Posts Tagged kidlit

And Baby Makes…

The age-old adage is, of course, “And Baby makes three.”

But in middle grade fiction, the addition of a baby often makes for more. Much more.

Full disclosure here: I’ve got babies on my brain. And for the first time in decades, I’ve got diapers in my shopping cart and onesies in my closet, and a portable crib in my guestroom. As I write this, I’m days (maybe hours???) away from becoming a first-time grandmamma, and I’m just a little way, way too excited about it.

So, when I saw my next Mixed-Up Files post was due at the same time as our next family member, I knew right away what my topic would be. Babies. Babies. MIDDLE GRADE BABIES!

There are loads of middle-grade characters dealing with the addition of a new sibling. Some handle it better than others, but one common thread weaves throughout: Babies change everything!

Alvin Ho, Allergic to Babies, Burglars, and Other Bumps in the Night by Lenore Look, illustrated by LeUyen Pham


In this, the fifth installment in the Alvin Ho series, Lenore Look and LeUyen Pham deliver (ha,ha!) with great hilarity a story that many older brothers can relate to – what if that thing in mom’s belly is a …. girl?!  Alvin’s always-entertaining tales are great for younger middle-graders and middle-graders struggling with reading.

Ramona Forever by Beverly Cleary


By the time this book came out in 1984, Beverly Cleary had already won two Newbery Honors and a National Book Award, and Romona had already faced challenges both big and small. When her mother announces she’s pregnant, Ramona realizes she’ll be taking on a role she’s never played before-BIG sister.

Clementine and the Family Meeting by Sara Pennypacker, illustrated by Marla Frazee


Third-grade Clementine is surrounded by changes. When a family meeting is called to announce the pending arrival of a new baby, Clementine isn’t sure what to expect. At school, changes are happening as well. Her best friend is acting differently, and Clementine has to face the fact that nothing stays exactly the same.

The Key that Swallowed Joey Pigza by Jack Gantos


In a way that only Jack Gantos can, this final book in the Joey Pigza saga blends humor and wackiness with the very serious reality of postpartum depression. When Joey’s mother decides she should enter the hospital, Joey has to step up and care for his newborn baby brother.

Sometimes, babies appear in middle grade tales and they grow up to be the main character. Think of how Harry Potter began. A dark street, streetlights go out, and figure is seen leaving something on a doorstep. Number 4, Privet Drive.

The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhillgirl-who-drank-the-moon

This new book, from the author of The Witch’s Boy, centers around a community who believes they must sacrifice a baby each year to appease the evil witch who resides in the forest. But the witch isn’t evil at all, and she cares for the babies until she can place them in a deserving home far away. When an unfortunate mishap forces her to keep one of the babies as her own, everything changes. This one is being called a “new classic.”

And sometimes, it’s the middle-grade main character who finds an abandoned baby…

Baby by Patricia MacLachlan


Sophie is a baby left by her mother and found by twelve-year-old Larkin. Larkin’s family has lost a newborn boy and finds healing and hope in the arrival of Sophie. But the note left by Sophie’s mother promises she’ll return someday. How can they love if they know they’ll have to let go? Touching and timeless. True MacLachlan.

And finally, sometimes the middle grade main character is not the finder, but the seeker…

Winterfrost by Michelle Houts


Yes, this one’s my own, and I hesitated to mention it, because we writers are great at singing others’ praises, but it always feel a little uncomfortable to shout about our own work. But, Winterfrost fits the criteria for this post, so I’ll go ahead and share it. When twelve-year-old Bettina is left home alone to care for her not-quite-one-year-old baby sister, the unthinkable happens. Baby Pia disappears into the white wilderness, and Bettina is forced to  enter a magical world she’d only heard about from her grandfather. Based on Danish folklore.

So, what can you add?  Comment below with a middle-grade story featuring a baby. And stay tuned for more baby news! I promise to update this blog post when my first grandbaby is here!

** UPDATE** Baby Jack arrived promptly on his due date. Mom, Dad, and baby are all doing well. Grandma Michelle has fallen head over heels in love.


Michelle Houts is the author of five books for young readers. She lives on a farm where babies of the animal kind are a common occurrence. She absolutely cannot wait to hold her first grandbaby in a few days. That’s all she can think to write about, baby. She just signed a book to her first grandchild and is looking forward to sharing books of every kind with him.

The Drake Equation “Alien Invasion” Giveaway Winner!

I promised (ahem – sprung on) Bart that I would indulge in some fun for this giveaway. As I said in my interview with him about The Drake Equation, we usually use Rafflecopter to choose a winner for giveaways, but I wanted to try something a little goofy.


Hence the “Alien Invasion” giveaway:

Aliens are landing in my backyard. The alien (a commenter on this post) whose name lands closest to the bird (a black swift, of course…) is the winner.

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First, we have to check the wind direction and see how things fly around here. Not so great. They all blew back toward the deck and some even landed in the bushes.

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Add some weight to the aliens so they are not affected by the wind so much.

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Then we have to do a test drop. Or three. And move the target closer…

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Now, the real thing!

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And the winner of the Drake Equation Giveaway is… Pragmatic Mom!  You’ll be getting an email from us soon. Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by to comment. I really think you and your kiddos will enjoy Bart’s book. 2016-05-13 17.30.54

Interview & Giveaway – The Secret of Dreadwillow Carse

The Secret of Dreadwillow Carse by Brian FarreyToday I’m thrilled to introduce Brian Farrey’s new middle grade fantasy, The Secret of Dreadwillow Carse. I’m particularly excited about this story it turns the fairy tale trope on it’s head: there is no handsome prince here, and the princess is both curious and capable. I chatted with Brian about everything from what’s on his bookshelf to writing tough topics.

Don’t forget to read to the end for your chance to win a copy of Brian’s gorgeous book!

JA: Which do you prefer, writing MG or writing YA?

BF: I don’t know that I prefer one to the other. I think my approach to writing each is fairly similar. The challenge is to always write in a way that is mindful of the targeted age range—more so with Middle Grade than anything else—but doesn’t talk down to the readers. With Middle Grade, you avoid some of the….saltier word choices that are available for YA. With either, I try to focus on ideas the various age ranges can relate to. I think that’s really important: writing in a way that’s relatable.

JA: The Secret of Dreadwillow Carse is told from two very different points of view–Princess Jeniah and her soon-to-be-friend, commoner Aon Greenlaw. Can you talk a little bit about the challenge of creating two such different voices in one story? 

BF: This is something I was conscious of in almost every draft. I wanted both girls to be drawing from their own pools of strength but I worried that would make them sound alike. It became important to temper that strength with their insecurities. For me, that’s where the characters began to sound and behave differently. Jeniah comes from a place of fear and Aon from a place of despair. So, I really tried to focus on making their voices come through in their vulnerabilities.

JA: Can you talk about which fairytales you enjoyed as a child and which ones might have inspired you to create the world where this story takes place?

BF: I grew up with the sanitized fairytales, not the original Grimm or Perrault texts which were much more gruesome and violent. So if there were stories I liked, it was because I was probably drawn to whatever humorous elements were added to make it more palatable. As I got older and explored the origins of the fairy tales and subsequently learned how dark they could be, I felt lied to. More than anything, I think writing this book came from a desire not to emulate the fairytales I knew growing up. Maybe I was rebelling against those sanitized lies? I dunno. But it was definitely a conscious choice to not be like the sugary versions and create the world of the Monarchy.

JA: You wear more than one hat, working both as a writer and as an editor. Putting on your editor hat for a moment, what trends do you see that might be of interest to our readers?

BF: I’m the acquiring editor for Free Spirit where I primarily acquire educational books for kids and teachers. It’s a whole new world in terms of the books I’m going after but I still keep a close eye on fiction for kids (even though I don’t acquire it anymore.) I’m really happy to see some fairly deep and complex themes showing in fiction of late, both for YA and MG. There’s still plenty of escapist books out there—lighter in tone and feel—and that’s great because people are always going to need that. But I’m enjoying seeing more books that will challenge readers with their complexity and subject matter. I enjoy picking up a beach read every so often and getting lost. But it’s important that I also keep my brain properly maintained with books that invite me to see other perspectives. I’m glad the selection of these books is widening.

JA: You’ve never shied away from tough subjects in your work. Can you talk about what inspires you tackle these subjects?

BF: Most often, I tackle these kinds of subjects because I’m trying to figure out how I feel about them. I’m not out to shove my opinions down others’ throats and I try really, really hard not to tell readers that THIS is how they should feel about a certain matter (but trying isn’t always succeeding….). Every book I’ve ever written is almost like a conversation I’m having with myself where I bring up points and counterpoints on a particular idea. A character in my book reaching a certain conclusion doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a conclusion that I, personally, have reached. If you take debate in school, one of the first things they teach you is how to argue a side you don’t believe in. It’s a step toward empathy. I think that’s what all writers are working toward. The most important thing about any story is that it’s going to (hopefully) expose young readers to new ideas and viewpoints. That’s so, so important and it’s why diversity has become such an important discussion point today. I firmly believe that we, as a society, need to make a better effort at not just understanding but also empathizing with one another. I’d like to think that books are a large part of that effort.

JA: What advice would you give to aspiring middle grade authors? 

BF: Write what you love. Really, that’s so important. When I work with beginning novelists, I find so many of them are writing what they think will make them bajillionaires or beloved by the masses. They’re looking at the market, pointing to books that are popular, and trying too hard to emulate that. Thing is: somebody already did that. Writers should always be trying to do something new. I think imitating other artists is a great way to get started when you’re new. It can help you grasp the basics: syntax, style, pacing, etc. But at some point, you have to be present in your own work. Figure out what you love and write that.

JA: What are you working on next?

BF: I just turned in a new book to my editor. It’s still sort of formative so I don’t want to say too much about it. I will say that it springboards off some of the ideas in Dreadwillow Carse but it isn’t a sequel. Like I said before, my books are often about me trying to figure out how I feel about certain ideas. Dreadwillow Carse raised more questions for me than I had room to answer in one book. So this next book is me exploring some of the spillover questions. But the new book is set in the real world (although there’s an element of magical realism in it.)

JA: I love magical realism! Can’t wait to see what you come up with next. What’s on your bookshelf right now?

Right now, I’m on a nostalgia tour. I’m tracking down books I read as a kid (some of which, sadly, are out of print and hard to find but yay for the internet and used books…). I’m falling in love with these books all over again. I’m reading Veronica Ganz by Marilyn Sachs, Banana Twist by Florence Parry Heide, The House with a Clock in Its Walls by John Bellairs, and Alvin Fernald, Mayor for a Day by Clifford B. Hicks. And, as always, at some point this summer I’ll re-read The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin because I re-read it every year.

The Vengekeep Prophecies by Brian FarreyJA: Tell us a little bit about your cat, Meowzebub. Does he live up to his devilish name?

BF: It would be disingenuous to call a cat Meowzebub and have him be perfectly boring. When he was a kitten, he faked his own death just so he could catch me by surprise and pounce on me. That’s pretty devilish, right? Now, he’s seventeen and not interested in pouncing but he’s no less sly.

Thanks so much for having me! This was a lot of fun.

You’re very welcome, Brian! Thanks for joining us and best of luck with The Secret of Dreadwillow Carse.

Brian Farrey is the author of the Vengekeep Prophecies series and the Stonewall Honor Book With or Without You. He knows more than he probably should about Doctor Who. He lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, with his husband and their cat, Meowzebub. 

Don’t forget enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win a copy of The Secret of Dreadwillow Carse. (US & Canada residents only)

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