Posts Tagged book clubs

STEM Tuesday — Ecosystem Recovery– Author Interview with Nancy Castaldo

Welcome to STEM Tuesday: Author Interview, a repeating feature for the fourth Tuesday of every month. Go Science-Tech-Engineering-Math!

Today we’re interviewing Nancy Castaldo, author of THE WOLVES AND MOOSE OF ISLE ROYALE: Restoring an Island Ecosystem. “Stimulating reading for young naturalists and eco-activists,” says Kirkus.

Mary Kay Carson: How did you come to write The Wolves and Moose of Isle Royale?

Nancy Castaldo: This is a book project that began decades ago in my college ecology class. That is where I first heard of the important predator/prey study on Isle Royale. I was intrigued by this long study and have followed it ever since. When I found out that wolves might be released on the island I started to formulate the book project.

MKC: Care to share a favorite research moment from your time on Isle Royale? 

Nancy: Spending time on the island was wonderful. I truly can understand why so many people return to the park after visiting. Photographer Morgan Heim and I stayed on the island, got up super early every morning, and hiked well past 10 pm each night to complete this book. The remoteness of the island provided some travel challenges, but they were well worth it.  It is an exceptional place that deserves protection. I only wish we had more time there.  It was a great experience. My favorite moment? Perhaps when we were in the forest with Cara as she was investigating wolf pings and we came across a spot where a moose had bedded down. We could see where it had folded its legs to rest. And beside this spot we found one where a wolf had bedded down. They were side by side. Of course, it is highly unlikely they were there at the same time. I couldn’t resist curling my body up to fit in those spots where they had rested. And then, I coaxed Cara and Morgan to do the same. It filled me with lots of feelings of connection and also fun. Those moments were so unexpected.

MKC: To whom did you imagine yourself writing to while drafting the book?

Nancy: Wolves and moose are two of my favorite animals and I’m sure many of my young readers feel the same way about them.They are wildlife icons. Aside from writing this book for my young readers, I’m sure my ecology professor would have loved to see that his words mattered to me so much that I held on to them all this time. I know I thought of him often as I was writing this.

Nancy Castaldo has written award-winning books about our planet for over 20 years including, THE STORY OF SEEDS, which earned the Green Earth Book Award, Junior Library Guild Selection, and other honors. Nancy’s research has taken her all over the world from the Galapagos to Russia. She strives to inform, inspire, and empower her readers. Nancy is a certified National Geographic Educator. Visit her at or follow at @NCastaldoAuthor.

MKC: Did you chose a particular angle or slant or the book? Why?

Nancy: I loved following the Scientists in the Field first person-travelogue format for this book. It is one of my favorite book series and I’m so pleased to have a book included among the rest. This approach enabled me to bring my readers along on the adventure with me.

Wolves have always been maligned throughout history and I love sharing their importance with my readers. All wildlife is essential, including these predators. I chose to show their importance while providing the science and alternative views around their reintroduction to the Park. I hope my readers can develop their own thinking about these issues with a broad amount of information.

MKC: Any book suggestions for kids who loved The Wolves and Moose of Isle Royale?

Nancy: If readers enjoyed The Wolves and Moose of Isle Royale, they will probably want to dive into some of the other Scientists in the Field titles. Wolf Called Wander by Rosanne Parry, Pax by Sara Pennypacker, and Endling: The Last by Katherine Applegate would be great fiction companions.

MKC: Why do you choose to write STEM books?

Kirsten: I have a STEM background, having double-majored in biology and chemistry during my undergraduate college years. Aside from writing, I’ve worked as an environmental educator and substitute science teacher. I’m also a National Geographic Certified Educator. I love writing books for curious kids.

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Your host is Mary Kay Carson, author of The River that Wolves Moved, Wildlife Ranger Action Guide, The Tornado ScientistAlexander Graham Bell for Kids, Mission to Pluto, and other nonfiction books for kids. @marykaycarson

Make an Impact on the World! — Book Giveaway

It’s easy to get caught up in the negativity that seems to be prevalent in the world lately.

Sometimes we may even struggle to have hope.

Hope that things will change.

Hope that we will have a better tomorrow.

Hope that we can make a difference.


As the saying goes in Ted Lasso, “It’s the hope that kills you.”

Of course, Ted, as the eternal optimist, rebels against that and instead focuses on one word:


And yet, one wonders–How can I- one person- make a difference?

Is that even possible?


That idea is of my new book, Footprints Across the Planet (Reycraft Books)

Footprints Across the Planet book


You are already making an impact on the planet, each time you take a step.

Like you, every being on the planet leaves an imprint

with their feet

their words

their actions.


@Reycraft Books


Image from Footprints Across the Planet Book




Whether human or animal, voices or activity, each mark has a purpose.

To remind us of our history, give us a glimpse of our future, and maybe even inspire us to change the world.







So how can YOU do this? How can we help kids to do this?


Start small.

When we try to tackle a big problem, that is the best way to start.

While no one can solve all of the problems, try taking just one step.

When taken in the right direction, it makes a world of difference.


And understand that just like every living being on this planet, you ARE making an impact with every step you take.


So the next time you see a child– or an adult– overwhelmed with life, encourage them to just take one step.

Towards kindness

Towards acceptance

Toward happiness

THAT will be their impact on the world and it will be amazing!


Leave your mark below and tell me what type of steps you take by sharing what kind of shoes you wear and you’ll be entered to WIN a FREE copy of this book for all ages.

(I’ll go first, I wear running shoes).

*** Update– Congrats to Eric Fischer for winning a copy of my new book!***

STEM Tuesday — Ecosystem Recovery– Book List

Ecosystem recovery and restoration is a fascinating topic and these books offer glimpses of what it takes to tackle such an endeavor. Pick a habitat and dive in, you won’t be disappointed!


Rise of the Lioness: Restoring a Habitat and Its Pride on the Liuwa Plain by Bradley Hague

The story of Lady, the last lioness, is where the book begins. It’s a heartbreaking tale of how an ecosystem can decline in a short period of time. With great information about the Liuwa plain ecosystem, Hague delivers an excellent discussion of its successes and failures; particularly referring to the lost pride of lions. Additionally, he follows with an examination of the recovery program implemented for the plains. With an instructive glossary of terms; Rise of the Lioness is a great tool for those interested in ecosystem management and the challenges involved.


The Brilliant Deep: Rebuilding the World’s Coral Reefs by Kate Messner and Matthew Forsythe

Although this book has spare text, it focuses straight away on the scientific method using Ken Nedimyer’s research as its muse. Ken’s interest in the ocean and the changing coral reefs began a movement resulting in reef restoration around the globe. His queries and testing allow readers to understand the process involved in research. His story is a great example of how one person can create something wonderful, Messner and Forsythe did a wonderful job of bringing it to life.


Planet Ocean: Why We All Need A Healthy Ocean by Patricia Newman and Annie Crawley.

Planet Ocean is a fabulous journey in understanding the role oceans play in our lives. Newman and Crawley circumnavigate the globe as they observe and discuss changes that are occurring in today’s oceans and what that means for us. QR codes are included, they lead to videos that help explain the concepts discussed. Additionally, the book highlights people of all ages interested in saving the oceans – including students. There is a glossary of terms and a bibliography for those interested in learning more about the subject to round out the material. Visually stunning, this book is a must-read for ocean enthusiasts. 


Bringing Back the Wolves: How a Predator Restored an Ecosystem by Jude Isabella and Kim Smith.

This is a beautiful book on an incredible story of transformation, and of the delicate balance in nature. In the 1800s, the American government paid hunters to hunt down wolves that were a danger to the cattle ranches near Yellowstone National Park. It resulted in wolves being completely removed from the ecosystem, leading to an overpopulation of elk, which caused devastation in nearly every part of the ecosystem. In the 1990s, wolves were introduced into the park again, and it revived the balance of nature. Filled with beautiful art and informative sidebars, this is a very accessible book for both the casual and the serious reader.


A World Without Fish book

World Without Fish by  Mark Kurlansky (Author), Frank Stockton (Illustrator)

Kurlansky does a superb job of connecting all the dots—biology, economics, evolution, politics, climate, history, culture, food, and nutrition—in a way that kids can really understand. It describes how the fish we most commonly eat, including tuna, salmon, cod, swordfish—even anchovies— could disappear within fifty years, and the domino effect it would have: the oceans teeming with jellyfish and turning pinkish orange from algal blooms, the seabirds disappearing, then reptiles, then mammals. It describes the back-and-forth dynamic of fishermen, who are the original environmentalists, and scientists, who not that long ago considered fish an endless resource. It explains why fish farming is not the answer—and why sustainable fishing is, and how to help return the oceans to their natural ecological balance.


Wangari Maathai book

Environmental Activist Wangari Maathai (STEM Trailblazer Bios) by Jennifer Swanson


Swanson does a great job of highlighting an amazing STEM trailblazer who helped to rebuild an ecosystem. When Maathai was young, it was unusual for girls in Kenya to go to school, but she was determined to learn more about science and nature. As an adult, she noticed that people were cutting down too many trees. Maathai knew that forest loss was bad for the health of the environment and people. She started the Green Belt Movement, which educated women in rural villages and paid them for every tree they planted. The program helped plant millions of trees and brought money to the villages. For her environmental and human rights work, Maathai became the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

The Puffin Plan boo


The Puffin Plan: Restoring Seabirds to Egg Rock and Beyond 
by Derrick Z. Jackson (Author), Stephen W. Kress PhD (Author)
Fifty years ago, a young ornithologist named Steve Kress fell in love with puffin. After learning that hunting had eradicated their colonies on small, rocky islands off the coast of Maine, he resolved to bring them back. So began a decades-long quest that involved collecting chicks in Canada, flying them to Maine, raising them in coffee-can nests, transporting them to their new island home, watching over them as they grew, and then waiting—for years—to see if they would come back. This is the story of how the Puffin Project reclaimed a piece of our rich biological heritage, and how it inspired other groups around the world to help other species re-root in their native lands.
Restoring the Great Barrier Reef by Rachel Hamby
This book examines the threats to the vibrant barrier reef off the Coast of Australia. The threats include climate change, overfishing, tourism and chemical runoff from farms. The book describes how the government, scientists and farmers are all working together to restore the reef. This book is one of four in the “Saving Earth’s Biomes” series. The others are: Protecting the Amazon Rainforest, Restoring the Great Lakes and Saving the Oceans from Plastic.

Susan Summers can be found exploring ecosystems near her, enjoying what nature has on offer. Visit her at her website:


Shruthi Rao is at home among the trees. Her home on the web is