
When YA Authors Make the Switch to Middle Grade

I’ve been working on a YA for…way too long! I know, this is a blog about middle grade books. You don’t want to hear about my YA woes. But lately I’ve been thinking a lot about authors who are well published in one area and then start publishing in a whole new area. Authors such as:

Elana Arnold

Elana Arnold

Megan Frazer Blakemore

Megan Frazer Blakemore

Lisa Schroeder

Lisa Schroeder

Suzanne Selfors

Suzanne Selfors

Elana Arnold, Megan Frazer Blakemore, Lisa Schroeder and Suzanne Selfors are all authors who began their careers publishing YA, but now each of them has a new middle grade out. I was curious about that so I asked them a few questions:

1. Was there anything in particular that prompted you to write a middle grade when you’ve been publishing YA?

Elana: My literary agent is named Rubin Pfeffer. I always call him Rubin Pfeffer, not Rubin, because it is such a fabulous name. One day, Rubin Pfeffer said, “I’d like to see you try your hand at writing a middle grade.” And I thought, I am going to do it, and I am going to blow Rubin Pfeffer’s socks off. Now, this is not necessarily the best reason to write any book,  but it is a reason, and it was mine. Of course, as I delved into the manuscript that became THE QUESTION OF MIRACLES, I found many better reasons for moving forward and finishing–my love of the characters, my curiosity about the story, and, deep down and unrecognized to me at the time, my own struggles of coming to terms with the death of a friend, my own fear and anger about death.

Megan: My first book (Secrets of Truth & Beauty) was YA, and when I started working on The Water Castle, I thought it was going to be YA, too. But as the story developed I realized it made more sense for the characters to be younger. I think this is because of the magic and wonder of the story.

Lisa: I’ve always loved middle-grade books. When I think back to my childhood, those are the years I recall vividly, as far as books and reading goes. So I feel like in a way, it’s my first love. After publishing a few YA novels, I really just wanted to write something fun. That’s how IT’S RAINING CUPCAKES came about. It was late 2010, everyone was in a bad mood, it seemed, because the economy was failing, people were losing their jobs, and everywhere you looked it just seemed so gloomy. Since my first three YA novels were pretty sad, I felt like I needed a break from that. And I suppose I could have tried to write a fun YA, but I wanted to write something ten-year-old Lisa would have loved. And ten-year-old Lisa loved to bake!

Suzanne: The first book I published was a MG called To Catch a Mermaid. The deal was a two book contract, so I was supposed to begin writing the second MG, but I had this idea for a YA book and I couldn’t let it go. So before I began my second MG, I wrote Saving Juliet. For the next five years, I alternated – wrote an MG, then a YA, then an MG, etc.

2. Did you face unexpected challenges writing for a middle grade audience?

Elana:  Writing for a middle grade audience was not more challenging than writing for a young adult audience in that I try my best to not think about my audience at all when I am writing. I tell myself that it’s none of my business who will read my book. I don’t picture a reader; I write the story I can write. But for some reason, I did feel the need to write THE QUESTION OF MIRACLES in a close third person voice, while all my YA novels so far have been written in the first person.

Megan: At the time I had written only YA and was working in a high school library, so I hadn’t revisted middle grade in a long time and felt a little distant from it. I went back and read old favorites (like From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsberg) to remind myself of the feeling of reading back then. I also read newer titles like When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead so I knew more of the current landscape and what was possible.

Lisa: Writing IT’S RAINING CUPCAKES was like taking a deep breath of fresh air. It was just so fun and happy-making. It really wasn’t hard for me at all. I almost feel now, as I look back at the seven YA novels I’ve published and the eight MG novels I’ve published, that I’m probably better suited for MG. The voice, the conflict, the family and friend troubles that occur at that age group, it all comes pretty easily to me. Having said that, I have a strong desire to write a deeper kind of MG, now that I’ve done so many fun ones. I mean, they all have a bit of emotional heft, but I’d love to go deeper and do something more substantial as far as that goes. When I think of some of my favorite MG novels, there is a subtlety about them that is so beautiful in the theme(s) they explore, and when the tender moments happen, you really *feel* them. If that makes sense? I’m thinking of books like BECAUSE OF WINN DIXIE, RULES, and THE ONE AND ONLY IVAN. It is not easy to write a MG novel that kids can enjoy and relate to but is also one that makes you think and feel deeply. Moving forward, I want to try to do more of that. Maybe. Hopefully.

Suzanne: I have to say that middle grade is my sweet spot. I love writing for this age. I think I’m still 12 at heart. These are the most natural books for me and I’d be happy to write for this age for the rest of my life. I’m so proud to call myself a middle grade author.

YA, however, is not such a natural fit for me. I’m not drawn to edgy, or dark. I tend to write about magic and adventure.

3. What do you see as the primary difference(s) between writing for middle grade vs. writing for YA audiences?

Elana:  I don’t think there is any topic too big or too small for either a middle grade or a YA audience. The same questions that tugged at me when I was eleven haunted me through my teens and into adulthood. Those questions tug at me now, as a writer, whatever I am writing.  And I never try to teach a lesson or impart a moral code. My job–whatever the book, whomever the audience– is to tell the only stories I can tell, as clearly and truthfully as I know how.

Megan: For me, when I write MG I feel more free to follow ideas however magical or whimsical. Writing YA I tend to be more grounded. I must say that this is a personal distinction, and not anything I would consider a rule of YA vs. MG. It’s just what I’ve done so far. I would love to write gorgeous YA magical realism like Laura Ruby’s Bone Gap, but that type of idea hasn’t come to me yet.

Lisa: I think it’s a matter of keeping in mind the issues that those audiences are dealing with, as far as realistic fiction goes, and considering what the younger audience is equipped to handle. Middle-grade readers are just learning that they can have different thoughts, ideas, opinions, and wishes from their family members and friends, and that sometimes that can create conflict between people. It’s not easy trying to figure out how to get along with everyone, especially at school, where you have lots of different kinds of personalities. So it’s learning how to navigate their small world as they are becoming their own person. With YA, they are learning how to navigate the bigger world, the world at large, as they continue to grow and change. Family and friends still play a part in that, of course, but mistakes and/or disagreements usually have bigger consequences. I think there’s also this extreme need for teens to be independent, so when problems occur, they aren’t asking their parents about things, they’re trying to figure it out on their own, and that is not always easy to do.

Suzanne: For me, the biggest difference was….ROMANCE.

When I wrote Saving Juliet, my first YA, my editor called me after reading the first draft and said, “Suzanne, it’s good but where’s the romantic interest?” I was befuddled. The what? “You know, the cute guy. The one she’s in love with. You can’t write YA without some element of romance.” You can’t? Well, that sucks. I didn’t now the first thing about romantic tension. I figured it out, eventually, but it took time.

You don’t need romance in MG. Not one drop. Fourth graders are perfectly happy to read about traveling to an imaginary world and no one has to be crushing on anyone!

4. Do you plan to write more MG?

Elana:  Yes, I find that I love working on stories about younger people. My second middle grade novel, FAR FROM FAIR, will be published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in the spring of 2016, and I continue to develop ideas about middle grade people as well as teens.

Megan: Yes, definitely. I’m working on revisions for a MG project due out next year from Bloomsbury called The Firefly Five.

Lisa: Yes! I love it too much to stop anytime soon.

Suzanne: Yes. I just finished book #6, The Fairy Swarm, which will release in Oct, and I am under contract for three more Ever After High books. I’m working on a single title that I hope to sell, maybe this fall. I’m not sure if I’ll write another YA. I haven’t ruled it out entirely. If there’s a story that I can’t ignore, then I’ll write it. But at the moment, my heart and soul are in the middle grade world.

Check out these new middle grade books by Elana, Megan, Lisa and Suzanne!

Elana bookMegan book

lisa booksuzanne book1suzanne book2


Magic (Realism) for Muggles

My best friend since sophomore year of high school is still like the twin sister I never had twenty years later. Over the years, we’ve shared a love of music, cooking, gardening, and books. But where I go for anything with elves, wizards, mythology, or really anything magical, she remains grounded in the world of contemporary when it comes to books and movies. I mean seriously, I can tell you that she goes all Aunt Petunia when it comes to magic and she won’t even know what I’m talking about because she refuses to read Harry Potter (possibly just to spite me).

I still love her, even now that she’s passing her muggle ways on to her 10-year-old daughter.  And she forgives me my crazy love of reading and writing fantasy, even if she doesn’t understand it.

This does make recommending books harder, though, and seriously, what good is having an author for a best friend if she’s not constantly recommending books for you AND your kids?

So here is my book list of middle-grade magical realism for muggles like my best pal and her daughter who aren’t ready to embrace high fantasy, but need a snicker of magic on their bookshelf.

A Snicker of Magic by Natalie Lloyd

A Snicker of Magic by Natalie Lloyd

From IndieBound: Midnight Gulch used to be a magical place, a town where people could sing up thunderstorms and dance up sunflowers. But that was long ago, before a curse drove the magic away. Twelve-year-old Felicity knows all about things like that; her nomadic mother is cursed with a wandering heart.

But when she arrives in Midnight Gulch, Felicity thinks her luck’s about to change. A “word collector,” Felicity sees words everywhere—shining above strangers, tucked into church eves, and tangled up her dog’s floppy ears—but Midnight Gulch is the first place she’s ever seen the word “home.” And then there’s Jonah, a mysterious, spiky-haired do-gooder who shimmers with words Felicity’s never seen before, words that make Felicity’s heart beat a little faster.

Felicity wants to stay in Midnight Gulch more than anything, but first, she’ll need to figure out how to bring back the magic, breaking the spell that’s been cast over the town . . . and her mother’s broken heart.

El Deafo by Cece Bell

El Deaf by Cece Belle

From IndieBound: A 2015 Newbery Honor Book Going to school and making new friends can be tough. But going to school and making new friends while wearing a bulky hearing aid strapped to your chest? That requires superpowers In this funny, poignant graphic novel memoir, author/illustrator Cece Bell chronicles her hearing loss at a young age and her subsequent experiences with the Phonic Ear, a very powerful–and very awkward–hearing aid.

The Phonic Ear gives Cece the ability to hear–sometimes things she shouldn’t–but also isolates her from her classmates. She really just wants to fit in and find a true friend, someone who appreciates her as she is. After some trouble, she is finally able to harness the power of the Phonic Ear and become “El Deafo, Listener for All.” And more importantly, declare a place for herself in the world and find the friend she’s longed for.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer by Kelly Jones

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer by Kelly Jones

From IndieBound: Fans of Polly Horvath or Roald Dahl will love this quirky story of a determined girl, and some extraordinary chickens.

Twelve-year-old Sophie Brown feels like a fish out of water when she and her parents move from Los Angeles to the farm they ve inherited from a great-uncle. But farm life gets more interesting when a cranky chicken appears and Sophie discovers the hen can move objects with the power of her little chicken brain: jam jars, the latch to her henhouse, the “entire” henhouse….

And then more of her great-uncle’s unusual chickens come home to roost. Determined, resourceful Sophie learns to care for her flock, earning money for chicken feed, collecting eggs. But when a respected local farmer tries to steal them, Sophie must find a way to keep them (and their superpowers) safe.
Told in letters to Sophie’s “abuela, ” quizzes, a chicken-care correspondence course, to-do lists, and more, “Unusual Chickens” is a quirky, clucky classic in the making.

The Great Unexpected by Sharon Creech

The Great Unexpected by Sharon Creech

From IndieBound: Humorous and heartfelt, this is a story of pairs–of young Naomi and Lizzie, both orphans in present-day Blackbird Tree, USA, and of Sybil and Nula, grown-up sisters from faraway Rook’s Orchard, Ireland, who have become estranged.

Young Naomi Deane is brimming with curiosity and her best friend, Lizzie Scatterding, could talk the ears off a cornfield. Naomi has a knack for being around when trouble happens. She knows all the peculiar people in town–like Crazy Cora and Witch Wiggins. But then, one day, a boy drops out of a tree. Just like that. A strangely charming Finn boy. And then the Dingle Dangle man appears, asking all kinds of questions. Curious surprises are revealed–three locked trunks, a pair of rooks, a crooked bridge, and that boy–and soon Naomi and Lizzie find their lives changed forever.

As two worlds are woven together, Creech reveals that hearts can be mended and that there is indeed a gossamer thread that connects us all.

The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm

The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm

From IndieBound: Galileo. Newton. Salk. Oppenheimer.
Science can change the world . . . but can it go too far?

Eleven-year-old Ellie has never liked change. She misses fifth grade. She misses her old best friend. She even misses her dearly departed goldfish. Then one day a strange boy shows up. He’s bossy. He’s cranky. And weirdly enough . . . he looks a lot like Ellie’s grandfather, a scientist who’s always been slightly obsessed with immortality. Could this pimply boy really be Grandpa Melvin? Has he finally found the secret to eternal youth?

With a lighthearted touch and plenty of humor, Jennifer Holm celebrates the wonder of science and explores fascinating questions about life and death, family and friendship, immortality . . . and possibility.

The Time of the Fireflies by MUF Contributor Kimberley Griffiths Little

The Time of the Fireflies by Kimberley Griffiths Little

From Kimberley‘s web site: When Larissa Renaud starts receiving eerie phone calls on a disconnected old phone in her family’s antique shop, she knows she’s in for a strange summer. A series of clues leads her to the muddy river banks, where clouds of fireflies dance among the cypress knees and cattails each evening at twilight. The fireflies are beautiful and mysterious, and they take her on a magical journey through time, where Larissa learns secrets about her family’s tragic past — deadly, curse-ridden secrets that could harm the future of her family as she knows it. It soon becomes clear that it is up to Larissa to prevent history from repeating itself and a fatal tragedy from striking the people she loves.

With her signature lyricism, Kimberley Griffiths Little weaves a thrilling tale filled with family secrets, haunting mystery, and dangerous adventure.

You Will Call Me Drog by MUF Contributor Sue Cowing

You Will Call Me Drog by Sue Cowing

From IndieBound: Parker is a normal sixth grader or he was normal before the puppet. It’s just an old hand puppet, sticking out of a garbage can, and even though Parker’s best friend says leave it, Parker brings the puppet home and tries it on. Or maybe it tries him on. “You will call me Drog ” the puppet commands once they’re alone. And now, no matter how hard Parker tries, he can’t get Drog off his hand.

Maybe the only way to get rid of Drog is to truly listen to him.

The Buddy Files series by MUF Contributor Dori Hillestad Butler

The Buddy Files by Dori Hillestad Butler

The Buddy Files series is a great choice for younger readers.

From IndieBound: There have always been rumors of a ghost at Four Lakes Elementary. On the night of the fourth grade sleepover, Mr. Poe, the custodian, tells the story of Agatha, the girl who haunts the school. Then secret notes, unusual banging, and a ghostly voice invade the sleepover. Buddy is determined to find out if there really is a ghost.





Seven Stories Up by Laurel Snyder

Seven Stories Up by Laurel Snyder

From IndieBound: In this companion to Laurel Snyder’s “Bigger than a Bread Box,” a leap back in time and an unlikely friendship change the future of one family forever.
Annie wants to meet her grandmother.

Molly wishes she had a friend.

A little magic brings them together in an almost-impossible friendship.

When Annie wakes up on her first morning at the Hotel Calvert, she’s in for a big surprise. There’s a girl named Molly in her bed who insists the year is 1937 and that this is “her” room Annie’s not sure what happened, but when she learns that Molly’s never been outside the hotel, she knows it’s time for an adventure. Magic, fortune-telling, some roller skates, a rescued kitten, and the best kind of friendship make up the unforgettable story of two girls destined to change each other’s lives.
Like Judy Blume before her, Laurel Snyder writes characters that feel like your best friend. Anne Ursu, author of “The Real Boy.”

What are your favorite middle-grade books with just a snicker of magic in them? Leave a comment with your own recommendations below!

The Social Aspect of Reading OR Books & Friends

We usually think of reading as a solitary activity. Reading a book is so very lovely when we can curl up in our cozy armchair or under a blanket, sipping tea – or Dr. Pepper – and fully immerse ourselves. Shutting out the real world. Being transformed by the experience. 

Even the author who wrote the book disappears when the story is enthralling and the writing transports us to a whole new world.

But this post is how reading is a social experience, too.

First, let me tell you a story.

Childhood-friend-250712I met my childhood best friend in Kindergarten. Her name was Starr and we instantly hit it off. From Kindergarten through 6th grade, Starr and I were inseparable.

One of the things we both had a passion for was a love of books. We read ferociously, taking trips to the library together and purchasing stacks of Scholastic Book Club titles. We talked books constantly and laughed and cried over books for the next seven years. The first picture taken of us in Kindergarten is the two of us sitting together, our heads bent over a book. (I wish I knew what book it was, but alas, the picture keeps this little tidbit a secret).

Every afternoon we were either at my house or her house (although we had to learn how to cross a very busy street), and we spent a great deal of our time together bringing stories alive by dressing up and creating adventures and characters from the worlds of the books we’d read. (Kind of like dramatic fan fiction loooong before the term fan-fiction was coined.)

We especially loved The Little House books and loved to pretend that we were living in the Olden Days. During Friday night sleepovers we talked endlessly, ate brownie dough raw, squealed when our big brothers teased us and made fun of our “characters” when they caught us acting out our stories.

By age 9-10 we began to create our own stories. My first official “novel” was authored by the two of us. My favorite books were historicals, contemporary, and magic elizabethmagical realism , but for some reason Starr and I wrote a science fiction book about two girls kidnapped by aliens and taken to the misty world of Venus far across space. It was full of danger and daring as we hijacked the spacecraft to get back to Earth.

Whenever Starr and I were writing stories we used pen names; our middle names of Elizabeth and Anne respectively. Of course. Because we loved our middle names more than our first names, and they sounded so much more grown-up.

I’ll never forget the power that reading Harriet the Spy had on me. I imprinted with that book. I became Harriet. For many wonderful summer afternoons Starr and I armed ourselves with our notebooks and proceeded to spy on her family. She had a marvelous backyard with a big weeping willow tree, a play house, and a big tree-house with a fire station type sliding pole for quick getaways when *enemies* AKA brothers and sisters came lurking. These various locales – so close to the safety of the back door of the house! – were perfect for surreptitious eavesdropping.

Harriet the SpyWhat followed were many happy years of reading a book a day and pounding out “novels” on my father’s typewriter in his garage office.

High school brought lots of changes and, unfortunately, Starr and I never once had a class together or activity. We drifted apart due to different extracurricular activities and making new friends through our different churches.

College and then marriage took me out of state from where I grew up in the Bay Area. I haven’t seen or corresponded with Starr in over 30 years. I attended my 20th high school reunion hoping to reunite with her there, but she did not attend and nobody seemed to know how to contact her. But I fondly remember the power of our friendship, our closeness, our loyalty—and the power of books that welded us together.

I’ve had close friendships since my childhood days, but none that have been as close or as strong (not counting my husband!) as the one with Starr. Would I be the writer I am today without our live-action fan fiction, story-writing, and endless imagining?

The desire to create my own books and see them published was borne deep within me at a very early age. But I think Starr gave me the courage to begin, to not hold back, to try. I was horribly shy and Starr had much more self-confidence than I did. With Starr, I believed that the magic was real. Because it was so much less scary and overwhelming to dream together, to brainstorm together, and to put those ideas down on paper together. It was a true gift of our friendship.

Thank you, Starr, wherever you are.

Today there are dozens of places online and in the Real World where reading has become more social than ever before. Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, Book Blogs, Book Clubs, Literacy nights, or Author book launches are all places readers converge to discuss and enthuse about books.

Book ClubWe discuss books in public and in the privacy of our homes in a more expansive way than I’ve ever seen before. We bond over books, don’t we??

I personally love the fact that public awareness of books, especially children’s books, is at a higher rate than ever before. Statistics show that children’s books are selling at twice the rate they used to just 10 years ago.

In the comments, please tell us about your childhood book friendships, your adult book friendships and any book clubs you participate in. How have they influenced your reading life? The good, the bad, and the enlightening!



Kimberley Griffiths Little’s best ideas come when taking long hot baths, but instead of a sunken black marble tub with gold faucets and a dragon-shaped spigot, she has New Mexico hand-painted tiles in her adobe home along the Rio Grande.

Her seven Middle-Grade novels with Knopf and Scholastic have won several awards and Forbidden, the first of a Young Adult trilogy recently published with Harpercollins. Find Kimberley on Facebook. and Twitter @KimberleyGLittl. Teacher’s Guides, Mother/Daughter Book Club Guides, and fabulous book trailers “filmed on location” at Kimberley’s website.