
Screen Free Week With Alvin Ho Author Lenore Look!

Lenore Look is here today to discuss screen free week (April 29th – May 5th)  a time when many chose to turn off their televisions in exchange for other activities.  I know I enjoyed reading Alvin Ho during my time away from the T.V. this week, even if it was a bit early!  Lenore has some great input for what she does during her unplugged days.  Read ahead to learn all about it!

2 Days - Alvin Ho_2

Me:  During your screen free week you decide to take advantage of a beautiful sunny day, what do you do?

Lenore:  Believe it or not, it’s not only screen-free week for me, it’s a screen-free life! I had decided at age 18, when I moved out to college that I would never own a TV. In my parents home when I was growing up, the TV was on ALL the time, and I got so sick of it and saw how much time was wasted in front of it, that I knew I didn’t want it inmy house. And do you know what? I never even miss it. My days are so full that I don’t have time for  everything, let alone find time for TV. I really don’t know how people fit it in. On sunny days in my screen-free life, I’ll go for a run, meet a friend for lunch, work on my books, read a book, read the newspaper, go for a swim, travel, and so much more! The more screen-free you are, the richer and fuller your life becomes!

Me: That’s awesome!  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve threatened to turn off the cable. I don’t know what’s stopping me.  Thank you for being such a great example.   What are your rainy day options? Do you grab your sword and shield and fight off fire breathing dragons or do you put on an aluminum foil cap so the aliens can’t read your mind?

Lenore:  Everything I do on sunny days is even better to do on rainy days, except maybe for the run. I love curling up with a book on a rainy day. And nothing makes me write better than a good storm. When I was a kid, a rainy day (and there were many in Seattle!) meant rolling out the flying carpet (a bath towel) and going on the most splendid journeys to exotic lands. I dropped in and out of different cultures and even time traveled. It was fantastic! When I was old enough to not burn down the house, I enjoyed baking cookies and brownies on rainy days.

Lenore Look_Photo Credit Charity Chen-cropped

LENORE LOOK is the author of the popular Alvin Ho series; in a starred review Kirkus Reviews called Alvin “refreshingly original [and] endearing.” Lenore is also the author of several acclaimed picture books, including Henry’s First-Moon Birthday and Uncle Peter’s Amazing Chinese Wedding, both of which received three starred reviews and were named ALA-ALSC Notable Children’s Books. Her latest picture book is Polka Dot Penguin Pottery.

 Me:  Darn! No Fire breathing dragons, huh?  The flying carpet is pretty cool though!  We enjoy making crafts in my home.  Are you a crafter?

Lenore:  Sadly, I’m a crafter wannabe who will never amount to much. I always get inspired to do a craft whenever I see something spectacular that someone has made, and say, “Hey, I can do that!” Then the competitive part of me adds, “I can do it better!” Then I head straight to the craft store, where I’ll spend a princely sum because not only will I do it better, I’ll make the BEST ONE YET!!! Guess how many world-famous, museum-worthy craft projects I have in the back of my closet waiting for me to do???

Me: Ha! Don’t I know that feeling!  One last question.  A unicorn visits your picnic, do you:

a. share your chocolate

b. chase him away with a stick while wearing a turbin and dancing the hula

c. feed him your veggies (the ones that you tucked under your napkin at dinner last night)

Lenore:  Sorry, unicorn, I’m going to say “none of the above” – this is on account of a.) I love chocolate so much I have a really hard time sharing chocolate, b.) I would never chase you away because I love animals, and c) I love veggies so much I have a hard time sharing those, too, though not as much as chocolate. So if you’re a unicorn at my picnic, I would share my homemade granola with you because it’s the best granola in the world and it’s good for you. Then I’ll comb your coat. Then we’ll be friends, just like that!

Me:  Smart girl. I wouldn’t share my chocolate either!  Thanks for joining us here on The Mixed-Up Files, Lenore.


Alvin Ho

ALVIN HO: Allergic to Babies, Burglars, and Other Bumps in the Night by Lenore Look; illustrated by LeUyen Pham

Alvin’s fans will laugh out loud at his latest fear–a baby!Readers will herald the return of their favorite phobic boy in this, the fifth book in the beloved series. Alvin’s mother has been getting bigger . . . and bigger. Alvin’s sure it’s all the mochi cakes she’s been eating, but it turns out she’s pregnant! There are lots of scary things about babies, as everybody knows–there’s learning CPR for the newborn and changing diapers (no way)–but the scariest thing of all is the fact that the baby could be a GIRL. As a result of the stress, Alvin develops a sympathetic pregnancy and hilarity definitely ensues. Once again, Lenore Look and LeUyen Pham deliver a story that’s funny and touching in equal measures.

Want a copy of this book??  One lucky winner will receive a copy of Alvin Ho: Allergic to Babies, Burglars and Other Bumps in the Night by Lenore Look! If you’d like to win  this delightful story just fill out the form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You can learn more about screen free week here  Here’s a youtube video from Random House about unplugging  Now, join the cruisade and UNPLUG!

Amie Borst and her middle-grade daughter write fairy tales with a twist.  Their first book, Cinderskella, releases October 2013!

Authors Against Terror: More Thoughts

Last week, I raised three questions for authors to consider based on our collective experience with terrorism. We got some informative comments, and I’ve had some additional thoughts as events have continued to unfold here in Boston. And I have a confession to make, later in this post.

What can responsible authors do to help readers deal with actual or potential violence in their lives?

Reading teaches empathy. Children who read learn how to feel for others by immersing themselves in the lives of protagonists. The very nature of what we do helps children learn to care for and understand others. It’s a noble gig.

–Nicole Valentine

Books can be wonderful tools for helping children through their problems, anxieties, and rough patches. As Nicole said, children immerse themselves in the lives of protagonists, and through those protagonists they can explore difficult topics from a safe space. A librarian is often the best person to consult when a child is dealing with bullying, divorce, the arrival of a new baby, the departure of a best friend, or even the death of a loved one.

So what about terrorism?

Terrorists want to disrupt our lives and cause us to fear the places and activities we used to think of as safe. To some extent they have succeeded, even with adults, and especially with the adults in charge of airport security. Children are even more vulnerable than adults, because they have less control over their environment and less experience in determining odds and risks, so we are right to worry about how they can be impacted.

The trouble is, a terror attack is not just one traumatic issue. Victims may be dealing with injuries, permanent disability, lost friends or family members, shocking memories, nightmares, stress, fear, insecurity, and more. No book is going to speak to every victim in the most helpful way. No book is going to turn back the clock and put everything back the way it was. And no book is going to prepare a child beforehand for every possible terror attack they might experience in the future.

Responsible books are the ones that present acts of terror as realistically rare, show that good people are working hard to keep us safe, and let us know that life goes on even after the worst things that can happen.

Can we make things better, or should we just try not to make things any worse?

As writers, we need to [write] with care, compassion, and integrity to developmental needs and not cross the line with information that can increase trauma or secondarily traumatize like the media often does. Knowing how much and how to present is an art and requires research on difficult topics. If you are using difficult subjects and are not an expert, seek out a consultation.

–Diane Kress Hower

Secondary trauma is something to worry about. It’s impossible to entirely avoid. Diane’s advice is important for anyone who is intending to write about terror in a realistic way, but even if we are not, we can never know what might trigger a post-traumatic event in a reader we have never met.

Jerry Spinelli wrote Maniac Magee long before last week’s bombing, and at the time could never have anticipated that someday a child might associate running with the horrible images of the Marathon finish line. I don’t know any children or adults for whom running is now a trigger, by the way, but they certainly could exist. We can imagine any number of possible triggers. In the news today, a child might be exposed to a theory that the elder Tsarnaev brother was a boxer who suffered a drastic personality change, possibly after too many blows to the head, and suddenly any book about boxing could become a trigger for devastating flashbacks. Or a scene with a pressure cooker. Anything we write has the potential to bring back echoes of tragedy in the mind of a particular reader.

We authors do have an advantage over some other media because we are able to deliberate over what we write. We have extra time we can use for research or consultation, as Diane suggests. We can maximize the good we do but there’s no guaranteed way to avoid any chance of causing harm.

Or should this not even be a consideration at all when it comes to telling a good story?

We need stories.

So tomorrow I will start back again. I will get it all as right as I can.

–Lisha Cauthen

Our heroes need villains, and what can establish villainy better or faster than a terror attack? When Darth Vader blows up an entire planet in the original Star Wars movie, it stays with us. When a James Bond villain reveals his or her master plan, it needs to be something a lot more potent than voter fraud or insider trading. Terror is a classic plot device, or at least the fictionalized terror we see in most stories. But thankfully fictional terror is not realistic, because realistic terror makes bad fiction.

Fictional villains need to be smart and resourceful, while real terrorists often succeed through dumb luck and the fact that an overwhelming majority of people are good and trusting of each other. Fictional villains need to have a logical plan and understandable motives, while real terrorists tend to be deranged ideologues who believe they can advance a cause through random violence against innocent people. Our stories promote a larger narrative with positive values and hopeful results, while realistic terror is just random and horrible.

Nobody wants to read about dumb villains stumbling through a half-baked scheme that hurts trusting people for no good reason, but that’s the story that is emerging from the news reports.

So here is my confession.

There’s a fictional terrorist act in one of my middle grade books.

In The Challengers, after Earth first makes contact with aliens, a political movement promotes planetary isolation in order to preserve the traditional cultures of Earth. In the story, some Seclusionist groups are passionate or desperate enough to commit acts of violence. One of them bombs a stadium that was set to host tournament games between Earth and other worlds, on a day when the players are attending an orientation there.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this scene over the past week. I’ve been wondering whether it might cause secondary trauma to readers who have been through an actual terror event. And I’ve been feeling all kinds of guilty. But this scene is integral to a larger story about humanity’s most positive attributes, and that larger story has more potential to inspire and uplift than to cause harm.

And of course, since real terror makes bad fiction, my fictional terror scene is not much like real life at all. For starters, my terrorists call in a warning ahead of the detonation, because they don’t want to hurt anyone. My terrorists just want to damage the stadium enough to prevent its use, which makes the bombing an understandable method to further an understandable motive. My terrorists are taken seriously by competent security forces who evacuate the team and ensure that nobody gets hurt. My terrorists are immediately denounced by other Seclusionist groups who share their goals but find their tactics deplorable. And most importantly, my terrorists do not succeed in stopping the Galaxy Games.

I drew strength from rereading that scene this past week, because it models a victory over terrorism. The Games go on, the people refuse to be intimidated, and humanity proves itself to be on the side of goodness except for the few bad apples who try to ruin things for the rest of us.

Stay strong, everyone!

Boston from my office window.

Greg R. Fishbone is the author of the “Galaxy Games” series of midgrade sports and science fiction from Tu Books at Lee & Low Books. Visit him at

Double the Winners! Double the Fun!

We are announcing TWO lucky winners today!

The winner of Canary in the Coal Mine by Madelyn Rosenberg is:

Liz Hayes

The winner of Father Groppi by Stuart Stotts is:

Liz Straw

Congratulations to you both!  You will be receiving e-mails soon about receiving your prizes.