Author Interviews


We here at The Mixed-Up Files are thrilled to shine the spotlight on our own Samantha M. Clark, who has not one, but two, middle-grade novels out this month. ARROW released this past Tuesday, June 22, and HOLLYWOOD (American Horse Tales #2) hits the shelves next Tuesday, June 29. Samantha has generously offered our readers a chance to win signed copies of both books. So, don’t forget to click the Rafflecopter link at the end of the post (U.S. entries only).




For the first twelve years of Arrow’s life, he has grown up as the only human in a lush, magical rainforest that’s closed off from the rest of the world. He was raised by the Guardian Tree, the protector of the forest, which uses the earth’s magic to keep it hidden from those who have sought to exploit and kill it. But now the magic veil is deteriorating, the forest is dying, and Arrow may be the only one who can save it.

Arrow has never seen another human until one day, a man in a small airplane crash-lands in the forest. Then, a group of children finds their way in, escaping from their brutal, arid world where the rich live in luxurious, walled-off cities and the poor struggle for survival. The Guardian Tree urges Arrow to convince the trespassers to leave by any means necessary. Arrow is curious about these newcomers, but their arrival sets off a chain of events that leave him with a devastating choice: be accepted by his own kind or fight to save the forest that is his home.


HOLLYWOOD (American Horse Tales #2)

Set in modern-day California, this American Horse Tale is the story of a young girl who, along with her family’s horse, is destined for the big screen.

Juniper dreams of making it big in the movies along with her horse, Able. In particular, Juniper is obsessed with getting Able onto her favorite television show, CASTLE MacAVOY, and will do anything, even slay dragons, to make that happen.

HOLLYWOOD is part of a series of books written by several authors highlighting the unique relationships between young girls and their horses.



Dorian: Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you became interested in writing for children.

Samantha: Hi Dorian! Thank you for having me on The Mixed-Up Files today. I’m very excited to be here, especially as a contributor to this wonderful website.

I’ve loved stories since as far back as I can remember. My nose was always in a book, and when I told my parents about my day, I’d tell it carefully to build up to the climax. (Although, people got bored a lot. I had a lot to learn about pacing back then. 🙂 ) Growing up, I wanted to tell stories any way I could, and went into journalism telling the stories of others. I loved making up my own stories, though, so I wrote in my spare time. I didn’t set out to write children’s books, but the more I wrote, the younger my protagonists got. Finally, I realized that’s where my heart was. To learn more about Samantha, visit her website here.


Dorian: What was your journey to becoming a published writer like?

Samantha: Long! 🙂 My first published novel is THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST, which came out in 2018 from Paula Wiseman Books/Simon & Schuster. But it wasn’t the first novel I wrote. I wrote two other novels, then started THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST in 2008. Despite getting some honors in contests and winning the Joan Lowery Nixon Award with the Houston chapter of the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators, the book got a lot of rejections from agents. I wrote two more novels, and kept writing, learning and revising BEAST. Finally, I got a pass from an agent I had met at the Austin Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators conference, but she liked my work enough to recommend it to two other agents, including Rachel Orr with Prospect Agency, who loved my work and offered to represent it. My rejections weren’t over, though. After a bunch more revisions, BEAST went out to editors and was passed on by nine. Then one editor asked for a revise and resubmit, which gave me the opportunity to do another revision with some new ideas I had. That editor still ultimately passed, but when the revised version went out to new editors, BEAST got two offers within three weeks. It ended up taking ten years for that book to come out, and lots of times, I thought it would never happen. But seeing my book on bookshelves, it was all worth it.



Dorian: ARROW and HOLLYWOOD could not be more different from each other regarding setting, tone, etc. But I’m wondering if you found that you visited similar themes that resonate for you, personally, in both books.

Samantha: Great question! And you’re right that the books are very different. ARROW is closer to THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST in style, tone, nature setting, and magic. It was the book I started writing after BEAST, so I think it’s a good follow-up. HOLLYWOOD, however, is part of a new series from Penguin Workshop that I auditioned for. I did come up with the story and characters myself, based on their guideline of “a girl and a horse,” but the story is contemporary, set in a TV studio, and has no magical elements whatsoever. But you are also absolutely right that both books have similar themes. Acceptance, confidence, and self-esteem are themes that seem to pop up in all my stories (I wonder why… 😉 ), and these books are no exceptions. In ARROW, the main character is a 12-year-old boy with a limb difference who lacks the confidence to think he can fix the rainforest’s failing magic. When the forest is infiltrated by humans from outside, Arrow wants to be accepted by the humans, the first of his kind that he’s ever seen. In HOLLYWOOD, Juniper is an 11-year-old girl who accidentally (sorta) stumbles into her dream job of being a stunt rider with her horse on their favorite TV show, but once she’s there, she doesn’t have the confidence in herself to think she can be as good as the other riders. She will do anything she can to prove herself, so she can feel accepted by them.


Dorian: Both your debut book, THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST (which won the 2019 SCBWI Texas/Oklahoma Crystal Kite Award) deal with boys who are mostly alone in strange places. What is it about such stories that attract you as an author?

Samantha: Another great question, Dorian! And it’s funny because I was wondering the same thing recently. 🙂 I don’t tend to plan things like this into stories when I’m working on them. It’s only later, looking at the stories when they’re finished, that I can see where they overlap. In a sense, both the Boy and Arrow are like I was when I was a kid. I’m an only child and we moved around a lot, not just to different towns, but also to different countries. By the time I was 12, I had lived in four countries and was always the new kid. I often felt alone and in a strange place, just like my characters. I was also always most comfortable in nature, among trees and near the ocean, so writing these settings has been a lot of fun.



Dorian: I read that THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST began with the idea of a boy waking up on a beach with no memory that came to you while you were walking your dog. What was the seed that your new book, ARROW, grew from?

Samantha: Yes! I get lots of ideas when I’m walking our dogs or doing any kind of activity when my mind can wander. The first spark of ARROW actually came to me while I was vacuuming. A boy with one hand who lived in a tree popped into my head. I had no idea who he was or what he wanted, but I was intrigued. I started pulling from my own experiences and passions. I went into the Amazon when I was 10 and felt that Arrow’s tree should be in a rainforest. I saw a TED Talk by renowned ecologist Suzanne Simard about how mother trees communicate and protect their forests, and I knew that Arrow’s tree was the Guardian Tree of his forest. The more research I did, the more the story grew, and the more hooked I was as its writer.


Dorian: Love that story! Maybe I should start vacuuming more. 🙂 Other than being entertained, what do you want readers to come away with from your novels?

Samantha: I hope my books encourage readers to dream and hope for amazing possibilities, the way the books I read as a kid did for me. More specifically, I hope that readers of THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST see that their fears don’t have to control them; that readers of HOLLYWOOD believe they can make their dreams come true; and that readers of ARROW gain a better appreciation for our natural world, as well as the understanding that we all live best when we live together as a true, sharing ecosystem.



Dorian: What tips do you have for aspiring writers?

Samantha: Ooh, I could take hours to answer this question! 🙂 I write tips articles on my blog ( every month that go into specific topics, so here I’ll just share my two favorite tips:

  1. Consume stories. Read books, watch movies, play story-based videogames, listen to audiobooks . . . The more you consume stories, the more you absorb about story structure, character development, and setting. The best of these is books (and I include in this, comics and graphic novels), because we have a more personal connection when we add our own imaginations. Consume as many stories as you can as often as you can, and you will grow as a writer.
  2. Don’t compare your first draft, or even first few revisions, to books you bought at a bookstore. I used to read published books and think my work was nowhere near as good. And I was right! It wasn’t. But I hadn’t gone through all the revisions that the author had to get their book to that level. Know that every book you read has been written, re-written, revised, polished many, many times, and when you do all that work, your book will be that good too.

Thank you!

Dorian: Thanks so much, Samantha, for joining us today, and thanks for donating the books!

Click on the Rafflecopter and follow the directions before Saturday at 11:59 PM for a chance to win copies of Samantha’s two new books. Winner will be announced on Sunday.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Digging Into Journey Beyond the Burrow

Hi Mixed-Up Filers! We dug into all kinds of nature topics with author Rina Heisel, author of the upcoming Journey Beyond the Burrow.

MUF: Welcome Rina. Thanks for joining us today. I’m really excited to be talking to you about this book.

Rina Heisel: Thanks. I’m excited to be here.

MUF: So, tell us about Journey Beyond the Burrow.

Rina Heisel: Journey Beyond the Burrow is an adventure story about a young mouse, Tobin. He’s the top weather scout in his burrow, and he’s an expert in the Rules of Rodentia. He’s very proud of this, and always follows the Rules, until a big storm introduces a new predator that scuttles off with Tobin’s new baby brother. The Rules say to never pursue a predator, but Tobin goes on a rescue mission, along with his best friend and his little sister.

MUF: Speaking of the new predator, they definitely freaked me out, but not as much as the part where Tobin winds up in a nest of snakes. I had to put the book down at that part. Snakes scare me.

Rina Heisel: I’ve actually heard that from a few reviewers. Some people go into Journey Beyond the Burrow expecting a cute animal story, and it is that. But it’s also got some pretty scary, intense parts. Those are some of my favorites because I always loved those types of books when I was a kid.

MUF: Speaking of books that you enjoyed as a child, can you tell us some of the books that influenced you?

Rina Heisel: I read a lot of animal fantasy: Charlotte’s Web, Watership Down, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH. I liked horse books and animal rescue books, but I also loved ghost stories, especially books by Mary Downing Hahn, and the Choose Your Own Adventure books.

MUF: Oh! Those were so good. I saw on your website that you worked on nature shows for South Dakota Public Broadcasting, how did your time there influence Journey Beyond the Burrow?

Rina Heisel: The natural science shows were my favorite projects. I spent a lot of time in the Badlands getting prairie dog footage and observing them and their burrows. It got me thinking about the relationship between predator and prey.

MUF: So, you started with prairie dogs, why is the story about mice?

Rina Heisel: Mice are so expressive, and they have fingers. It’s so helpful in writing animals that an animal is able to hold something because it’s such a human quality.

Also, I had a pet mouse in college that I rescued from a tarantula cage. The owner tried to feed the mouse to the tarantula, but the spider was scared of this little baby mouse and just clung to the top of its cage. I had a very understanding roommate who let me take the mouse back to our room. We named it Lucky, and it lived on cafeteria food.

MUF: Oh! That’s awesome. So, are the Arakni in the story based on that tarantula then?

Huntsman Spider

“Hunstman Spider (Heteropoda sp.)” by GeeC is licensed with CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

Rina Heisel: Arakni are based on tarantulas, yes, but also on Hunstman spiders, and A. Eximius spiders, which are spiders that live in colonies. I basically took the most terrifying traits of several spider species and combined them to make the Arakni, much to my agent’s chagrin. She had to go over all of the

different versions of the cover with spiders on them.

MUF: Wait! There’s a spider on the cover? I never noticed.

Rina Heisel: Yes! The mice that Paul Canavan drew are so expressive that they just pull you in, but there’s definitely a spider on the cover if you look for it.

MUF: Oh, I see it now. It’s kind of … menacing. So, tell us about the Rules of Rodentia. How did you come up with them?

Rina Heisel: The Rules come from nature and the relationships that animals have with each other. I got the idea from a biologist who talked about rabbits and the trails that they memorize. I thought about how all animals have these codes that they follow instinctively, and I wondered what that would look like written down.

MUF: Are there more rules that weren’t covered in the book?

Rina Heisel: There’s a little wiggle room in the numbering. So, there may be new rules, but there’s also a gray area. In life, it’s not just black and white. There’s this whole murky gray area.

MUF: That really feels like Tobin’s arc is finding that out. Rules of Rodentia would have made a pretty good title too.

Rina Heisel: It’s funny that you bring that up. Rules of Rodentia was my title, but my editor, Alice Jerman, wanted a title that would convey more of the story. So, my daughter and I brainstormed about 10 titles, and Journey Beyond the Burrow was one of my daughter’s suggestions.

MUF: Ha! That’s awesome. Can you tell us about your writing journey so far?

Rina Heisel: This story has been with me for about 15 years. The idea for the plot came to me in the Black Hills when we were interviewing a biologist about symbiotic relationships between animals, and I wondered “What would make a mouse and a snake team up?” I carried that little kernel of an idea around for a year or so. Then, the spiders came into play, and I wrote a summary. Then, I went to SCBWI classes and conferences to learn about writing for kids. It was around that time that my family moved to Florida, and I met my amazing writing group, The OWLS. I My first meeting with them I brought a 15 page first chapter of this animal fantasy that started out with Tobin just thinking about life. The OWLS were very patient with me, and I learned so much from them.

“Giant Batfish!” by montereydiver is licensed under CC BY 2.0

MUF: So, would that be your advice to new writers? Find a good group?

Rina Heisel: Yes, a supportive group is the biggest blessing, and SCBWI is a good resource. I learned so much by going to conferences, and going to conferences with my writing group was like imagination fuel.

MUF: Speaking of imagination fuel, what are you working on next?

Rina Heisel: I have an idea for a possible sequel to Journey Beyond the Burrow sketched out, but, right now, I’m working on an MG ghost story about siblings who visit a haunted hunting lodge in the North Woods.

MUF: Sounds spooky! Only a few more questions. What is something that readers would be surprised to find out about you?

Rina Heisel: Well, I love nature and being outside, but I’m scared of big fish. I went scuba diving with a friend near the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, and we saw a huge batfish. My poor diving partner, when we surfaced, said, “You kn

ow, for a small person, you have the most vice-like grip.” I was terrified!

MUF: That sounds like nightmare fuel. How can readers find you on social media?


Heisel: I’m on Twitter: @rinaheisel. Instagram: rina.heisel and my Facebook page is Author Rina Heisel.

MUF: Thank you so much for talking with us today.

Journey Beyond the Burrow comes out July 13th, but one lucky winner will have a chance to win a sneak peek by entering our giveaway below.


Journey Beyond the Burrow Prize Pack
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Interview with Chris Swiedler: The Orpheus Plot

Interview with Chris Swiedler

Dropping June 25, 2021! What a great cover!

The Orpheus Plot

I grew up loving science fiction in every form, and my tween self would have disappeared into The Orpheus Plot (HarperCollins, 2021), so I jumped on the chance to interview Chris Swiedler about his book The Orpheus Plot.  Just in time for summer, Chris takes us on a great MG spacesuit adventure to the asteroid belt, where pre-teen Lucas Obadayo must bridge dual identities to prevent war. This is Swiedler’s second title with HC, following last year’s In the Red.

Welcome to Mixed Up Files, Chris!

Interview with Chris Swiedler

Sean McCollum: Lucas Abadayo is such a great protagonist, with a complete menu of internal and external conflicts to deal with. How much of your own young self is in his DNA?

Christopher Swiedler: Not enough, in the sense that I wish I’d had his internal strength when I was his age! I went to a new school for third grade and it was enormously difficult for me. Looking back I wasn’t really all that different from any of the other kids, but those differences were so magnified in my head that I felt as if I’d never be able to be friends with anyone. I can’t even imagine how I would have handled it if I’d been born in the asteroid belt!

Of course, there are lots of bits of me in Lucas. I was never very good in math, but I always loved computers. And I’ve always had a strong belief that most problems are caused by people not understanding someone else’s point of view. If all the people around you have seen something a certain way for a long time it begins to feel not only like a truth, but a truth worth (literally) fighting over. I’m mostly optimistic about the future of humanity, but I worry a lot about technology making it easier to segment ourselves and shut off any interactions with people and opinions that we don’t already agree with.

Orpheus Plot World Building

SMc: How did you go about the world-building process for The Orpheus Plot? What advice do you have for beginning science fiction authors on how to approach it?

CS: For me, world-building in science fiction is all about imagining how people will live and interact as we adapt to changes in technology. For example, it’s fascinating to think that as humans leave Earth and live in the rest of the Solar System, the first colonists will have to entirely give up eating meat, because growing plants to feed to animals and then feeding the animals to people is just too inefficient.

Or think about communication – in the last fifty years we’ve gotten used to being able to reach anyone, anywhere, instantly. Once people live on Mars, it will take anywhere from 3 to 22 minutes for signals to arrive, and then the same delay again coming back. Can you imagine trying to have a conversation with someone where it takes close to an hour for them to respond to what you’ve just said?

Good world-building is all about creating something that is different and believable. Making something different is easy—making it also be believable is the tricky part. Our brains are really good at spotting the little things that stand out and don’t quite make sense. My friend Shirin Leos uses the term “credibility gap” in her workshops, which I like a lot. I’ve gotten countless bits of great feedback from writers in her groups who start off by saying something like “I’m not at all a science-fiction person” and then proceed to point out in precise detail how a particular bit of futurism doesn’t quite make sense.

The best piece of specific advice I can give for world-building is to start off with the things you want to be different and then keep asking yourself “how would the world adapt?” If people flew on dragons—how would we adapt? If zombies rose from their graves—how would we adapt? Think about it in excruciatingly logical detail and open yourself up to all of the possibilities.

On the other hand, world building has to serve the story! Sometimes it’s fun to start with the world-building and then build the story and characters inside. But sometimes you need to flip it around and come up with the story first and the world second. My current project is fantasy / alternate-history, and I’ve only done light sketches of the world because I haven’t gotten the core story finished yet. Locking yourself into a particular, super-detailed world can sometimes be a hinderance.

MG Sci-Fi Influences

Author Chris Swiedler, everybody!

SMc: Because this is MUF, which middle grade books left an impression on you? And why do you write for middle grades now? Which science-fiction authors and books in general are among your influences today?

CS: In any genre, the stories that have an influence on me are the ones that make me think or make me cry (and ideally both). I love Watership Down for its detailed, believable, and almost totally foreign world, but the part that really gets me is at the end when you see how the story of Hazel, Bigwig, and the others gets woven into the legends of El-ahrairah for future generations. Another example is the movie E.T., where the science-fiction elements support and complement the amazing characters.

I love middle-grade novels because the stories are so genuine and positive. Young-adult books are great in how they can focus on the moments when our optimistic view of the world begins to crumble and be replaced by something more nuanced. But I find myself gravitating toward stories that see the world as an inherently positive place where conflict can eventually be reconciled. Of course, even in middle-grade there’s still a broad range of emotions like anger, sadness, and grief, but these are usually accompanied by healing and a return to an un-shattered, positive view of the world.

Out of recent sci-fi, I’m a big fan of everything that Lois McMaster Bujold has written. The settings of her Vorkosigan Saga and World of the Five Gods are amazingly authentic and engaging, but even more importantly, characters like Miles and Cordelia or Ista and Penric feel so much like real people that I’m sad when I finish the books and realize I have to say goodbye (at least till she writes the next one!)

((Looking for more space books? Check out our space-themed book list here)

Fundamentally Universal Themes

SMc: Thematically, science fiction seems to overlap with fantasy and perhaps superhero genres. What draws us to these stories?

CS: I think the great thing about themes is that they’re fundamentally universal. Things like setting, technology, magic, and superpowers can put characters into exciting situations, but it’s their choices—especially the difficult ones—that make us care about them.

One of my favorite quotes ever, from Lois McMaster Bujold, is this: “You are what you choose. Choose again, and change.” Think about that. You are what you choose. It’s true for us as people, and it’s just as true for characters. If someone is strong in the Force, or the wielder of some powerful magic, or smart enough to invent their own powered suit of armor—well, that’s great! But people are not their abilities or their talents. People are their choices. And the reason we care about them and follow them in their wonderful adventures is because we want to see those choices. We want to see Captain America choose to stick to his guns and keep fighting no matter what. We want to see Frodo Baggins choose to take the One Ring into Mordor. We want to see both the good choices and the bad ones, and we want to root for them to come out all right in the end.

Thanks so much for spending some time with us here at MUF, Chris. And have a great summer!

Keep up with Chris Swiedler:

At his website

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Twitter @ChrisSwiedler


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