Mixed-Up Files Member Spotlight: Jen Swanson

NEW Post Series for The Mixed Up Files!

We have started a new post series to highlight our amazing Mixed-Up Files Blog members. Take a look, check out their websites, follow them on their social media, and look up their books.  We are very proud of our members and can’t wait to show them off!

It is my pleasure to write the first post and get to feature a very prolific author who has been a part of MUF for over ten years.

About the AuthorAuthor Jennifer Swanson

I’m excited to interview From the Mixed-Up Files’ own Jennifer (Jen) Swanson. Jen is the author of over 50 nonfiction books for children, mostly about STEM and technology. She is also the creator and co-host of the Solve It! For Kids Science Podcast, the creator of STEM Tuesday (on our own MUF blog) and STEAMTeamBooks a yearly book promotion group highlighting STEAM books for kids. Finally, Jen has been a member of the MUF blog since 2012 and has been an administrator of the Mixed-Up Files blog for the last 8 years.


Jen, can you give us five interesting facts about you, your books, and/or your writing?

  1. I have loved science my whole life, as I started a science club in my garage when I was 7.
  2. I am a curious person! My books take complex topics and break them down into easily understandable—and intriguing—concepts.
  3. I graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1990 and was in the 11th class to have women there.
  4. I have three brothers, so I’ve either watched or played practically every sport there is.
  5. I am a huge reader! When I was a kid, I use to win the summer reading program every summer by reading the most books in my age group.


Tell us about middle grade Jen. What were your interests? How have you changed since then?

When I was in middle school, I had the best 7th grade science teacher. Her name was Mrs. Roth and she had a full skeleton in her classroom. I thought that was the coolest thing ever. I was also a cheerleader when I was in 8th grade, and ran track in middle school and got second in state in the 200m dash.

I still love science, I’m no longer a cheerleader. But I love sports, and although I’m a bit slower, I still run.


What other jobs/careers have you had and how did they influence what you choose to write about?

I was on active duty as an officer in the U. S. Navy for 5 years. During that time, I taught chemistry at the Naval Academy Preparatory School, and also worked for the Commander-in-Chief of the US Atlantic Fleet providing the ship readiness reports for the morning meeting. For fourteen years, I was a middle school science teacher for Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Talented Youth.

All of those jobs helped me to be a dedicated, hardworking independent author. To be self-motivated to meet deadlines and to communicate effectively and network with people.


You head the fabulous STEM Tuesday column. Tell us about it. What is your motivation for it? Who is the intended audience?

I created STEM Tuesday to help teachers. The goal is to provide easily activities with high- interest STEM topics for teachers to use immediately in the classroom. Many of these include using STEM/STEAM books for a combination of science and literacy. The STEM Tuesday team is composed of an awesome mix of children’s authors, teachers, STEM advocates and literacy lovers. We have a huge database of activities, as we’ve been doing this for 7 years. And it’s completely searchable! Please check it out.

About Jen Swanson’s Books

If you were to sum up your books/style of writing in four words, what would it be?

Engaging, exciting, exploring resources


As I am a huge alien fan. I’d love to learn more about your upcoming book How to Talk to An Alien! Is this categorized as sci fi or nonfiction?

It is nonfiction middle grade. This book is chock full of astrobiology, linguistics, and a whole lot of science, this book is for the curious kid of all ages who wants to see our universe in a new light and (maybe) even discover how they would talk to an alien, if they should ever meet one!


Do you have any other new books coming out? 

The Atlas Obscura Explorer’s Guide to Inventing the World by Dylan Thuras and Jennifer Swanson, illustrated by Ruby Fresson  link, August 12, 2025 (Workman Publishing)

3 WEEKS IN THE RAINFOREST: A Rapid Inventory in the Amazon (Charlesbridge Publishing)  September 30, 2025. This middle grade STEM book follows the Rapid Inventory scientists of Chicago’s Field Museum as they conduct an inventory of everything that crawls, creeps, walks, or flies while they  explore some of the ecologically and culturally richest places on Earth.



Have you done any strange/surprising research for a book?

I got my own private underground tour of CERN, where the Large Hadron Collider is located. It’s where scientists are trying to understand how our  universe began. I’ve also been to multiple rocket launches, been behind the scenes at NASA Johnson and NASA Kennedy Space Centers. Basically, wherever I travel, I do research for a book!


For Teachers

What advice do you have for teaching children to write nonfiction?

  •   Let them follow their own curiosity
  •   Think outside the box—have them describe how to do something and then make it
  •   Read a lot of nonfiction in your classroom and have discussions about it.
  •   Have fun with it!


Do you do virtual/in person school visits?

Yes, I love to interact with students and teachers. You can find more information about my school visits here: https://jenniferswansonbooks.com/about/author-visits/


Where can we learn more about you?

I also have an award-winning science podcast for kids:

Solve It! Science Podcast for Kids—Check it out!

You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Bluesky


Thanks for sharing your background with us!

Readers, feel free to drop a comment or question for Jen below!

Natalie Rompella on EmailNatalie Rompella on FacebookNatalie Rompella on LinkedinNatalie Rompella on TwitterNatalie Rompella on Wordpress
Natalie Rompella
Natalie is the author of more than sixty books and resources for kids, including MALIK'S NUMBER THOUGHTS: A STORY ABOUT OCD (Albert Whitman & Co., 2022) and COOKIE CUTTERS & SLED RUNNERS (Sky Pony Press, 2017). Visit her website at www.natalierompella.com

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