
Indie Spotlight: The Wild Rumpus!

This Memorial Day, Mixed-Up Files honors the unforgettable Maurice Sendak, who died this month, by interviewing Collette Morgan of Wild Rumpus Books in Minneapolis, a shop full of surprises.

MUF:  Collette,  how and when did the Wild Rumpus start?
Colette: In 1992, I was working at a general independent bookstore called Odegard’s in Minneapolis.  Barnes & Noble specifically targeted that bookstore when they started rolling out the first ‘superstores’.  As a result, Odegard’s closed and I had the choice of either opening my own bookstore, or working for a chain.  Luckily, I took the plunge and bought the inventory.  Next, my then-husband had a great space available in a small urban neighborhood.  We worked with a terrific architect who had never designed a retail space but had a great tree-house in his backyard, so we knew that he spoke our language!  We started working on the space in July and opened the store in September.  This year we’ll be celebrating 20 years in business!

MUF: And you have one of the most successful independent children’s bookstores in the country, so you must be giving your customers something they can’t get anywhere else!

Collette: Absolutely.  This store is a destination and it’s not unusual for families to spend hours hanging out.  We offer an eclectic selection from babies to adults, a hands-on environment and extensive book expertise.

MUF: Since your store’s name is taken from that line in Where The Wild Things Are,  are you doing anything special to commemorate its amazing author/illustrator Maurice Sendak?
Collette:We celebrate his life every day—in his books and our name—(although it was equally inspired by the Coen brothers’ movie: Miller’s Crossing).  We have a Latin inscription painted on the floor (Let the Wild Rumpus Start), and we uphold his tradition of not condescending to children—his quote: “I refuse to cater to the bullsh*t of innocence” is a guiding light.

The Spooky Shed holds all the mystery, ghost, and vampire books–and a pet rat or two.


MUF: Most children’s bookstores carry a few animal puppets or plush toys along with their books, but you have a variety of live animals roaming (prowling? patrolling?) the store to add to the rumpus, including chickens and mice and Manx cats and. . .please tell me that tarantula Carlos is tamer than he looks! How do the customers and the animals get along? 

Pimiento finds a perch

Collette: Famously.  There are some folks who are taken aback at the free-range chickens but they tend to lead kids around like the Pied Piper.  Wilbur, the hairless rat is a great conversation starter and the ferrets and chinchillas never fail to entertain.  Once, one of the ferrets ran into the back hallway and rode up and down in an elevator for an hour before we caught on.  Hence, the sign on the back door:  Please Don’t Let the Ferret Ride the Elevator.

MUF: What, besides being greeted by a menagerie , can someone expect when they enter Wild Rumpus?
Collette: Lively music, inspired events, unexpected titles, architectural surprises, curiosities (um, why do you have a bottle of Cod Liver Oil up there?)…

MUF: You have some unusual book clubs at Wild Rumpus. We here at Mixed-Up Files are especially glad to hear that “Ink Drinkers,” your new club for 8-10 year olds, is oversubscribed, and that you have a club for 11-13 year olds reading Advanced Reader’s Copies.  What are some titles you have been/will be reading in these clubs? 

Collette: Some of the recent Ink Drinker titles: The Big Swim, The Unforgotten Coat, Lemonade Wars, Skellig, Ronia the Robber’s Daughter.  The BLLOG (born later literary opinions group: middle school advanced copy reviewers): Chomp, The Hero’s Guide to Saving the Kingdom.         That’s all that I can remember at this minute, but they have reviews on our website.The advanced reader group recently reviewed ARCs of Never Fall Down, Blue Fish and Fall from Grace.We also have the Remedial Book Club for Immature Adults.  Our next selection is: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.

MUF: Do you have a story you like to tell about an especially fine or amusing day in Wild Rumpus? Any memorable incidents?
Collette: Every day is fine and amusing.  Never a dull moment!  I remember once keeping a baby Wild Boar overnight.  When I went to clean his pen, he escaped and led me on a merry chase around the bookshelves skittering around the corners on the wooden floor and causing me to laugh hysterically.   Another time, we had a wonderful 3-legged rabbit named ‘Mr. Red’ who spent his days lounging on a divan and being adored.  One evening he was inadvertently left out of his sleeping hutch and he managed to take a bite out of every single book spine in the Pirates section.  The next day, we had to have “Mr. Red’s Big Pirate Sale.”

Trini Lopez attempting to travel ala Flat Stanley

MUF: If a family who didn’t have a children’s bookstore in their town came to visit yours, would there be a family-friendly place in the neighborhood where they could get something to eat after book-browsing?
Collette: Absolutely, we are rife with independent, locally-sourced restaurants and just around the corner from a gourmet, house-made ice cream store. If you walk down to the lake, there’s a great concession called ‘Bread and Pickle’ where you can pick up a picnic lunch.  For the grown ups, we have several independent coffee shops including one that specializes in rare coffees and teas.  Dare parents to try the Kopi Luwak coffee ($420./lb or $10. per cup).  It’s coffee beans  errr.. ‘reclaimed’ from the excrement of civet cats.  Who knew? Mmmm. Soooo smooooth.

Inter-species lunch at Wild Rumpus

MUF: And if they could stay the weekend, what other family activities in Minneapolis would you most recommend?
Collette: Well, we’re within walking or biking distance of Lake Harriet—from which you can ride/walk miles and miles around the ‘chain of lakes’.  On the next lake over, you can rent paddleboats, kayaks—even learn how to do a little log-rolling.  We have the world- class Children’s Theatre Company, Heart of the Beast Puppet Theater (where Brian Selznick worked with puppets) and the beautiful Minnesota Zoo.  Science museums, art museums, wonderful music venues…

MUF: Have you had many middle grade authors appear at  Wild Rumpus?
Collette: Tons.  Brian Selznick, Brandon Mull, Tom Angleburger, Jeff Kinney, Kate DiCamillo, Anne Ursu, Shelia O’Connor, Katherine Hannigan, Jon Scieszka….

MUF:Are there events coming up at your store in June or this summer that you’re especially looking forward to?
Collette: This summer we’re planning an archery demo, a donkey day,  language of flowers event, new book clubs including a knitting book club for middle-schoolers, more things than you can even imagine.  In fact we haven’t imagined half of them yet.

MUF:  Thank you so much, Collette, for giving us a glimpse of your unique and (literally) lively book shop.  Readers, if you’ve visited Wild Rumpus or if reading about it makes you think you’d like to hang out there, please leave a comment here.

Sue Cowing is the author of You Will Call Me Drog (Carolrhoda, 2011, Usborne UK, 2012).  She has not yet been to Minneapolis, but Drog, her  puppet character, had his photo taken in front of Heart of the Beast Puppet Theatre (guess he was afraid to go in).

Parents in Books – a Writing Perspective

Maybe Mother’s Day is still in the air, or it might be the two recent Mixed-Up Files posts on parenting tips, and moms in middle grade fiction; or it might be the mother-daughter book club visit I did recently. Whatever it might be, I have been thinking seriously about moms and dads in MG.

And before I go further, I want to pass out some writer hats. If you aren’t a writer – don’t worry.  Even if you are a parent or educator, or simply a middle grade reader, I have several hats. I’m sure one will fit you.

Because what I want to talk about pertains to writing, and the decisions we make as writers regarding plot, conflict, and the role of parents in MG fiction.

Conventional writing wisdom has been telling us for years to cross out parents from books, and to leave the adventuring, detective work, and problem-solving to the kids.  How else might we explain classics like The Secret Garden, or Heidi, or more recent phenomenons like Harry Potter, The Golden Compass, and The Graveyard Book?  I know as a writer, it’s just easier to leave out the parents. Fewer people to deal with, fewer permissions to grant, easier plot twists to render. As a young child, I understood the necessity of eliminating parents. I scarcely knew what divorce was, and yet in many stories I wrote, there were divorced parents, missing parents, or mothers and fathers who met an untimely demise. Why? Because it was so much easier to get to the real story without them there!

Even so, I’d like to make a case for the parents, and why as a writer, I think they add a dimension to the story that is gaining importance over time. There might be several really good reasons, but I will give you my personal 3. And then I will add one more, which might be a truth that has remained constant, but bears considering.

3 Reasons for Keeping Parents Present

  1. The rise of parent-child book clubs. I have no hard data, but one can easily observe that the number of parent-child book clubs have grown over recent years. Some of these are run through the schools, some through libraries, and sometimes a group of like-minded people form their own. It’s a great way to spend time with your child and devote time to reading. Along with that, is the opportunity to discuss stories that resonate with both adults and young people. Whether it’s about fitting in at school, or dealing with a job loss, or the death of a family member, there are many stories out there that can be approached and discussed from multiple
    perspectives. And in doing so, there might be a great chance for parents and kids to understand each other better.
  1. Multicultural families and their experiences have changed from generation to generation.  As a child of an immigrant family that came to the United States in the 1970s, I can attest to how much has changed from what we experienced then as first-generation immigrants with what my children and their second-generation and third-generation peers experience today.  In the 1970s, it was about fitting in and being like everyone else.

    Today, what “fitting in” means has changed. Interestingly, the Census Bureau reported for the first time that White births account for less than half the number of total births today, clocking in at 49 percent. So while the face of our nation undergoes changes, it makes sense that the stories for and about our children have changed. And what better way to observe that change than through books that include multi-generations of immigrants in its pages?

  2. The need to accept people in our society who may be seem different, but deserve the same level of respect and dignity, and with equal rights to education, friendship, and acceptance. I think this is an especially important reason. In an interview about her debut novel, Wonder (about a 5th grader with facial deformities that attends school for the first time), RJ Polaccio comments, “I hope that readers will come away with the idea that they are noticed: their actions are noted.” More importantly, Polaccio goes on to say that, “I also hope parents take heed and do more interfering in their kids’ lives…They need to remind their kids to be kind and do right exactly because it’s the hardest thing to do at that age.” What’s wonderful about Polaccio’s novel is that she allows us to see the shortcomings of everyone, from kids to their parents, and to those who mean well but still inflict pain through their ignorance. It’s this quality that makes her novel an excellent way for children and adults alike to discuss how we should treat other people.

So, does this mean that all MG books need to spotlight parents? Of course not. Often times, parents in novels can interfere with the immediacy of the main character’s personal growth. And sometimes, kids really do have to solve their own problems. On the other hand, parents being fictionally “there” isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The other day I read a post by young adult author, Jennifer Hubbard, on the dynamics of being older and younger, and she notes how “There are so many ways to look at age, and at intergenerational relationships.”

Which brings me to the 4th reason I value parents being in the books I write. I truly believe that our experiences as adults matter and have relevance in a kid’s world. I also believe that for those of us who are parents as well as writers, writing children’s books is a way for us to explore the successes and setbacks of grown-ups when it comes to decision-making. For my ownself, writing has allowed me to consider my parenting decisions, and how they might hold up under the scrutiny of a young person.

As writers I think it’s possible to write what we know, even when it comes to writing for kids — and this doesn’t necessarily mean remembering stuff from our distant past. In her parenting post, Mixed-Up Files blogger Elissa Cruz extends a thoughtful invitation: “Parents, I encourage you to pick up a title and read.”

I’d like to go one step further by saying, Writers – I encourage you to write about parents. Because for all you know, they might be reading.

Sheela Chari is the author of Vanished,  a 2012 APALA honor book and a nominee for this year’s Edgar award in the best juvenile mystery category. She lives in New York.

Let’s Play Ball!

Do you know a middle-grade kid who’d rather run than read? Maybe one of these action-packed sports stories will be a winner.

The Wild Soccer Bunch by Joachim Masannek. When the last of the snow has finally melted, soccer season starts! Kevin the Star Striker and The Wild Bunch rush to their field. They have found that Mickey the bulldozer and his gang, theUnbeatables, have taken over. Kevin and his friends challenge the Unbeatables to the biggest game of their lives. Can the Wild Bunch defeat the Unbeatables, or lose their field of dreams forever? Can they do what no team has done before? Lots of action will hook reluctant readers, plus it’s a series that might really get a soccer fan reading.


Storm Mountain by Tom Birdseye. Impossible! Suicidal! That’s thirteen-year-old Cat’s reaction to herimpulsive, irrepressible cousin Ty’s harebrained scheme to spread the ashes of their late fathers at the summit of the same treacherous mountain that claimed both their lives. But when Ty sets off on his own–stealing her dog and her father’s ashes–Cat is forced to follow against her better judgement. Things deteriorate quickly. Avalanches, dangerous glacial crevasses, and a blinding blizzard force Cat to put all her mountaineering knowledge to work if they are to survive. This gripping wilderness survival story is lightened by humor and made truly memorable by the young protagonists, whose struggles help mend their fractious relationship and strengthen the bond formed by shared tragedy.


The Rivalry by John Feinstein. Teen sportswriters Stevie Thomas and Susan Carol Anderson are thrilled to be covering “America’s Game.”  The Black Knights of Army and the Midshipmen of Navy have met on the football field since 1890, and it’s a rivalry like no other, filled with tradition. But this year, the match-up is also filled with intrigue. For weeks, Stevie and Susan Carol have been spending time at Annapolis and West Point, getting to know the players, and coaches. And the secret service agents. Since the president will be attending the game, security will, of course, be tighter than tight. As the game draws nearer Stevie and Susan Carol can tell that the agents are getting tenser. But as usual when Stevie and Susan Carol cover a big event–nothing is quite as it seems, and the coaches aren’t the only ones calling plays… Fans of this mystery will be pleased to read Feinsteins other books.

The Boy Who Saved Baseball by John Ritter. Tom Gallagher is in a tight spot. The fate of the Dillontown team rests on the outcome of one baseball game, winner take all. If Tom’s team loses, they lose their field too. But how can they possibly win? Just when everything seems hopeless, a mysterious boy named Cruz de la Cruz rides into town and claims to know the secret of hitting. Not to mention the secrets of Dante Del Gato, Dillontown’s greatest hitter ever. Since he walked away from the game years ago, Del Gato hasn’t spoken a word to anyone. But now he might be Tom’s only hope for saving his hometown. From the award-winning author of Over the Wall and Choosing Up Sides comes this imaginative tale of one boy’s struggle to preserve the spirit of the game he loves.
Bull Rider by Suzanne Morgan Williams. Cam O’Mara, grandson and younger brother of bull- riding champions, is not interested in partaking in the family sport. Cam is a skateboarder, and perfecting his tricks — frontside flips, 360s — means everything until his older brother, Ben, comes home from Iraq, paralyzed from a brain injury. What would make a skateboarder take a different kind of ride? And what would get him on a monstrosity of a bull named Ugly? If Cam can stay on for the requisite eight seconds, will the $15,000 prize bring hope and a future for his big brother? Readers will love this book that combines two sports in one story!
Mudville by Kurtis Scaletta. Welcome to Moundville, where it’s been raining for longer than Roy McGuire has been alive. Most people say the town is cursed—right in the middle of their big baseball game against rival town Sinister Bend, black clouds crept across the sky and it started to rain. That was 22 years ago . . . and it’s still pouring. Baseball camp is over, and Roy knows he’s in for a dreary, soggy summer. But when he returns home, he finds a foster kid named Sturgis sprawled out on his couch. As if this isn’t weird enough, just a few days after Sturgis’s arrival, the sun comes out. No one can explain why the rain has finally stopped, but as far as Roy’s concerned, it’s time to play some baseball. It’s time to get a Moundville team together and finish what was started 22 years ago. It’s time for a rematch. Another great baseball book. Well, it is baseball season!
I hope your favorite athletes enjoy giving their muscles a rest while reading these sporty stories.

Sydney Salter was always, seriously, always picked last for teams in PE. She’s the author of Jungle Crossing, My Big Nose And Other Natural Disasters, and Swoon At Your Own Risk which does feature some pretty great skateboarding!