
Aces Wild by Erica Perl

Zelly Fried has finally convinced her parents to let her get a dog, with the help of her grandfather Ace. Unfortunately, said dog (also named Ace) is a shoe-chewing, mud-tracking, floor-peeing kind of dog. Despite Zelly’s best efforts to drag Ace (literally!) to puppy kindergarten, his flunking report card says it all: “This Ace is wild.”
Also wild is the other Ace in Zelly’s life. Grandpa Ace has decided to begin dating again and is dining and dancing every night, against his doctor’s orders. Determined to get both Aces under control, Zelly enlists the help of her two best friends, Allison and Jeremy (despite the fact that they don’t quite see eye to eye). They need to come up with a plan, fast. But how? It’s not like either Ace ever does what he’s told.


Me: Hi Erica! *Waves* Welcome aboard the Mixed-Up Files. Why don’t you tell us what inspired you to write ACES WILD?

Erica: When I wrote WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU O.J., my main inspiration for the character of Ace (the grandpa) was my grandfather, Alan Perl.  When I returned to write another book about Ace and Zelly, I immediately thought about what Grandpa Alan did after my grandmother died – he started dating up a storm.  I now see that this was how he coped with being lonely and missing her, but at the time it seemed disrespectful to her memory… in addition to being just plain weird!  I also knew from experience that getting a puppy creates a new level of household chaos, so I loved the idea of seeing what would happen with a crazy, out-of-control (yet loveable) puppy going head-to-head with a crazy, out-of-control (yet loveable) grandpa.  And since Zelly had named her puppy “Ace” at the end of WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU O.J., the title ACES WILD was a perfect fit.

Me: That does sound like quite a perfect fit. Do you have a crazy, out-of-control (yet loveable) writing routine?

Erica:  For me, the hardest thing about being a writer is finding time to write.  I have a full time job that I love (at but it means I have to find writing time around my work schedule.  I do my best writing early in the morning, because my inner censor is not awake yet.  So I usually get up, pour myself a cup of coffee and write until I have to stop and go to work, or – on the weekends – my kids get up.  If I’m lucky on the weekends or evenings, I find time to come back to what I’m writing and work some more.  When I have something ready to edit, I print it out, read it aloud, and edit it longhand.  I also carry a notebook and write down ideas and snippets and doodles wherever I go – on the subway, etc. – so later I can perhaps use them in something or see where they take me.  And if I’m somehow without my notebook, I use the recording function of my phone to memorialize ideas.  That way when I sit down to write, I have stuff to work with.

Me: I get strange looks from neighbors when I use the recording function on my phone. Oops! Did I say that out loud? Soooo…. would you rather be with your main character in a 50 foot well or a football field surrounded by zombies? (I like zombies – it’s kind of an obsession)

Erica: Hmm… tough one.  Zombies don’t run very fast, but then again neither does Ace-the-grandpa.  And Ace-the-dog would probably try to give the zombies doggie kisses, which is never a good idea.  So, I guess I’m going to go with the 50 foot well.  If we’re stuck there a long time, Zelly, Ace and Ace will definitely keep me entertained.

Me: Are you crazy? There’s blood-sucking, soul-draining monsters in those wells! All right, maybe you can answer this one correctly.  Peanut butter or jelly? Sardines or crackers? Careful. Your life depends on it.

Erica: This one’s easy.  Nutella on whole wheat toast.

Me: 50 points! Thanks for the riding the MUF boat today. (Get it, Love boat, MUF boat? Ah…nevermind.)

erica perl

 ERICA S. PERL is the author of When Life Gives You OJ, Vintage Veronica, and a number of picture books, including the well-loved Chicken Butt. A crowd-pleasing presenter to children of all ages, she has also done author visits at schools and libraries across the United States. In addition to writing books, Erica works at First Book, the groundbreaking nonprofit organization that has provided over 70 million brand-new books to children in need. Learn more about Erica and her books at Follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

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Amie Borst doesn’t have a crazy, out-of-control anything in her house, but she does write about characters with those traits. Her first book, Cinderskella, co-authored by her middle-grade daughter, Bethanie, debuts October 26th, 2013. You can find her on facebook, twitter and her blog

Wish by Beth Bracken and Kay Fraser

Two friends, torn apart. Soli and Lucy argue, and then Lucy disappears, taken by the faeries who live in the forest near their homes. Can Soli save her friend, even if it means facing the biggest dangers she’s ever experienced?  (Facebook,  Facebook Capstone , Capstone)


 Me: *Waves* Hello ladies! Great to have another writing team on The Files.  What’s the best part about writing middle-grade books?

BETH: The best part is collaborating with my co-author. But I also love the rush I get from writing: I sometimes get lost in it, and it feels really good.

KAY: The best part is that it brings you back to that time period in your life. It gives you the opportunity to get in touch with the tween that lives in your heart no matter the writer’s age. Middle grade is a time when you make huge discoveries about yourself and others, and it’s always great to have the opportunity to write for that audience and entertain them with new ways to look at things they haven’t yet considered.
Me: I love that part, too, Kay!  What is your favorite type of middle-grade book to read?
BETH: My favorite middle grade books always have really strong main characters and clear settings. I don’t really love historical fiction or high fantasy, but prefer books that are rooted in contemporary settings. I think I just connect better to that kind of book.
KAY: I’m a huge J.K. Rowling and Rick Riordan fan. I’m always intrigued by fantasy, and the way the writers approach the book’s world building. It’s really fascinating to me.
Me: Oooh. Good answers! I love world building, too. I especially like to see how a character develops in that world, what sort of influence it has on them. What do you like most about your main characters, Soli and Lucy?
BETH: I like that they’re both complicated girls. It’s not as easy as one being popular and one being quiet; they’re both real, with good qualities and bad.
KAY: What I like the most about Lucy and Soli is their bond and understanding of each other. They believe in one another; they understand they can make mistakes; they trust their hearts; they keep strong side by side, showcasing that friendships can move mountains. I believe in those friendships. I still have them, and they mean the world to me. Friends like that exist, and they will change your life. Both girls are extremely relatable, and I identify with both of them, in different levels of their personality. They are just girls, true girls, you see everyday walking down the street, and they are really trying to grow and discover themselves throughout the story.
Me: They sound like characters many middle-grade girls can relate to.  Do you prefer bologna and cheese or peanut butter and jelly?
BETH: I have peanut butter and strawberry jam on an english muffin for breakfast almost every day, so I’ll choose that one. 🙂
KAY: Peanut butter, no jelly, or bologna, no cheese. It’s a cultural thing. We Argentineans are odd. LOL!
Me: I guess I can’t have lunch with either of you. I’m allergic to nuts and meat! Maybe we can find a nice salad to munch on 🙂 Thanks for coming to MUF today, ladies!
Wish authors
Kay Fraser and Beth Bracken are a designer-editor team in Minnesota. Kay is from Buenos Aires. She left home at eighteen and moved to North Dakota — basically the exact opposite of Argentina. These days, she designs books, writes, makes tea for her husband, and drives her daughters to their dance lessons. Beth lives in a light-filled house with her husband and their son, Sam. She spends her time editing books, reading, daydreaming, and rearranging her furniture. Kay and Beth both love dark chocolate, Buffy, and tea.
Would you like to win a copy of WISH? Then just fill out the rafflecopter form below!

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Amie Borst is the co-author of Cinderskella, a twisted fairy tale. She writes with her middle-grade daughter, Bethanie, and they’re excited about their debut on October 26th, 2013. You can find them both on facebook.

Texting the Underworld…

Booraem_Texting the Underworld

…is the terrific title of Ellen Booraem’s new middle grade, on shelves as of yesterday.  With a starred review from Kirkus, it’s sure to win even more fans for the author of the very popular “Small Persons with Wings.”

Here’s Ellen’s description of the new book:

Perpetual scaredy-cat Conor O’Neill has the fright of his life when a banshee named Ashling shows up in his bedroom. Ashling is—as all banshees are—a harbinger of death, and she’s sure someone in Conor’s family is about to require her services. But she’s new at this banshee business, and first she insists on going to middle school.

Even as Conor desperately tries to hide her identity from his classmates and teachers, he realizes there’s no way to avoid paying a visit to the underworld if he wants to keep his family safe.

Ellen began her writing life as a journalist. A fiction writing workshop changed everything.  Here’s what she has to say about the writing process:

Writing is not fun. It is, as I feared, hard work. Remember when you had a loose tooth and when you pressed it the pain felt good and you couldn’t stop doing it? That’s what writing is like. It’s easy to dread and even easier to put off, but once you’re sitting down at the keyboard it’s …well, a great time.

Ellen’s giving away two copies of “Texting”. To be eligible, leave a comment below–only readers in the U.S and Canada, please. You can also follow Ellen on her blog at