Dear Mixed Up Files followers, diverse literature is important to all of us here at the Mixed Up Files and we are eager to celebrate it—so much so that we decided to make it a monthly feature. Author/Bookseller Rosanne Parry will be heading up the project. She will be taking a very broad look at diversity to include race, ethnicity, religion, disability, class, gender and sexuality. Each month she will take one of these elements and round up 3-6 titles that celebrate it. As always we are eager to have our readers chime in with similar titles. We will be highlighting fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels and MG appropriate picture books. We will archive all the posts under the heading Diversity in MG Lit.
Rosanne has two books coming out in 2019. She has been in a flurry of revisions and copy editing all summer long. She will begin the first of her diverse book roundups on September 15th with a group of books that celebrate the cultures of India and Pakistan.