Yearly archive for 2013

Giveaway! The Song of the Winns by Frances Watts

Today we have a bonus for all our Mixed-Up readers.  We have a giveaway of two delightful books by Frances Watts. She is giving away the first two books in The Song of the Winns series – The Secret of the Ginger Mice, and The Spies of Gerander!

Secret of the Ginger Mice cover

Alistair, Alex, and Alice have always been an inseparable (though not necessarily harmonious) triplet of mice…that is until Alistair is kidnapped one summer’s night. While Alistair tries to make heads or tails of falling from the sky onto another young ginger-colored mouse named Tibby Rose (a most unusual incident on all accounts), Alex and Alice set off to find their missing brother. But in a world where spies abound and an elusive underground organization called FIG is only heard about in shushed bits and pieces, figuring out whom to trust is no small task for this intrepid trio. The key to the mystery seems to be within their grasp, but it only hints at another hair-raising adventure and creates more questions that seemed destined to remain unanswered.


Full of warm, clean humor and whippet-quick wit, Frances Watts’ new trilogy will effortlessly charm readers and adventurers alike.


Spies of Gerander cover

After discovering their parents are still alive and their homeland of Gerander is in danger, mouse triplets Alistair, Alice, and Alex, and their friend Tibby Rose, have joined the underground rebel organization FIG. In quick measure, FIG orders Alex and Alice go undercover in Souris to infiltrate Queen Eugenia’s palace while Alistair and Tibby Rose are sent to discover Gerander’s secret paths, which may be the key to both their homeland’s freedom and the rescue of the triplets’ parents.

Enemy spies, attacking eagles, and blizzarding mountaintops seem all the more challenging when there is a lack of good cheese available, but these four young mice respond with endless creativity and determination. Cheeky and entertaining, The Spies of Gerander is a worthy sequel to The Secret of the Ginger Mice.


Frances Watts in an Australian children’s book author. She is the winner of the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s Eve Pownall Award for her book Parsley Rabbit’s Book About Books. She lives in Sydney, and you can visit her online at

Frances Watts in an Australian children’s book author. She is the winner of the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s Eve Pownall Award for her book Parsley Rabbit’s Book About Books. She lives in Sydney, and you can visit her online at

Thanks for your generosity, Frances! From all of us here at The Mixed-Up Files, we wish you all the best!

If you’d like to win these books, just leave a comment below. But don’t forget to fill out the rafflecopter form, too! You can earn more entries by sharing on facebook and giving a shout out on twitter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Amie Borst and her middle-grade daughter, Bethanie, write fairy tales with a twist. Their first book, Cinderskella, releases October 26th, 2013!

June Releases!

Whether it is warm or hot or rainy or chilly, June marks the beginning of summer and that means lots of fun summer reading. Here are some great books coming out in June. Mark your calendars!

Parched, by Melanie Crowder

A mesmerizing debut middle-grade novel about a boy, a girl, and a dog struggling to survive in a land without water.

Ask My Mood Ring How I’m Feeling, by Diana Lopez 

mood ring


It’s summer before eighth grade, and Erica “Chia” Montenegro is feeling so many things that she needs a mood ring to keep track of her emotions. She’s happy when she hangs out with her best friends, the Robins. She’s jealous that her genius little sister skipped two grades. And she’s passionate about the crushes on her Boyfriend Wish List. And when Erica’s mom is diagnosed with breast cancer, she feels worried and doesn’t know what she can do to help.

When her family visits a cuarto de milagros, a miracle rom in a famous church, Erica decides to make a promise to God in exchange for her mom’s health. As her mom gets sicker, Erica quickly learns that juggling family, friends, school and fulfilling a promise is stressful, but with a little bit of hope and a lot of love, she just might be able to figure it out.


Zero Tolerance, by Claudia Mills

zero tol

Seventh-grader Sierra Shepard has always been the perfect student, so when she sees that she accidentally brought her mother’s lunch bag to school, including a paring knife, she immediately turns in the knife at the school office. Much to her surprise, her beloved principal places her in in-school suspension and sets a hearing for her expulsion, citing the school’s ironclad no weapons policy. While there, Sierra spends time with Luke, a boy who’s known as a troublemaker, and discovers that he’s not the person she assumed he would be–and that the lines between good and bad aren’t as clear as she once thought. Claudia Mills brings another compelling school story to life with Zero Tolerance.

The Hostage Prince, by Jane Yolen and Adam Stemple

prince hostage

Snail and Prince Aspen are unlikely companions. Snail is a midwife’s apprentice; Aspen is a prince held hostage to prevent a war. Due to a series of misunderstandings, the two find themselves on the run, having adventure after mishap after scary, fast-paced escape. When they reach Aspen’s kingdom, they learn to their horror that their actions have divided the country and plunged it into violence. Every minute counts: it is time for Snail and Aspen to figure out a way to stop the building war—together.

The Hostage Prince is a fast-paced, funny, exciting fantasy novel for young readers, both male and female. And who better to start tweens on their journey than Jane Yolen (“America’s Hans Christian Andersen”—Time) and her son, Adam Stemple!

The Barftastic Life of Louie Burger, by Jenny Meyerhoff


Fifth grader Louie Burger figures that with a goofy name like his, he must be destined to be a king of comedy like his idol Lou Lafferman. But he’s only ever performed his stand-up act in his closet, where he and his dad created the most exclusive comedy club ever—if by “exclusive” you mean that no one’s ever allowed inside. With the school talent show coming up, Louie’s wondering if now is his moment to kill (that’s comedian talk for “make actual people laugh”). And maybe, if he brings down the house, he’ll win back his former best friend Nick—who seems to be turning into one of those annoying sporty types—and fend off his dad’s home-improvement obsession, which threatens to remodel Louie’s comedy closet into a private bedroom for his older sister. Barftrocious!

Stay tuned later this month for an interview with Jenny…and find out more about the hilarious Louie–and news of the sequel!!!!!!


The Storm Makers, by Jennifer E. Smith

storm makers

What if you had the power to control the weather?
What starts as an ordinary summer turns exciting and perilous for twins Ruby and Simon when strange occurrences begin happening on their farm — sudden gusts of wind, rainstorms, and even tornado warnings — that seem eerily timed to Simon’s emotions.
Then a stranger arrives and tells the twins that Simon is a Storm Maker — part of a clandestine group of people entrusted with controlling and taming the weather — and that he is in great danger. Soon Simon and Ruby must race against the clock as they try to master Simon’s powers in time to stop a rogue Storm Maker’s treacherous and potentially deadly plans.
In this thrilling new adventure, loyalties can shift as quickly as the wind . . . and the ordinary can turn extraordinary in the blink of an eye.


Let’s get reading!!!!


It’s almost Summer – have you planted your Butterfly Garden yet?

It’s a New Book Release and Giveaway for one of our very own Mixed Up Files Authors . . .

Kimberley Griffiths Little!

When the Butterflies Came (Scholastic, 2013)

***A magical mystery!***

MUF: Why did you decide to make this story for middle grade readers?

I adore MG literature because the stories and emotions are so heartfelt and speak to the pivotal changes that go on in a kid’s life when they’re between 10-12. Reading was my *real* world when I was a kid . . . I read a book a day. Or better yet *devoured* a book a day. I was EXTREMELY shy as a child and my parents worried about me because I didn’t talk much to other people. Books were my lifesaver and best friends. We still have quite a close relationship and send greeting cards and yearly letters to each other – well mostly me to them – every chance we get.

The nice thing about middle Grade is that even though its meant for children, adults can read them too, but those are the adults that still view the world as magical and wondrous–and it’s nice that there are so many of them! I try to oblige that love (for everyone of all ages). 🙂

MUF: What was your favorite part of the book writing process?

I love when I’m thinking of a new book idea and my mind is working subconsciously – and suddenly ideas start spilling into my brain and I can’t write them down fast enough. That’s why I love first drafts more than revision. It’s all so exciting as the ideas pour out and they get down on paper. But you have to trust the process. Some days you’re pulling your hair out wondering how it’s all going to fit together, and then suddenly the Idea Goddess waves her sparkly wand and blesses you.

Researching all the gorgeous butterflies from around the world was fascinating as well as discovering the Island of Chuuk and talking to people who had lived there. Micronesia and Chuuk, especially, has a fascinating history!

butterfly2MUF: Can you share an excerpt from the book that gives us a flavor of your character’s voice?

“The butterfly’s tiny black eyes fix on mine. We stare at each other, and it’s almost as if that butterfly is looking at me and knows who I am. Like it’s got a brain and is thinking.

That’s when I hear music again. Not Riley’s rock music rattling my brain, making me want to crunch my teeth. This is angel music, delicate, unearthly, filling me up until my heart feels like it’s gonna burst. This butterfly ain’t no regular butterfly!”


MUF: How did you come up with your characters voice? It started when my mind kept turning to one of the minor character from my previous book Circle of Secrets. I found myself wanting to know more about Tara Doucet. She’s a 7th generation *Pantene Princess* of the Doucet family who lives in an old plantation house in the South. I mean, who doesn’t want to be Scarlett O’Hara! *Voice*, for me, comes after many hours of daydreaming about my character and mentally and visually putting myself in her shoes. I thought about Tara’s personal foibles, mannerisms, expressions, relationships, motivations, problems, friends and family.

A very curious picture began to emerge—not one I’d originally assumed. The most popular girl at school with silky waterfall hair was actually living in a crumbling mansion house (the trust fund is gone and they’re trying to “keep up appearances”) with a bratty older sister who wears combat boots—and she’s got a touch of OCD. The rug fringe in the front hall must be perfectly laid!

The person Tara is closest to, her Grammy Claire, is a research scientist studying some unusual butterflies in Micronesia. She’s even got a laboratory in a tree house. I also *love* the name for butterfly on the island of Chuuk: nipwisipwis – and with that word ideas for the story began to burst forth. Tara receives a set of mysterious letters and keys—from beyond the grave—which leads her on a dangerous journey as she discovers more and more about the butterflies. There are bad guys, too! Tara finds out she’s smarter and tougher than she ever thought, and, of course, the relationships of the characters is always a big component in my books as well as the magical realism.

The perfect beach at the Blue Lagoon on the island of Chuuk also know as Truk Lagoon in Micronrsia South PacificMUF: Why did you choose the setting of your story?

I love islands and beaches and miss the ocean where I grew up near San Francisco living in the desert and mountains of New Mexico. Of course, The Doucet Mansion is set in the bayous/swamps of Louisiana in the small town of Bayou Bridge, but Grammy Claire’s research is on a remote island and her laboratory is in a tree house! Both settings are unusual and mysteriously beautiful. I was also looking for an excuse to justify a research trip out there since the waters are so pretty and the spa treatments so relaxing. 🙂 (Kidding!)

Chuuk 11MUF: What can you tell us about your research process? What was your most unusual source?

Finding information about the Island of Chuuk was tricky, (especially since its on the other side of the world!) I scoured and read everything on the internet. Then I found some blogs by people who’d lived there – and got to talk to them by phone, which was extremely helpful. Then I went on Youtube and found some marvelous videos filmed on Chuuk as well as lots of articles about the island. I even spent hours poring over the Chuukese/English dictionary.

MUF: Who is your cover artist? Illustrator? Is the character in the illustration as you imagined him?

I’ve been blessed by the Cover Goddesses, too. Erin McGuire did the artwork for Circle of Secrets and Scholastic was so pleased they asked Erin to create the artwork for When the Butterflies Came, too. The two books have a completely different look, but the colors pop off the shelf and they’re gorgeous. Erin blogged about her process of creating my cover here. (You may be surprised at the other book jackets she’s done!):

MUF: Do butterflies ever follow you?

Only on sunny, happy days. (Or the days I use rose scented perfume. It attracts them like moths to the flame! I usually feel like I’m being stalked by the Butterfly Paparazzi. I know I occasionally stalk them with a camera hoping for a perfect shot.) Or maybe butterflies *create* sunny, happy days! Butterflies are magical because they go through this incredible metamorphosis, changing from a green, icky caterpillar into a peculiar chrysalis and then burst out of their cocoon into a gorgeous colorful butterfly. Sort of like reincarnation or resurrection!

Purple spotted swallowtail

MUF: Was there a teacher or librarian in your childhood who inspired or empowered you to be a writer?

My 8th grade teacher raised his eyebrows when I turned in a *novel* instead of a term paper, but he was very empowering when he had me reading the Classics and writing projects the other students weren’t. He encouraged me to keep writing and gave me a sense that I had a spark of talent. I think it may have been more desire than talent because it took a REALLY LONG TIME to get published, but I still think about him and his encouragement.

MUF: What is your favorite…place to write? Work day snack? 

My brother and his family came down and invaded my already stuffed house a couple Christmases ago and built me a writing cottage on the back of our one-acre property so I could get away from the crazy and just write. It was exactly what I needed but needless to say *the crazy* has a tendency of following me out there on little children’s feet. Writing breaks usually include a Large Dr. Pepper w/Ice and a salad from a local pizza place or if I’m feeling in need of a particularly large amount of “Inspiration”, then a large batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies followed by a short sugar coma on my daybed.

And now for a Spectacular Giveaway!

A signed hardcover of WHEN THE BUTTERFLIES CAME

*PLUS* pretty bookmarks

*PLUS* a butterfly/key necklace!

MUF Giveaway picture

Just leave a comment and you’re entered! If you share on your blog/Facebook/Twitter, etc. please let us know and your get your name added an extra time for more chances to win!

***Winner announced on Thursday, June 6th! The book trailer for WHEN THE BUTTERFLIES CAME will air that day as well so come back for all the fun!

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Kimberley Griffiths Little just turned in the manuscript for her next magical realism novel for Summer 2014 – which includes time-slipping and a cursed doll. You can find her hanging out a lot on Facebook. (Check our her recent FB photo album of Petra, Jordan – yep, another book research trip!) Enjoy Teacher’s Guides and Mother/Daughter Book Club Guides and “filmed on location” book trailers at her website.