For Kids

Say Hello to M.G.

Have you ever read a book and felt like you were part of the story? The characters became your friends and when you turned the last page you were sad because it was over. That’s how you know you just devoured a book. Devouring is another word for eating, but it’s not like eating your Brussels sprouts because your mom made you. It’s more like eating birthday cake. You are so involved in the story, it becomes part of you.

Welcome to my world.

I’d tell you my name, but I don’t have one.  Right now you can just call me M.G.  I’m the little creature that you see on the left sidebar of the Mixed-Up Files blog and I devour books. Every day. Just like humans need a balanced diet of fruit, vegetables, grains, protein and dairy, I eat a balanced diet of action-adventure, science fiction, fantasy, contemporary, humor, historical-fiction, non-fiction and many other kinds of middle-grade books.

I’m here today because one night, long after the library where I live closed, I borrowed the librarian’s computer to check out my favorite links and blogs about children’s books. I happened upon a group of writers who were creating a new blog all about my favorite morsels—middle-grade books. Not only did they let me be a part of the celebration of great news about children’s books, they are letting me have my very own page! And it’s all for kids.

There are lots of adults needed to take an idea and turn it into a book. But the most important people are the kids (and creatures like myself) who read middle-grade books. The Mixed-up Authors wanted a page with fun things for kids to do and safe links to places where you can learn more about books and authors. So stop over at my page and share it with your friends. And if you are a grownup, tell teachers, parents and other people all about it so they can share it with the children they know.

If you have a great idea that you’d like to see on the For Kids page, leave a comment and I’ll see what I can do! If you have a question for me or about middle-grade books in general, leave a comment and I’ll create a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.

But, to make me very, very happy, make a suggestion for my name. What does M.G. stand for? I’d feel very important if I had a unique last name to go with a special first name, too. In the meantime, look around. I have articles and links to book-related crafts, puzzles, homework help and writing tips. Enjoy.

Thanks for stopping by The Mixed-up Files of Middle Grade Authors. Now go devour a book!