Posts Tagged relax

Take Time to Stop and Smell the Roses


Happy Holidays everyone!  The big day is over– for some of us– (Happy Kwanzaa!) and while it may have been awesome, it also may mean a big sigh of relief. The time leading up to the holidays is typically filled with excitement and anticipation, but also stress. Finding the right gift, not forgetting anyone on our list, filling out holiday cards, getting them into the mail in time, and braving the long lines at stores and post offices. Whew! I’m tired just thinking about it.

And now that’s it over, our thoughts turn to the new year. We may be making preparations for big New Year’s Eve celebrations  on the town, or perhaps just a quiet night at home.

Whatever you chose to do, think about this.  In a few short days, people will be asking you what your resolutions are for the New Year. You will want to have a list handy with grand plans and goals that you will accomplish in 2016.


That’s a lot of pressure, too.

Before you get caught up in what you want to do for the next year, I invite you to take a moment to sit back and relax.

In our fast-paced world it seems like everyone is always on the go , furiously trying to get through one day, go to sleep, and then face the new one. It’s a never-ending cycle of movement. Come on, admit it. You do this a lot, don’t you? I know that I do. It happens to me when I’m juggling mulitple books, deadlines, edits, or simply taking care of my kids and my dogs. Life can be hair-on-fire crazy on occasion. Sometimes the best thing to do is to slow down and relax.

It is amazing how invigorating doing nothing can be!

My family and I just got back from the most amazing trip. We went to Hawaii for a week. I, of course, took with me stacks of things to keep me occupied– notes from future books, ideas that needed to be fleshed out, books from my to-be-read list. Basically, I planned to work. ( You know in case I became bored in Hawaii. As if?!?)


What did I do?


I sat on the beach in my chair and people-watched. I stared at the awesome beach before me and just let my brain wander.

Oh, we went snorkeling, sight-seeing, shopping, and I even got to meet a dolphin face-to-face. But the best part about my vacation was simply sitting in the beach chair staring at this:


I think we all need to do more of that. I defnitely plan to do so.

So my advice to you is, as you think about what you want to put on that resolution list for 2016, add in “Time to relax”!

My goals for this year include:

— Re-starting my  Tai chi routine at least 3 times a week

— Taking at least 20 minutes a day to step outside and enjoy the sun

— Read more books for fun!

— Unplug from the phone/internet at night

— Spend more time at the beach!

— Take time to stop and smell the roses!


It’s easy to get so caught up in the hectic pace of life that you can forget to take time off.   But relaxing SO important to your own well-being and it costs nothing, but it will make you supremely happy and will invigorate you to keep going!

What are your favorite ways of unplugging and finding time to relax? How do you plan to do this in 2016?

Share your ways below. You may give those of us some great new ideas to add to our own list.

Happy 2016!!