Posts Tagged City Spies

Interview with James Ponti, bestselling author of City Spies: London Calling!

Cover of CITY SPIES: LONDON CALLING by James Ponti

Fresh off the release of his stellar THE SHERLOCK SOCIETY, James Ponti is back with the highly anticipated next thriller in the CITY SPIES series: LONDON CALLING. As always, the book is filled with action, adventure, humor, and heart. James was kind enough to speak with From the Mixed Up Files of Middle Grade Authors about his new novel, his approach to writing distinct characters, and a favorite book (with an ironic twist!).

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

London Calling takes a storyline that’s been building in the background of the first five books – with Mother and Clementine and Cairo and Annie – and brings it to the forefront. What was it like to tackle that storyline head-on?

There’s a couple things going into play with that. I know there are going to be at least eight books in the series, and there might be more. I thought – I have these ongoing stories, and I thought about readers – maybe some who’ve been with me the whole time, and they’re aging into different books. Perhaps I need to give them some resolution. But I don’t want to make the series feel like it’s over either. So what was interesting was trying to figure out how to wrap up some things and answer some big questions and at the same time create some new questions. So we have kind of a fresh start in the next book.

Everywhere I went where people were into the books, they would always ask me – is Clementine good or bad? And I told them, you know…I haven’t really fully decided – because what I didn’t want was for it to be an obvious one way or the other kind of thing. But I thought they deserved to have an answer to that question.

So in the last year, when I went out for either MISSSION MANHATTAN or if I was out for THE SHERLOCK SOCIETY, when kids would ask that I’d say, you’re going to find out in February!

I was drawn into the book from the get-go. The first chapter has such a great action sequence with Annie her best friend, but you also did such an incredible job revealing her character. How do you make sure you’re doing both of those things?

That was for me a really big challenge. I knew I wanted the book to start with [Annie] because we haven’t met her, and we don’t know what we think about her – although we have no reason to think she’s bad. Unlike Clementine, she’s never done anything to make you question her goodness or badness or which side she’s on – she’s just a character we don’t know about. And I wanted to get to know her, but also – I like to start the books with a big…I want them to suck you in. Hopefully!

One time I went on Goodreads, which is a mistake [laughs]. And this kid wrote – and I thank this kid a lot – because this kid wrote about the first book: I really like this book, but boy did it take forever to get started. And that gnawed at me for years. So the next book starts with like, hijackers landing on the ship about to take it hostage. I wrote that and I’m like, is that soon enough for you? Like talking to this kid out loud at my computer [laughs]. So you know, I like the book to really start with like something that’s going to grab you, hopefully.

The challenge is: how do we have that and not have it be empty action? How do we get to know this character during the action? …[T]he only way I’m going to get to know her character is if she has a friend to talk to. That became key.

…[T]hose [story] necessities led to me try to think: what’s her personality like? What kind of relationship does she have with her mother? And then – where I can break up the action with dialogue or with her thinking of an internal monologue to try to show her personality?

This is Book Six, and all the main characters have established traits about each of them, but you’re still revealing new things. How do you find that balance?

The first thing about the characters is – I started with five of them, and now there’s six – and what I did is: I took my five biggest problems as a middle schooler, and I gave each kid one of those problems. So that in a way, they would be five variations of me in middle school. And why I wanted to do that was because I wanted to never favor one over the other. I never wanted to be more vested or identify more with one of the other, and so I started with that. Then there’s other thing that is really backward… So I’m going to give you longer answer you want but hopefully it all makes sense. [laughs]

I went to see the DEAD POET’S SOCIETY with my mom back when that movie came out. I don’t know you’re familiar with it, but halfway through the movie, those kids – even though a lot of them now become actors we recognize – were all unknowns. All the kids have basically the same haircut, and they all wore matching uniforms. And halfway through the movie, my mom turned to me and she says: I can’t tell them apart. I don’t know who’s who. And that’s stuck with me forever as a writer thinking – how frustrating for a reader. To get confused with characters.

And I knew – here, I’m going throw five kids at you. And how am I going to make it work so you’re going to be able to keep track of them well? And that’s why I came with the idea, if I named them after the cities from – that gives you a little more tangible hold. It’s not Tom and Bob and Larry. It’s Paris. Oh, he’s the one for France – so I know his backstory instantly every time I see Paris, if I remember [he’s] the one that came from France.

So I made a list of 150 cities that I thought would be good character names. And I just scanned that list, and I said, I want one from each continent. So I had the names of the characters first.

You also have the profiles in the back of the book, so if you’re reading you can always flip back-and-forth. I think that is fantastic. How did those come about?

I’m not smart enough to come up with that. [laughs]. Actually, I got a call from my editor for the first book who said – someone in the sales meeting asked, wouldn’t it be neat if we had [character profiles]? I said, that would be great. You could go back and you could check.

And it was great – we got the artist to do solo shots of them all so they felt a little more real. Because it wasn’t just the ones on the cover. It’s like they each have their own yearbook picture. So I had to spend a lot of time trying come up with those. That’s actually the hardest part of the book to me is writing the dust in the back. Then they wanted to run the same one [for the second book]. I said no, we have to change it.

It forces us to really flesh them out – and also, I want to change how we do it. So one is them by themselves. In one of them they write about each other.

One of my favorite sections of the book is where the villain, Le Fantôme, quotes from The Little Prince that, “all grown-ups were once children, but only a few of them remember it.” He then says that he reads that book every year. To close, do you have a book that you find yourself re-reading like Le Fantôme?

…I was the worst reader growing up. I was terrible at it and was a really slow reader. Very frustrated by it, which is why I first started in television writing. I never thought I could write a book because it was such a struggle for me to get through. Ironically, the one book that got through to me is FROM THE MIXED-UP FILES OF MRS. BASIL E. FRANKWEILER.

It is my North Star, and I love it. There’s a funny story about it – so it’s the book that for whatever reason I got hooked on.

I grew up in a beach town in Florida outside of Jacksonville. We’re talking 30,000 people in four communities side by side. And when my first book came out, I said – I want to send a copy to Elaine Konigsburg and say to her: thank you for writing your book because without your book I know I would not have written this book. And so I tried to track down where she lived, and it turned out my whole life, she lived in my hometown. I had no idea.

I wish I knew that as a kid because I think [writing] would’ve seemed more attainable if I thought someone who lived here did it as opposed to – oh, you have to be in New York in Chicago or Los Angeles you have to have it you know XY&Z kind of things to check off the boxes…so the closest thing would be From the Mixed-Up Files!

James Ponti is the New York Times bestselling author of four middle grade book series: The Sherlock Society following a group of young detectives; City Spies, about an unlikely squad of five kids from around the world who form an elite MI6 Spy Team; the Edgar Award–winning Framed! series, about a pair of tweens who solve mysteries in Washington, DC; and the Dead City trilogy, about a secret society that polices the undead living beneath Manhattan. His books have appeared on more than fifteen different state award lists, and he is the founder of a writers group known as the Renegades of Middle Grade. James is also an Emmy–nominated television writer and producer who has worked for many networks including Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, PBS, History, and Spike TV, as well as NBC Sports. He lives with his family in Orlando, Florida. Find out more at


CITY SPIES: LONDON CALLING releases February 4 and is available at bookstores everywhere.

You can see more purchase options at: Simon & Schuster.

Interview with James Ponti – Author of CITY SPIES: CITY OF THE DEAD

I had the good fortune to interview James Ponti, author of the CITY SPIES series, this week. James’s fourth book in the series, CITY SPIES:  CITY OF THE DEAD comes out February 7.

I’m ashamed to admit that I am a little late to the CITY SPIES game, but I can’t wait to jump in and read them all.


Please tell us a little bit about your latest book, CITY SPIES: CITY OF THE DEAD.

It starts with a heist, which is so much fun to write. The City Spies have to break into the British Museum and steal something for the government. (Which means I had to figure out how to break into the British Museum.) In the process, they get swept up in a massive cyber-assault on venerated London institutions like Parliament and the Underground. To thwart the attack, they have to journey to Egypt and look for answers in the tombs among the Valley of the Kings. I wanted a story with elements that were up-to-the-minute modern alongside those that were ancient and mysterious. And mummies. I wanted mummies.

And, not for nothing, the fact that it involves breaking into a museum late at night can be traced directly back to the one book that found its way into my heart when I was a young reader. A certain book that shares its name with this website!


This series is incredibly popular. Colby Sharp of Nerdy Book Club said, “Books like this are why kids love to read,” which is high praise. What inspired you to write these stories and/or these characters?

First of all, I nearly fainted when I heard Colby say that on his video. My goal was to write a series that young me would’ve wanted to read. I was an extremely reluctant reader, so I keep that in mind when I work on the books. I tried to include the elements that grab me most as a reader – mystery, humor, adventure, and family. The actual idea was spurred by a trip my wife and I took to visit our son when he was studying in England for a year abroad. We went to London and Paris and had an amazing time. That trip and those elements came together to make City Spies.


Everyone says writing is a process. Could you share a little about your writing and/or research process?

I wish I had a process, but it seems to change all the time. Sometimes a story starts with characters and other times a plot. City Spies started with a setting. But for me, I really need those three ingredients before I can start cooking.

Right now, I’m finishing the first draft of City Spies 5, which comes out in 2024. Five books into this series, I still have to find all of those elements, but I also have to make sure they don’t seem too similar to what happened in the previous books. The main character changes from book to book, so with City Spies I start with who’s going to be the lead. Then I figure out what amazing location I want to write about. Then I try to work out a mystery/mission that feels organic to the combination of the two.

As for research, it’s extensive. For recent books, I’ve had long interviews with the former deputy director of the CIA, a leading Egyptologist, and a praying mantis expert who works for National Geographic in the Amazon. (My job is really fun that way.) I try to visit the locations when that is feasible. (I.e., when there isn’t a worldwide pandemic.) And the best part is when I get special tours. My wife, editor, and I got to look around the behind-the-scenes area of the New York Public Library to research a big action scene in book 5. It was FANTASTIC!


We know no writer is created in a vacuum. Could you tell our readers about teacher or a librarian who had an effect on your writing life?

I was blessed with great teachers from elementary school through college. My Mount Rushmore includes Herman Prothro (elementary), Dale Tyree (jr. high), Judith White (high school), and Abraham Polonsky (college). Judy White was my eleventh grade English teacher and she was amazing. She saw potential in me and pushed me as a writer. She encouraged me. She wrote notes to me in the margins of my work. She circled the opening paragraph of a paper I wrote about Robert Frost and next to it wrote “WOW!” That singular wow helped get me through self-doubt for years. She was also the hardest grader of any teach I’ve ever had and that was just what I needed.

I kept in touch with her after school and as I began my writing career. Unfortunately, she passed away before this success came along. She would’ve been over the moon about it. I love her so much, that I’ve used her name as the name of a teacher in virtually every book I’ve ever written. I just want her to be part of it.


What makes your books a good pick for use in a classroom? Is there any particular way you’d like to see teachers or parents use it with young readers/teens?


I come from a family of teachers and always write with them in mind. My wife teaches high school and told me that I had to do things for teachers that are free and require little set-up time. I try to live up to that challenge. My website is very educator-friendly and Simon & Schuster is setting up a Digital Classroom Dossier that has anything and everything teachers could use in a single location. I asked a bunch of educators what would be useful and we’ve got curriculum guides, videos, worksheets, downloads, links, interviews, graphics, you name it. They’re all just a single click away.

As for using City Spies in the classroom, in addition to the dossier, it’s important to know that virtually everything in the books is real. I research inside and out so that if you’re reading about an Egyptian tomb, the Great Wall of China, or Muir Woods in California, your students can go online and explore further. I put in tons of facts that I find interesting hoping it sparks interest for readers and educators. I also try to incorporate core subjects in each book. Math classes can look at codes and patterns. A science teacher can talk about the different technologies, old and new that the team uses. I always connect historic events and true to life people with the adventures they’re on. And, in addition to the reading in the books, I try to include literature. There’s an entire throughline about poetry and Robert Burns in two of the books.

All of us at Mixed-Up Files are huge fans of independent bookstores. I see that you are going on a 10-stop tour of independent bookstores across the country. Do you have a favorite Indie that you’d like to give a shout out to?

I could never pick a favorite Indie. I visit them all the time. My wife and I did a vacation to Boston last summer and managed to squeeze in fourteen indies while we were there. Overall, in the last few years, I think I’ve been to nearly one hundred of them. They are the lifeblood of our industry and I love how each one has its own distinct flavor with different quirks and qualities that make them what they are.


Can you give us a hint about what we can look forward to next from you?

I’m going to write City Spies at least to book 6 (and hopefully more), so that’s exciting. Book five has a jet-setting mission that takes the team to Venice, Washington, and New York. I’m also writing the first book in a new series.  It’s called the Sherlock Society and it’s a mystery series featuring multi-generational family in South Florida. The first one comes out next year and I am so excited about it! (I hope readers will be too.)


James Ponti is the New York Times bestselling author of three middle grade book series: City Spies, about an unlikely squad of five kids from around the world who form an elite MI6 Spy Team; the Edgar Award–winning Framed! series, about a pair of tweens who solve mysteries in Washington, DC; and the Dead City trilogy, about a secret society that polices the undead living beneath Manhattan. His books have appeared on more than fifteen different state award lists and he is the founder of a writers group known as the Renegades of Middle Grade. James is also an Emmy–nominated television writer and producer who has worked for many networks including Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, PBS, History, and Spike TV, as well as NBC Sports. He lives with his family in Orlando, Florida. Find out more at




Thanks so much to James for taking the time to talk with us.

CITY SPIES: CITY OF THE DEAD releases February 7 and is available at bookstores everywhere.

You can see more purchase options at:  Simon & Schuster.


Are you a CITY SPIES fan? Are you about to be? Let us know in the comments below.






March New Releases

It’s almost spring, and books are blooming! With topics ranging from spirits to spies and poetry to pie, here are some new releases we’re sure you’ll enjoy. We’d love to hear about your favorite March releases in the comments section.


Golden Gate (City Spies Book 2) by James Ponti

After thwarting a notorious villain at an eco-summit in Paris, the City Spies are gearing up for their next mission. Operating out of a base in Scotland, this secret team of young agents working for the British Secret Intelligence Service’s MI6 division have honed their unique skills, such as sleight of hand, breaking and entering, observation, and explosives. All of these allow them to go places in the world of espionage where adults can’t. Fourteen-year-old Sydney is a surfer and a rebel from Bondi Beach, Australia. She’s also a field ops specialist for the City Spies. Sydney is excited to learn that she’ll be going undercover on the marine research vessel the Sylvia Earle. But things don’t go exactly as planned, and while Sydney does find herself in the spotlight, it’s not in the way she was hoping.

Meanwhile, there’s been some new intel regarding a potential mole within the organization, offering the spies a lead that takes them to San Francisco, California. But as they investigate a spy who died at the Botanical Gardens, they discover that they’re also being investigated. And soon, they’re caught up in an exciting adventure filled with rogue missions and double agents!


Abby Tried and True by Donna Gephart

Fans of The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise and Shouting at the Rain will love this heartwarming story of the bond between siblings from the award-winning author of Lily and Dunkin and The Paris Project.

When Abby Braverman’s best friend, Cat, moves to Israel, she’s sure it’s the worst thing that could happen. But then her older brother, Paul, is diagnosed with cancer, and life upends again.

Now it’s up to Abby to find a way to navigate seventh grade without her best friend, help keep her brother’s spirits up during difficult treatments, and figure out her surprising new feelings for the boy next door.


Violet and the Pie of Life by D.L. Green

Twelve-year-old Violet has two great loves in her life: math and pie. And she loves her parents, even though her mom never stops nagging and her dad can be unreliable. Mom plus Dad doesn’t equal perfection. Still, Violet knows her parents could solve their problems if they just applied simple math.

1. Adjust the ratio of Mom’s nagging to her compliments.

2. Multiply Dad’s funny stories by a factor of three.

3. Add in romantic stuff wherever possible

But when her dad walks out, Violet realizes that the odds do not look good. Why can’t her parents get along like popular, perfect Ally’s parents? Would it be better to have no dad at all, like her best friend, McKenzie? Violet is considering the data when she and Ally get cast in the school play, and McKenzie doesn’t–a probability that Violet never calculated. Maybe friendship and family have more variables than she thought.

Filled with warmth, math-y humor, and delicious pie, this heartfelt middle grade read is perfect for fans of The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl. Includes illustrated charts, graphs, and diagrams throughout.


The One Thing You’d Save by Linda Sue Park

If your house were on fire, what one thing would you save? Newbery Medalist, Linda Sue Park, explores different answers to this provocative question in linked poems that capture the diverse voices of a middle school class.

When a teacher asks her class what one thing they would save in an emergency, some students know the answer right away. Others come to their decisions more slowly. And some change their minds when they hear their classmates’ responses. A lively dialogue ignites as the students discover unexpected facets of one another—and themselves. With her ear for authentic dialog and knowledge of tweens’ priorities and emotions, Linda Sue Park brings the varied voices of an inclusive classroom to life through carefully honed, engaging, and instantly accessible verse.


The House That Wasn’t There by Elana K. Arnold

Alder has always lived in his cozy little house in Southern California. And for as long as he can remember, the old, reliable, comforting walnut tree has stood between his house and the one next door. That is, until a new family—with a particularly annoying girl his age—moves into the neighboring house and, without warning, cuts it down.

Oak doesn’t understand why her family had to move to Southern California. She has to attend a new school, find new friends, and live in a new house that isn’t even ready—her mother had to cut down a tree on their property line in order to make room for a second floor. And now a strange boy next door won’t stop staring at her, like she did something wrong moving here in the first place.

As Oak and Alder start school together, they can’t imagine ever becoming friends. But the two of them soon discover a series of connections between them—mysterious, possibly even magical puzzles they can’t put together. At least not without each other’s help.


The Dangerous Gift (Wings of Fire, Book 14) by Tui T. Sutherland

Snowfall didn’t expect to be queen of the IceWings at such a young age, but now that she is, she’s going to be the best queen ever. All she has to do is keep her tribe within IceWing territory, where it’s safe—while keeping every other tribe out, where they belong. It’s a perfect and simple plan, backed up by all the IceWing magic Snowfall can find. That is, until a storm of unidentified dragons arrives on her shore, looking for asylum. The foreigners are completely strange and, Snowfall is certain, utterly untrustworthy. But as she escorts the miserable new tribes out of her kingdom, Snowfall is forced to reconsider her plan. Maybe she can only keep her tribe safe . . . if she’s willing to risk everything.


Charlie Thorne and the Lost City by Stuart Gibbs

Charlie Thorne is a genius. Charlie Thorne is a fugitive. Charlie Thorne isn’t even thirteen. After saving the world, Charlie is ready to take it easy in the Galapagos Islands. That is, until she’s approached by the mysterious Esmeralda Castle, who has a code she knows only Charlie can decipher. In1835, Charles Darwin diverted his ship’s journey so he could spend ten months in South America on a secret solo expedition. When he returned, he carried a treasure that inspired both awe and terror in his crew. Afterward, it vanished, never to be seen again . . . But Darwin left a trail of clues behind for those brave and clever enough to search for it.

Enter Charlie Thorne. In a daring adventure that takes her across South America, Charlie must crack Darwin’s 200-year-old clues to track down his mysterious discovery—and stay ahead of the formidable lineup of enemies who are hot on her tail. When an ancient hidden treasure is at stake, people will do anything to find it first. Charlie may be a genius, but is she smart enough to know who she can trust?


Delicates by Brenna Thummler

Following the events of the bestselling graphic novel, Sheets, Delicates brings Brenna Thummler’s beloved characters, artwork, and charm back to life. Marjorie Glatt’s life hasn’t been the same ever since she discovered a group of ghosts hiding in her family’s laundromat. Wendell, who died young and now must wander Earth as a ghost with nothing more than a sheet for a body, soon became one of Marjorie’s only friends. But when Marjorie finally gets accepted by the popular kids at school, she begins to worry that if anyone learns about her secret ghost friends, she’ll be labeled as a freak who sees dead people.

Eliza Duncan feels invisible too. She’s an avid photographer, and her zealous interest in finding and photographing ghosts gets her labeled as “different” by all the other kids in school. Constantly feeling on the outside, Eliza begins to feel like a ghost herself. Marjorie must soon come to terms with the price she pays to be accepted by the popular kids. Is it worth losing her friend, Wendell? Is she partially to blame for the bullying Eliza endures? Delicates is a story of asking for help when all seems dark and bringing help and light to those who need it most.


The Many Mysteries of the Finkel Family by Sarah Kapit

When twelve-year-old Lara Finkel starts her very own detective agency, FIASCCO (Finkel Investigation Agency Solving Consequential Crimes Only), she does not want her sister, Caroline, involved. She and Caroline don’t have to do everything together! But Caroline won’t give up. When she brings Lara the firm’s first mystery—why did Dad burn the brisket he was making for Shabbat dinner? Lara relents, and the mysteries start piling up.

But soon, Lara and Caroline’s partnership starts to unravel. Caroline normally uses her tablet to talk, but now she’s mostly using it to text a new friend. Lara can’t figure out what the two of them are up to, but it can’t be good. And Caroline doesn’t like Lara’s snooping—she’s supposed to be solving other people’s mysteries, not spying on Caroline! As FIASCCO and the Finkel family mysteries spin out of control, can Caroline and Lara find a way to be friends again?


Bridge of Souls (City of Ghosts #3) by Victoria Schwab

Victoria (“V. E.”) Schwab, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, invites readers to haunted New Orleans in this third installment of her thrillingly spooky City of Ghosts series!

Where there are ghosts, Cassidy Blake follows . . . Unless it’s the other way around? Cass thinks she might have this ghost-hunting thing down. After all, she and her ghost best friend, Jacob, have survived two haunted cities while traveling for her parents’ TV show. But nothing can prepare Cass for New Orleans, which wears all of its hauntings on its sleeve. In a city of ghost tours and tombs, raucous music and all kinds of magic, Cass could get lost in all the colorful, grisly local legends. And the city’s biggest surprise is a foe Cass never expected to face: a servant of Death itself.


Amina’s Song by Hena Khan

In the companion novel to the beloved and award-winning Amina’s Voice, Amina once again uses her voice to bridge the places, people, and communities she loves—this time across continents.

It’s the last few days of her vacation in Pakistan, and Amina has loved every minute of it. The food, the shops, the time she’s spent with her family–all of it holds a special place in Amina’s heart. Now that the school year is starting again, she’s sad to leave, but also excited to share the wonders of Pakistan with her friends back in Greendale. After she’s home, though, her friends don’t seem overly interested in her trip. And when she decides to do a presentation on Pakistani hero Malala Yousafzai, her classmates focus on the worst parts of the story. How can Amina share the beauty of Pakistan when no one wants to listen?


All You Knead is Love by Tanya Guerrero

Sometimes you find home where you least expect it. Twelve-year-old Alba, who is half-Filipino and half-Spanish, doesn’t want to live with her estranged grandmother in Barcelona. She wants to stay with her mom, even if that means enduring her dad’s cutting comments to them both.

But in her new home, Alba forms a close relationship with her grandmother, gains a supportive father figure and new friends, and even discovers a passion and talent for baking. And through getting to know the city her mother used to call home, Alba starts to understand her mother better—and may just be able to make their family whole again.


Soul Lanterns by Shaw Kuzki

Twelve-year-old Nozomi lives in the Japanese city of Hiroshima. She wasn’t even born when the bombing of Hiroshima took place. Every year Nozomi joins her family at the lantern-floating ceremony to honor those lost in the bombing. People write the names of their deceased loved ones along with messages of peace, on paper lanterns and set them afloat on the river. This year Nozomi realizes that her mother always releases one lantern with no name. She begins to ask questions, and when complicated stories of loss and loneliness unfold, Nozomi and her friends come up with a creative way to share their loved ones’ experiences. By opening people’s eyes to the struggles they all keep hidden, the project teaches the entire community new ways to show compassion.

Soul Lanterns is an honest exploration of what happened on August 6, 1945 and offers readers a glimpse not only into the rich cultural history of Japan but also into the intimate lives of those who recognize—better than most—the urgent need for peace.


We Belong by Cookie Hiponia Everman

Stella and Luna know that their mama, Elsie, came from the Philippines when she was a child, but they don’t know much else. So, one night they ask her to tell them her story. As they get ready for bed, their mama spins two tales: that of her youth as a strong-willed middle child and immigrant; and that of the young life of Mayari, the mythical daughter of a god.

Both are tales of sisterhood and motherhood, and of the difficult experience of trying to fit into a new culture and having to fight for a home and acceptance. Glorious and layered, this is a portrait of family and strength for the ages.


Starfish by Lisa Fipps

Ever since Ellie wore a whale swimsuit and made a big splash at her fifth birthday party, she’s been bullied about her weight. To cope, she tries to live by the Fat Girl Rules—like no making waves, avoid eating in public, and don’t move so fast that your body jiggles. And she’s found her safe space—her swimming pool—where she feels weightless in a fat-obsessed world. In the water, she can stretch herself out like a starfish and take up all the room she wants. It’s also where she can get away from her pushy mom, who thinks criticizing Ellie’s weight will motivate her to diet.

Fortunately, Ellie has allies in her dad, her therapist, and her new neighbor, Catalina, who loves Ellie for who she is. With this support buoying her, Ellie might finally be able to cast aside the Fat Girl Rules and starfish in real life—by unapologetically being her own fabulous self.


The Elephant in the Room by Holly Goldberg Sloan

It’s been almost a year since Sila’s mother traveled halfway around the world to Turkey, hoping to secure the immigration paperwork that would allow her to return to her family in the United States. The long separation is almost impossible for Sila to withstand. But things change when Sila accompanies her father (who is a mechanic) outside their Oregon town to fix a truck. There, behind an enormous stone wall, she meets a grandfatherly man who only months before won the state lottery. Their new alliance leads to the rescue of a circus elephant named Veda, and then to a friendship with an unusual boy named Mateo, proving that comfort and hope come in the most unlikely of places.

A moving story of family separation and the importance of the connection between animals and humans, this novel has the enormous heart and uplifting humor that readers have come to expect from the beloved author of Counting by 7s.


Across the Pond by Joy McCullough

Callie can’t wait for her new life to start. After a major friendship breakup in San Diego, moving overseas to Scotland gives her the perfect chance to reinvent herself. On top of that, she’s going to live in a real-life castle! But as romantic as life in a castle sounds, the reality is a little less comfortable: it’s run-down, freezing, and crawling with critters. Plus, starting off on the wrong foot with the gardener’s granddaughter doesn’t help her nerves about making new friends. So, she comes up with the perfect solution: she’ll be homeschooled. Her parents agree, on one condition: she has to participate in a social activity.

Inspired by a journal that she finds hidden in her bedroom, Callie decides to join a birding club. Sure, it sounds unusual, but at least it’s not sports or performing. But when she clashes with the club leader, she risks losing a set of friends all over again. Will she ever be able to find her flock and make this strange new place feel like home?


These Unlucky Stars by Gillian McDunn

Ever since her mother left a few years ago, Annie has felt like the odd one out in her family. Her dad and brother are practical and organized—they just don’t understand the way she thinks, in lines and color. Everywhere she turns, she feels like an outsider, even at school, so she’s been reluctant to get close to anyone. When a Ding-Dong-Ditch attempt goes wrong, Annie finds herself stuck making amends with Gloria, the eccentric elderly lady she disturbed. As she begins to connect with Gloria and her weird little dog, it becomes clear that Gloria won’t be able to live on her own for much longer. But it’s this brief and important friendship that gives Annie the confidence to let people in and see how rich life can be when you decide to make your own luck and chart your own path to happiness.

In this heartwarming novel, acclaimed author Gillian McDunn shows us that even the most unexpected friendship has the power to change us forever.


Simon B. Rhymin’ by Dwayne Reed

Simon Barnes dreams of becoming a world-famous rapper that everyone calls Notorious D.O.G. But for now, he’s just a Chicago fifth grader who’s small for his age and afraid to use his voice. Simon prefers to lay low at school and at home, even though he’s constantly spitting rhymes in his head.

But when his new teacher assigns the class an oral presentation on something that affects their community, Simon must face his fears. With some help from an unexpected ally and his neighborhood crew, will Simon gain the confidence to rap his way to an A and prove that one kid can make a difference in his ‘hood?



Peter Lee’s Notes from the Field by Angela Ahn

Eleven-year-old Peter Lee has one goal in life: to become a paleontologist. Okay, maybe two: to get his genius kid-sister, L.B., to leave him alone. But his summer falls apart when his real-life dinosaur expedition turns out to be a bust, and he watches his dreams go up in a cloud of asthma-inducing dust.

Even worse, his grandmother, Hammy, is sick, and no one will talk to Peter or L.B. about it. Perhaps his days as a scientist aren’t quite behind him yet. Armed with notebooks and pens, Peter puts his observation and experimental skills to the test to see what he can do for Hammy. If only he can get his sister to be quiet for once—he needs time to sketch out a plan.


Endling #3: The Only by Katherine Applegate

The thrilling conclusion to the epic middle grade fantasy trilogy from Katherine Applegate, the New York Times bestselling and Newbery Award-winning author of The One and Only Ivan (now a major motion picture!), The One and Only BobWishtree, and Crenshaw!

In the beginning, Byx’s original quest was to discover if there were more of her kind, or if she was destined to become an endling—the last dairne alive. She did indeed find more dairnes, and along the way she also created allies among other creatures in her world, including humans, felivets, raptidons, and wobbyks. But Byx and her new friends soon learned that it wasn’t just dairnes in jeopardy of extinction, but that everyone was at risk. With the world in unprecedented danger, Byx must rally creatures of all kinds to lead a revolution.


Becoming Adapted for Young Readers by Michelle Obama

Michelle Robinson was born on the South Side of Chicago. From her modest beginnings, she would become Michelle Obama, the inspiring and powerful First Lady of the United States, when her husband, Barack Obama, was elected the forty-fourth president. They would be the first Black First Family in the White House and serve the country for two terms.

This volume for young people is an honest and fascinating account of Michelle Obama’s life led by example. She shares her views on how all young people can help themselves as well as help others, no matter their status in life. She asks readers to realize that no one is perfect, and that the process of becoming is what matters, as finding yourself is ever evolving. In telling her story with boldness, she asks young readers: Who are you, and what do you want to become?