The Drake Equation “Alien Invasion” Giveaway Winner!

I promised (ahem – sprung on) Bart that I would indulge in some fun for this giveaway. As I said in my interview with him about The Drake Equation, we usually use Rafflecopter to choose a winner for giveaways, but I wanted to try something a little goofy.


Hence the “Alien Invasion” giveaway:

Aliens are landing in my backyard. The alien (a commenter on this post) whose name lands closest to the bird (a black swift, of course…) is the winner.

2016-05-13 17.27.18

First, we have to check the wind direction and see how things fly around here. Not so great. They all blew back toward the deck and some even landed in the bushes.

2016-05-13 16.26.19

Add some weight to the aliens so they are not affected by the wind so much.

2016-05-13 16.31.17

Then we have to do a test drop. Or three. And move the target closer…

2016-05-13 17.27.42 2016-05-13 17.28.00

Now, the real thing!

2016-05-13 17.30.18

And the winner of the Drake Equation Giveaway is… Pragmatic Mom!  You’ll be getting an email from us soon. Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by to comment. I really think you and your kiddos will enjoy Bart’s book. 2016-05-13 17.30.54

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Valerie Stein
In fourth grade, Valerie Stein touched an ancient artifact from an archaeological dig. Though she never got to travel the world in search of buried treasure, she ended up journeying to new and exciting places between the pages of books. Now she spends her time researching history, in museums and libraries, which is like archaeology but without the dirt. Valerie’s book, THE BEST OF IT: A JOURNAL OF LIFE, LOVE AND DYING, was published in 2009. Her current work focuses on historical fiction set in Washington State. Valerie is proprietor of Homeostasis Press, and blogs at The Best of It. She manages Gather Here, an online history site for middle grade readers and teachers.
1 Comment
  1. Yay!! Thank so much! So excited to read the Drake Equation with my 5th grade son!!!