Posts Tagged Agent Interview

Agent/Author Spotlight: Eric Smith

Philadelphia-based Eric Smith has worked as an author, an anthology editor, and an agent, and as such has a deep love for children’s literature and an impressive range of experience.  His most recent novel, a YA romcom about two teens whose families own rival cheesesteak trucks, With or Without You, was released in 2023. From The Mixed-Up Files of Middle-Grade Authors had the privilege of speaking with Eric about his career, especially his role as an agent for P.S. Literary.


Eric Smith, looking dapper in a jean jacket

How did you get into agenting? Was that before or after you established yourself as an author?

It was just a smidge after my author life had kicked off. My first book, The Geek’s Guide to Dating, was published with Quirk at the very end of 2013, and I started agenting with P.S. in 2014. My first YA novel, Inked, came out in 2015. So, I was still a bit of a baby author back then.

I had been working at Quirk Books for about five years when I made the leap. I’d been looking for roles in editorial, actually, when the agenting position caught my eye. I’d been lucky enough to work with some of the team at P.S. Literary on books they’d had at Quirk, by my friend (and agency client) Sam Maggs. I reached out and well, here we are a decade later. I feel very lucky.

What can you tell us about P.S. Literary?

It’s an agency based out of Canada, with a bundle of absolutely wonderful agents.  Everyone’s tastes there are so wildly different, that we end up being an agency which works on a wide array of projects. I’d tell anyone reading who loves kid-lit, to check out the work of my colleagues Maria Vicente and Curtis Russell.

What do you look for in a query or manuscript? What themes and topics really call to you? Are you seeking anything in particular right now?

Oooh that’s a tough one! The unhelpful answer is “a good story!” but really, that’s what it usually comes down to.

The thing about a good query, is that it gives me everything I need to know if it’s something I want to request. The basics are there so I know it’s in good shape (good word count, solid comparative titles, the right genre and category for the description of the story), and then the details of the story ground me in the book.

Like, when you look at the jacket copy of any book on your bookshelf, we get a sense of the characters, stakes, and why they can’t just walk away, right? Give those books a look right now! See? We need to get a sense of that in the pitch too.

Once I’ve got all those bits in a query, and as long as the writing is good (again another unhelpful bit), I’ll request away!

As for what I’m specifically looking for… hm. I really want more horror, high-concept romantic comedies, and accessible genre-blending fiction.

Following up on that, what would you like to see more of in middle grade fiction?

More horror please! And I’d love to see an even bigger resurgence in middle grade sci-fi. It’s been such a thrill watching Scott Reintgen’s The Last Dragon on Mars absolutely everywhere. Kids want their science fiction! Let’s make it happen!

What are some of your favorite middle grade authors and/or books? Those can be classic, recent, ones which influenced you growing up, or ones which stand out in today’s market…

I feel like I’m always chasing the thrill of reading an Alex London novel. His Middle Grades, from Battle Dragons to the Princess Protection Program, are just so spectacularly imaginative, accessible, and inclusive. They are the kind of books I cannot wait to give to my kiddo when he’s old enough to read them.

I feel like Olivia A. Cole reinvents themself with every single Middle Grade they write. Where the Lockwood Grows was a masterpiece and then we get hit with The Empty Place, and both books feel so spectacularly different while still so distinctly Olivia. Their books are a literary miracle.

I’ve also loved Sarvenaz Tash and Misa Sugiura’s ventures into Middle Grade after several astonishing YA novels. Definitely pick up the Momo Arashima series and Tash’s debut in MG, The Queen of Ocean Parkway.

As an agent, you’ve represented non-fiction, adult, young adult, and middle grade fiction. Do you have a particular favorite category? What’s it like covering such a wide spectrum of material?

Oooh that’s like asking me to pick my favorite child!

I think my favorite place to work in is always going to be Young Adult books, just because I also write them, which means I get this extra thrill really digging into projects with my YA clients. I like to think I’m really good at those. I hope my clients agree!

What advice would you give an author seeking representation for the first time?

Take your time, do the research. There are a lot of agents out there, but there’s a good chance after you’ve scoured through and made your lists of the ones who will best represent your work, you might only have a couple dozen that feel right. And it’s better to have a good fit.

That said, try not to be nervous? Or intimidated? While there’s an adage floating around about how agents are always looking for a reason to say no, I’d argue that we are always looking for a reason to say YES. We’re people who love books and the folks who write them, and we don’t have a job without creatives.

So yes, take your time. Do the homework. But then take a deep breath. You’re preparing to engage with a bunch of wild fans.

I also keep a bundle of query resources on my website, so if you’re looking to read some sample query letters, give it a look! It’s all free.

What are some of the reasons why you might pass on a query or manuscript? What pitfalls should authors try and avoid?

I mean, it’s never something nefarious. It’s usually a sign that the book just isn’t ready, or they haven’t had anyone else look at it. A word count that is far too low or way too high, a voice that doesn’t fit the category or genre, a fundamentally wrong narrative decision for the project, things like that.

You avoid those pitfalls by being familiar with the space you’re looking to be in. Reading books in the genre or category. I can usually tell right away if a writer isn’t versed in what they’re writing. So do that work.

After all, if you want to write MG novels, you should be a fan of them, right?

How do you balance your author and agent workloads?

Hah! I wish I had some secret hack answer here, but the reality is, I do it the way anyone who has a day job does it. I squeeze in a little time here and there. I wake up early before my kid goes to school, and I write at 6AM until he comes into my office demanding juice. If I’ve had a day that isn’t too exhausting, sometimes I’ll write at night. And I have long standing writing dates with friends that I set up.

It means my books sometimes take a while, and it means sometimes I won’t touch a draft for weeks. But family and work always comes first.

What are you working on now? What projects, both yours and your clients, would you like to hype?

Oh you! My first Middle Grade novel comes out in 2026 with Crown and is called The Adoptee’s Guide to Surviving Seventh Grade. It’s co-written with Jazz Taylor and K.A. Reynolds, and is about a club of adoptees who do not want to talk about their feelings… until they have to, of course.

And there may be another MG announcement on the horizon for me.

As for my clients, there’s a really beautiful MG non-fiction book coming out next year with Bloomsbury by Margeaux Weston called Everything But Typical that I’m very proud of, all about neurodiverse people who have made history, and the latest in Robin Stevenson’s MG non-fiction Kid Legends series, Kid Olympians: Winter, is set to publish with Quirk.

Finally, because I know you’re a proud Philadelphian: Wit’ or witout?  Whiz or American?  And what’s your favorite cheesesteak place?

Hahah, I am a provolone boy, and when it’s available, Cooper Sharp, the best of cheeses. My favorite cheesesteak places are perhaps a bit controversial, as I love the oxtail cheesesteak (you heard me) at Revolution House in Old City, and the curry chicken cheesesteak at Cedar Point in Fishtown. Though most of my Philadelphia friends will tell you, the best cheesesteak is wherever you can get one.

Editor and Agent Spotlights

We love spotlighting agents and editors every month! There’s so much you can learn from their interviews.

Are there any MG agents or editors you hope we’ll spotlight soon?

If so, please let us know in the comments.

Any MG agents or editors who would like to be interviewed—please tell us and we’ll be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Just in case you’ve missed some of these interviews, here’s a list of them to check out. Happy reading!

*Things may have changed with some of agents and editors from older interviews. The best thing to do is check for agents at for updated information and helpful links. You can also check out the Manuscript Wish List (MSWL) for agents and editors.



Michaela Whatnall

Kaitlyn Sanchez

Leslie Zampetti

Dani Segelbaum

Ali Herring

Christie MeGill

Victoria Doherty-Munro

Molly Ker Hawn

Adria Goetz

James McGowan

Kristin Ostby

Sarah N. Fisk

Lynnette Novak

Ameerah Holliday

Jacqui Lipton

Tina Dubois

Joyce Sweeney

Tracey Adams



Rachel Stark/Disney-Hyperion

Elizabeth Law/Holiday House

Alison S. Weiss/Pixel+Ink

Chris Krones/Clarion

Thalia Leaf/Calkins Creek

Carol Hinz/Millbrook Press & Carolrhoda Books at Lerner Publishing

Karen Chaplin/Quill Tree Books/Harper Children’s/Teen


We can’t wait to share more spotlights for amazing agents and editors soon!

Meet Literary Agent Dani Segelbaum

Dani Segelbaum agent headshot

Dani Segelbaum was born and raised in Minneapolis and grew up as a voracious reader. She’s a graduate of Boston University’s College of Communication, where she studied journalism and political science. 

Early in her career, she worked with established and debut authors as a literary assistant at New Leaf Literary and Media. Her career in publishing began when she became an editorial assistant at HarperCollins Publishers, where she focused primarily on highly designed non-fiction titles. 

Now, Dani is Vice President, Literary Agent, and Subsidiary Rights Director at the Carol Mann Agency. And she’s stopping by the Mixed-Up Files to tell us a little bit about her journey, the work she currently represents, and the kind of manuscripts she wants to find in her inbox.


Hi Dani. Welcome to the Mixed Up Files! 

Hi, Susan! It’s great to join you today.


Can you tell us a little about your path to becoming an agent?

I started my career as an editorial assistant at HarperCollins. After a few years, I realized I wanted to be an agent instead of an editor. From there, I went on to work at New Leaf Literary as an agent’s assistant and slowly started to build my list. I then joined Carol Mann in 2021 and am now Vice President, Subsidiary Rights Director, and Literary Agent for the agency.


Please give us a little background on the Carol Mann Agency.

The Carol Mann Agency was established in 1977 and has long been home to highly-regarded writers of fiction and non-fiction. We are a boutique agency that prides itself on giving individual attention to all our clients and regularly placing projects with leading publishers both in the United States and overseas. Our broad range of tastes, our experience guiding authors and their manuscripts through the publication process, and our industry relationships make us on of New York’s top literary agencies. We are privileged to work with a number of bestselling and award-winning authors.


It sounds like you’ve found your niche in the publishing world. Tell us what you find to be the best and worst parts about being an agent.

Best: I’m always learning something new from my authors! Each book teaches me something exciting and different.

Worst: Rejections! Although, it is a regular part of the publishing process.


Can you describe what you look for in a query?

I want to see that the author has done some initial research on what I’m looking for and that they followed my submission guidelines.


What are the top reasons you pass on a submission?

The number one reason is that the query is not in the genre I work on.


Here at MUF, we’re all about middle grade. Can you tell us what you love most about middle grade literature?

Stephen Colbert said, “As far as I can tell, a young adult novel is a regular novel that people actually read.” I feel the same applies for middle-grade novels. They take real-life issues and make them understandable for all ages!


What kind of middle grade books do you enjoy?

The middle-grade landscape has changed drastically since I was a kid. Now, there are all types of middle-grade books available that weren’t around when I was young. It’s really incredible to see.

Matt Sprouts and The Curse of the Ten Broken Toes cover

My author Matt Eicheldinger’s book MATT SPROUTS AND THE CURSE OF THE TEN BROKEN TOES is such a delight. It’s funny, relatable, and entertaining. He’s fantastic to work with and has such a creative mind. Kids will absolutely love this book. I promise!


What types of queries would you like most to see in your inbox right now?

I’m interested in seeing both fiction and non-fiction. In fiction, I’d really like to see literary and upmarket adult fiction including debut, historical, rom-coms, and women’s fiction. In non-fiction, I’m looking for proposals with an emphasis on politics, women’s issues, popular culture, and current events. Oh, and I love memoir, narrative non-fiction, lifestyle, and cookbooks, too!

In both fiction and non-fiction, I hope to work with authors from diverse backgrounds to tell the stories that are important to them. Overall, I’m really drawn to compelling narrators and writing that is voice-driven, highly transporting, and features unique perspectives and marginalized voices.


Where can authors learn more about you? 

You can follow me on Twitter (X) and Instagram at @danisegelbaum and check out my MSWL.


Now that we know all about Dani the agent, tell us what you like to do when you’re not at work.

When I’m not working, you’ll most likely find me baking, making homemade ice cream, or walking my dog!


Thanks again for joining us, Dani.

Thanks for having me!