeys to new lands and embarks on even more perilous adventures in this sequel to Fireborn, which B.B. Alston praised as “the best kind of children’s fantasy story.”

Twelve is now a full-fledged hunter, with a new name worthy of her fiery powers: Phoenix.

But with her new powers come new responsibilities. When a plea for help arrives from the long-lost witch clan, it’s clear Phoenix’s newfound fire is their only hope. Phoenix and her friends must travel to Icegaard, the witches’ home, to combat the mysterious darkness there—one that grows stronger each day.

But deep within this darkness lies an enemy that could destroy Ember entirely . . . unless Phoenix can find the strength to stop it.

A thrilling adventure and poignant journey all in one, this second novel in the Fireborn trilogy—perfect for fans of The School for Good and Evil and the His Dark Materials series—will take Phoenix and her readers to enchanting new worlds, where unexpected friends, untold dangers, and a treacherous new enemy await.


Horror is for Middle Grade – A Booklist for Thrills and Chills

Anyone who enjoys Stephen King appreciates that deliciously uneasy feeling of a toe sticking out of the covers when who-knows-what is hidden under the bed.

All people deal with fear. Middle Grade Horror allows children to experience thrills and chills, find their brave inner hero, and go on a dangerous journey in a safe space. It’s an important lesson. Plus, it’s fun.

Below, you’ll see why I believe Horror is for Middle Grade and check out the book list for the young horror-reader in your family.

Reluctant Readers

My own family stumbled into horror when one of my children struggled to find stories he liked. He labelled the books he read too predictable, too touchy feely, and too boring. All of that changed when a great librarian suggested he check out Middle Grade Horror. He started with The Vampire Plagues, by Sebastian Rook. This series, about three children who chase a vampire from 1850s London to Paris and on to Mexico, hooked him on reading, and I believe it can help other reluctant readers learn to enjoy books.

Liking this article about scary books? Check out this archived interview with scary book author and MUF contributor Jonathon Rosen

An Emotional Journey

Like all great stories, great Middle Grade Horror takes the reader on an emotional journey. Horror provokes terror, surprise, revulsion, empathy, love, and hatred. With all that excitement, probably everyone of us would enjoy some Horror. However, all of us have limits, and no child should be pushed beyond theirs. We want children who read Horror to be thrilled by it and not to suffer nightmares.

I highly recommend The Vampire Plagues, a fast-paced, action-packed, vampire-filled adventure. Below are more great Horror reads that range from Bunnicula, a story that is hardly scary at all to Katherine Arden’s truly creepy Small Spaces.


Middle Grade Horror Book List

Bunnicula is as silly as it is scary. This much beloved series features a mystery loving dog, an overly dramatic cat, and a vampire rabbit who sucks the life out of carrots.

The Graveyard Book, written by Neil Gaiman, author of the Halloween favorite Coraline, is an action and adventure story. It’s a great read for a child who enjoys action, suspense, and mysteries. It is a great read. It comes with lots of fun, friendly ghosts, and a few who are not-so-friendly.

For the daring, Victoria Schwab’s City of Ghosts leads the reader into increasingly unsettling territory. The ghosts in this book are monsters to be feared, and the heroine takes great risks in her endeavors.

Finally, Small Spaces by Katherine Arden is the ultimate spine-chilling adventure. The main character is a deeply flushed out, sympathetic child with tons of courage. She uses every ounce of her courage to face some truly terrifying creatures.

A lot of people, including children love horror stories. Being scared is fun. Middle grade horror provides a compelling read for some children who might be reluctant to dive into less edgy topics, and it presents an opportunity for kids to learn to deal with fear.