
Trudi Trueit—Interview and Giveaway

Joining us on The Mixed-up Files today is author Trudi Trueit who has been on the road all week visiting blogs in support of her new tween novel Stealing Popular. Trudi is the author of more than 80 books of fiction and nonfiction for children, including the Julep O’Toole books and the Secrets of a Lab Rat series. To be in the running to win a signed advanced reader’s copy of Stealing Popular, leave a comment below. The winner will be announced tomorrow. Before we begin, though, a bit about the book from Indiebound:

At Briar Green Middle School, you are either a Somebody, a Sorta-body, or a Nobody. Twelve-year-old Coco Sherwood falls directly in the Nobody category—the kids who are considered the misfits and outcasts of the school. It’s not fair. It’s not right. And it’s time to even the score.

With clever planning and sneaky tactics, Coco becomes the Robin Hood of Briar Green. Girls who never thought they had a chance to be noticed are now making cheer squad and turning into beauty queens. But when Coco takes on the ultimate challenge—taking down Popular Girl#1 Dijon Randle—her dream of equality on the middle-school social ladder may turn into a nightmare. Can Coco and the rest of the Nobodies triumph in a world where popularity is power? Or will the Somebodies win—again?

Welcome to the Mixed-up Files, Trudi, and congratulations on the release of your new book.

Thanks, Laurie! It’s a treat to be here. I’m a big fan of the blog.

Thanks! I wish I’d had a friend like Coco Sherwood when I was in middle school. Actually—correction—I wish I’d been more like Coco when I was in middle school. Can you tell us what inspired her story?

Me, too! I was inspired to write this story by my own experience in middle school. When I was young, I was bit on the shy side. I often conformed to the social rules set by others, even when I disagreed with them. It’s something I’ve regretted – giving other people so much control over my path, and that’s what it was. It was me giving my power away. I wanted to write a character with the courage to say many of the things I wished I had said back then. I tend to do that in my writing; deal with issues I didn’t handle well in my own life or try to right the wrongs of the world.

5th Grade Trudi!

One of my favorite lines comes from Chapter 2. Coco reflects, “We were three Nobodies treading water in the vast, stormy ocean of middle school. The best we could do was hold onto one another, kick like mad, and pray for a miracle.”  What was your experience of middle school like? Do you think the social hierarchy has changed much?

That line reflects how I felt in middle school – swept along with the tide. I was the A-student (with glasses and uncooperative hair) that always had her head in a book. Although I wasn’t quite as much of a misfit as Renata is in Stealing Popular, I certainly felt the sting of the occasional insult. Kids have a tendency to take digs at each other and not think anything of it, but I can tell you that when someone makes a cutting remark to you, it hurts. You remember it for a long time. If the insults continue, they can start to chip away at your confidence and self-esteem. It was my friends who helped me navigate some of those stormy seas, just as Coco’s first real friends help her discover how friendships can be the life saver you hold onto when the waves come.

From what I observe, it doesn’t seem like the social hierarchy has changed much. I think that there will always be Somebodies, Sorta-bodies, and Nobodies. But I do see more kids willing to cross boundaries and reach out to kids outside their circle, and that’s a positive step. I also think young people are becoming more aware that there are different degrees of bullying. Bullying doesn’t have to be extreme. What might seem to be “just teasing” can cause more pain than you realize.

Trudi today

Coco’s not a whiner. Once she recognizes the unfairness of the social order she’s determined to change it. In fact, she’s so focused on helping her friends she doesn’t even notice that she’s fixing her own problems as well. What a cool role model for girls! Were you thinking along those lines as you wrote the story – or was all of that Coco’s doing?

It was always in the big picture to have Coco work through some of her own issues even as she help other kids, but of course, once you start writing a strong character, she wants to hop in the driver’s seat and take off! Just like all of us, Coco wants to be accepted and loved for who she is and I had planned for her to come that realization as she develops the first real friendships of her life. What I was less sure about was how she would handle her mom’s abandonment. Once Coco came through the fog of denial, I gave her the freedom to respond in her own way. And she stunned me with her candor. I thought she would defend her mother to the bitter end, but she didn’t. That’s always my favorite part of writing – those little unexpected surprises that come straight from the heart of a character.

As funny as the story is — a detention monitor who forces kids to knit booties for her bulldogs! — Stealing Popular takes on some serious issues, including a scene where we see how adults help perpetuate the social order. My 8th grade daughter hadn’t given much thought to popularity or most-favored status until she tried out for her first sports team this year, and it’s been eye opening. What do you think teachers and coaches can do to help both the Coco’s (the Nobodies) and the Dijon’s (the Somebodies) of the world?

When I was in middle school, I had a soccer coach that had certain favorite players. There was a clear division on the team. Even though we were talented and won nearly all of our games, nobody was very happy, even the favored kids. I got so frustrated I nearly quit a sport I loved. A year later, another parent took over the team. Her style was completely the opposite of the old coach. She made each of us feel as if we were an integral part of the team. No one player was more or less valuable than another. We began to look at each other differently. With the wall torn down, we started, for the first time ever, to play cohesively. We had fun. Most important, we became friends.

I think it’s key for adults to recognize that a student’s personal growth is more important than winning a soccer game or looking like a model in a cheerleading uniform. Every child deserves encouragement, respect, and kindness, regardless of their ability, appearance, or social standing. Teachers and coaches who are inclusive, those who draw out the shy kid in the back of the room or let an uncoordinated girl play basketball, can change lives.

Coco’s heart is in the right place, but her means can be questionable…or downright stinky as a half-composted sweat sock. (Sorry guys, you’ll just have to read the story to get the joke.) Stealing Popular would make a great conversation starter about whether the ends justify the means. Have you been able to have that discussion with any of your readers yet?

I’ve had a few readers already share their thoughts, especially because Coco does get a bit carried away with her mission. And that’s an important element to discuss. Coco thinks that as long as her mission is a noble one, it’s okay to cross certain lines. It isn’t, of course, and she discovers the dangers of getting so focused on a goal you don’t realize the high price you are paying to achieve it.

I think a lot of girls are going to fall in love with Coco. Have we heard the last from her or will there be more stories from Briar Green Middle School – a.k.a. Big Mess?

I would LOVE to write more stories about Coco and her friends. It would be fun to write from the point of view of Fawn (the fashion designer), Adair (the dancer), Liezel (the rock musician) or maybe even the popular girls, Dijon or Venice! If readers want more and ask for more, I would definitely be up for it.

Sounds great, Trudi. Thanks again for stopping by.

Thanks, Laurie! It was my pleasure.

*  *  *

For more about Trudi Trueit, visit her at Trudi is available for Skype visits through and is a regular contributor to Smack Dab in the Middle, another group-authored middle-grade blog that Mixed-up Files fans should check out.

Laurie Schneider is a reader, writer, library go-fer, and scone connoisseur in North Idaho.

Star Struck at SCBWI-LA

Lin Oliver (co-founder of SCBWI and master of ceremonies extraordinaire) opened the 2012 SCBWI conference in LA with a tribute to the Olympics.  After lighting a torch (match) there was a parade of athletes (faculty members) up to the podium (stage.)  Then each faculty took to the microphone with a single word of inspiration .  There were lots of great word choices, of course, but none that spoke to they way I felt the entire weekend.

 Star Struck.

It wasn’t just the big name publishers, although there were lots of those.  The first keynote was delivered by Arthur Levine (VP at Scholastic and publisher of his own imprint) who talked about what makes a book timeless:

  1. They have deep insight into the human condition and connect with the reader on a personal level
  2. They contain humor that is routed in essential truths and ironies
  3. They use anticipation rather than suspense

Neal Porter (editorial director of his own imprint at Roaring Book Press) and Laura Goodwin (VP and publisher of Henry Holt Books for Young Readers) joined the editor’s panel in discussing the writer/editor relationship and the difference between critic and editor.  Essentially, editing is something that has to be done, by you and by others, in order to make your book really great.  This sometimes means putting aside your inner critic and letting go of the ego associated with your work.

Star Struck.

It wasn’t just the highly coveted agents, although there were lots of those.  In the agent’s panel, they talked about doing your homework, taking your time, polishing your craft, researching COMP books, being aware of sales tracking/book scan numbers, establishing a body of work so agents can see your career path, and determining the best way to spend your time.

The Agents Panel with Lin Oliver (moderator), Jill Corcoran (The Herman Agency),  Deborah Warren (East West Literary), Linda Pratt (Wermick & Pratt), and Josh Adams (Adams Literary)


Star Struck.

It wasn’t just the magnificently talented illustrators, although there were lots of those.  Tony DiTerlizzi (The Spiderwick Chronicles) gave the funniest keynote of the conference with a description of his favorite fictional characters from childhood: Dorothy, Wendy, and Alice who all travel to faraway places and have amazing adventures but really just want to go home.  Bryan Collier (Dave the Potter) gave the most moving keynote but I can’t tell you about it because my notes were ruined by tears.  Jon Klassen (I Want My Hat Back) charmed the audience when he spoke about his first book idea which came to him so magically that he’s spent days wandering around his house wearing the same clothes trying to re-create the experience ever since.

Star Struck.

It wasn’t just the best-selling, award winning authors, although there were plenty of those as well.  There was Patty MacLachlan (Sarah, Plain and Tall) who talked about her own childhood experiences and those of her grandchildren to make the point that “the child endures in all things.”  There was Dan Gutman (My Weird School) who encouraged the audience to “use your strength and don’t write for everyone.”  There was Karen Cushman (The Midwife’s Apprentice) who advised us to “connect the passion and the prose.”  There was Clare Vanderpool (Moon Over Manifest) who told us to embrace the chaos and pay attention.  There was Ruta Sepetys (Between Shades of Gray) who shocked the audience sharing her experience at an abandoned Soviet prison where she volunteered to be starved, beaten, and sleep deprived to bring emotional truth to her family’s story of being Lithuanian refugees during the Stalin regime.  And there was Gary Schmidt (The Wednesday Wars) who gave the final keynote and lead an amazing intensive on “Your Narrator, Your Point of View, and You.”


Kari-lynn Winters (also picture with me above), Debbie Oh, and Eliza Seanson-Wheeler at the Hippie Hop which featured a flash mob, lots of great costumes, yummy mexican food and dancing at the hotel poolside.



Star Struck.

It wasn’t the TV and movie producers there to talk to agents about buying the screen rights to books or the professional baseball players I met in the lobby or even the actors attending because they too want to write for kids… although there were some of those (this was LA, after all.)

It was the sum of all those things.  But more than anything it was being surrounded by so many people who are passionate about producing great books for kids.  The conference made me want to be a better writer and the faculty members gave me the tools I needed to do so.  And above all, inspiration.

Yolanda Ridge is the author of two middle grade novels, Trouble in the Trees (Orca Book Publishers, 2011) and Road Block (Orca Book Publishers, 2012), and recipient of the Martha Weston Grant which allowed her to attend her first international SCBWI conference.  Photos courtesy of Debbie Ridpath Ohi, illustrator of I’M BORED