Posts Tagged educators

Growing Hearts: 10 Middle Grade Books to Inspire Gratitude

Let’s talk gratitude!

Fall is the time of year we tend to consider the concept. I recently read Michael J Fox’s memoir No Time Like the Future. His theme: “With gratitude, optimism is sustainable” drove home the realization that gratitude isn’t just a feeling we should have (peaking sometime around Thanksgiving), it’s a practice we must have. If we want to have a forward-looking life in the midst of all the uncertainty and the curveballs life will throw at us…

We need to cultivate the practice of gratitude all year long.

For our young people growing up in this fast-changing world bombarded by sensationalist media developing gratitude is particularly important. Fortunately, developing gratitude (and empathy and kindness and hopefulness and so on) is an area where middle grade literature really rocks! A feeling of gratitude was certainly on my mind while writing my middle-grade novel, Wand. And in general the genre is rich with books to help young people develop this life-sustaining practice, without being preachy or moralistic.

Jenn Brisendine created a gorgeous post a few years back about reflection and gratitude this time of year, and about learning to appreciate what’s right in front of us. Building on that…

Here are 10 middle grade books to inspire gratitude:

Ana María Reyes Does Not Live in a Castle by Hilda Eunice Burgos

Cover for Ana Maria Reyes Does Not Live in a Castle

The Penderwicks meets In the Heights in this sparkling middle-grade debut about a young Dominican American girl in New York City.

Her last name may mean “kings,” but Ana María Reyes REALLY does not live in a castle. Rather, she’s stuck in a tiny apartment with two parents (way too lovey-dovey), three sisters (way too dramatic), everyone’s friends (way too often), and a piano (which she never gets to practice). And when her parents announce a new baby is coming, that means they’ll have even less time for Ana María.

Then she hears about the Eleanor School, New York City’s best private academy. If Ana María can win a scholarship, she’ll be able to get out of her Washington Heights neighborhood school and achieve the education she’s longed for. To stand out, she’ll need to nail her piano piece at the upcoming city showcase, which means she has to practice through her sisters’ hijinks, the neighbors’ visits, a family trip to the Dominican Republic… right up until the baby’s birth! But some new friends and honest conversations help her figure out what truly matters, and know that she can succeed no matter what. Ana María Reyes may not be royal, but she’s certain to come out on top.

Elvis and The World As It Stands by Lisa Frenkel Riddiough

Cover for Elvis and the World As It StandsA poignant middle-grade story about loss and finding family from the point of view of a newly adopted kitten.

Most shelter animals dream of going home with a forever family. But for Elvis, being chosen by Mrs. Pemberton is a nightmare. He’s been separated from his sister, Etta, and is determined to get back to the shelter to find her. In spite of himself, Elvis becomes curious about 10-year-old Georgina Pemberton, who builds LEGO skyscrapers in her bedroom while navigating her parents’ separation. The longer he’s in his new home, the more he starts recognizing new feelings: admiration for Georgina’s creations, affection for the other pets, and even empathy for the Pembertons–despite their inability to listen.

As Georgina sets out to build her most important skyscrapers yet–the Twin Towers–Elvis realizes that maybe both humans and animals can take a page from Georgina’s Big Book of American Architecture and “build a world of their own choosing,” even if the choices aren’t what they’d initially expected.

Harbor Me by Jacqueline Woodson

Cover for Harbor Me by Jacqueline Woodson

Jacqueline Woodson’s first middle-grade novel since National Book Award winner Brown Girl Dreaming celebrates the healing that can occur when a group of students share their stories.

It all starts when six kids have to meet for a weekly chat–by themselves, with no adults to listen in. There, in the room they soon dub the ARTT Room (short for “A Room to Talk”), they discover it’s safe to talk about what’s bothering them–everything from Esteban’s father’s deportation and Haley’s father’s incarceration to Amari’s fears of racial profiling and Ashton’s adjustment to his changing family fortunes. When the six are together, they can express the feelings and fears they have to hide from the rest of the world. And together, they can grow braver and more ready for the rest of their lives.

Homebound by John David Anderson

Cover for Homebound by John David Anderson

Leo Fender is no stranger to catastrophe, whether it’s the intergalactic war that took his mother’s life or the ongoing fight for his own. He’s seen his planet plundered, his ship attacked, his father kidnapped, and his brother go missing–and found himself stranded on a ship with a bunch of mercenary space pirates.

Still, nothing could have prepared him for the moment he and the crew tried to save his father…and discovered a dark plot that could destroy hundreds of worlds in the blink of an eye.

Now Leo is adrift. His father has sent him on a mission with nothing but a data chip and a name of someone who could help, and Captain Bastian Black and the crew of the Icarus are determined to see this through to the end with Leo, to fulfill his father’s wish and prevent further conflict.

But as Leo searches for answers, he can’t help but wonder what it would take to end the war, to track down his father and brother and return to whatever home they have left–and if the cost of doing so is one he would be able to pay.

Kat Greene Comes Clean by Melissa Roske

Cover for Kat Greene Comes Clean by Melissa Roske

Life is messy.

Kat Greene lives in New York City and attends fifth grade at Village Humanity School, an ultra-progressive private school in New York’s Greenwich Village. At the moment she has three major problems: dealing with her boy-crazy best friend; partnering with the overzealous Sam in the class production of Harriet the Spy; and coping with her divorced mom’s preoccupation with cleanliness–a symptom of her worsening obsessive-compulsive disorder. Kat wants to tell her dad what’s going on, but he’s busy with her new family uptown.

With nowhere to turn, Kat reaches out to the free-spirited psychologist at her school, Olympia Rabinowitz, for support and guidance. Olympia encourages Kat to be honest. Eventually, Kat realizes that sometimes asking for help is the best way to clean up life’s messes.

Other Words for Home by Jasmine Warga

Cover for Other Words for Home by Jasmine Warga

Jude never thought she’d be leaving her beloved older brother and father behind, all the way across the ocean in Syria. But when things in her hometown start becoming volatile, Jude and her mother are sent to live in Cincinnati with relatives.

At first, everything in America seems too fast and too loud. The American movies that Jude has always loved haven’t quite prepared her for starting school in the US–and her new label of “Middle Eastern,” an identity she’s never known before.

But this life also brings unexpected surprises–there are new friends, a whole new family, and a school musical that Jude might just try out for. Maybe America, too, is a place where Jude can be seen as she really is.

This lyrical, life-affirming story is about losing and finding home and, most importantly, finding yourself.

Simon Sort of Says by Erin Bow

Cover for Simon Sort of Says

Simon O’Keeffe’s biggest claim to fame should be the time his dad accidentally gave a squirrel a holy sacrament. Or maybe the alpaca disaster that went viral on YouTube. But the story the whole world wants to tell about Simon is the one he’d do anything to forget: the one starring Simon as a famous survivor of gun violence at school.

Two years after the infamous event, twelve-year-old Simon and his family move to the National Quiet Zone–the only place in America where the internet is banned. Instead of talking about Simon, the astronomers who flock to the area are busy listening for signs of life in space. And when Simon makes a friend who’s determined to give the scientists what they’re looking for, he’ll finally have the chance to spin a new story for the world to tell.

Simon Sort of Says, the Newbery Honor-winning novel by Erin Bow, is a breathtaking testament to the lasting echoes of trauma, the redemptive power of humor, and the courage it takes to move forward without forgetting the past.

Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe by Jo Watson Hackl

Cover for Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe

11 days. 13 clues. And one kid who won’t give up.

How far would you go to find something that might not even exist?

All her life, Cricket’s mama has told her stories about a secret room painted by a mysterious artist. Now Mama’s run off, and Cricket thinks the room might be the answer to getting her to come back. If it exists. And if she can find it.

Cricket’s first clue is a coin from a grown-over ghost town in the woods. So with her daddy’s old guidebook and a coat full of snacks stolen from the Cash ‘n’ Carry, Cricket runs away to find the room. Surviving in the woods isn’t easy. While Cricket camps out in an old tree house and looks for clues, she meets the last resident of the ghost town, encounters a poetry-loving dog (who just might hold a key to part of the puzzle), and discovers that sometimes you have to get a little lost . . . to really find your way.

The Other Half of Happy by Rebecca Balcárcel

Cover for The Other Half of Happy

One-half Guatemalan, one-half American: When Quijana’s Guatemalan cousins move to town, her dad seems ashamed that she doesn’t know more about her family’s heritage.

One-half crush, one-half buddy: When Quijana meets Zuri and Jayden, she knows she’s found true friends. But she can’t help the growing feelings she has for Jayden.

One-half kid, one-half grown-up: Quijana spends her nights Skyping with her ailing grandma and trying to figure out what’s going on with her increasingly hard-to-reach brother.

Quijana must figure out which parts of herself are most important, and which pieces come together to make her whole.

This is a heartfelt poetic portrayal of a girl growing up, fitting in, and learning what it means to belong.

When Stars are Scattered by Victoria Jamieson

Cover for When Stars are Scattered

A National Book Award Finalist, this remarkable graphic novel is about growing up in a refugee camp, as told by a former Somali refugee to the Newbery Honor-winning creator of Roller Girl.

Omar and his younger brother, Hassan, have spent most of their lives in Dadaab, a refugee camp in Kenya. Life is hard there: never enough food, achingly dull, and without access to the medical care Omar knows his nonverbal brother needs. So when Omar has the opportunity to go to school, he knows it might be a chance to change their future . . . but it would also mean leaving his brother, the only family member he has left, every day.

Heartbreak, hope, and gentle humor exist together in this graphic novel about a childhood spent waiting, and a young man who is able to create a sense of family and home in the most difficult of settings. It’s an intimate, important, unforgettable look at the day-to-day life of a refugee, as told to New York Times Bestselling author/artist Victoria Jamieson by Omar Mohamed, the Somali man who lived the story.

Let me know in the comments which other middle-grade books have inspired gratitude in your students or kids!

A Ramadan Booklist and Guide for Educators and Librarians

A Ramadan Booklist and Guide for Educators

A Ramadan booklist and guide for educators just in time …. Ramadan is here, and all over the USA and world, Muslim students are preparing to fast. And very often, educators and librarians play such an important and valuable role in helping these students feel comfortable and more confident in following their faith and belonging.

Read on for more information about Ramadan … plus, we have a Ramadan booklist at the very end of this post.

Ramadan by the Calendar

In 2023, Ramadan started around March 23, and the reason I use the word around is because it actually depends on where you are in the world.

Since Ramadan is based on the lunar calendar, it moves backwards every year around 11 days, and is confirmed based on the sighting of the crescent moon in the night sky. Some Muslim communities use NASA calculations to determine when Ramadan is long before the month starts, and many wait for the moon to show in the sky- which could mean different starting days around the world, and even sometimes in the same city according to different Masjid (Mosque) leadership.

This has always been humorously nicknamed “the moon wars” by Muslims, due to the passionate debates on if the moon was sighted or not, and I have come now as an adult to appreciate the vast diversity of the Muslim community all over the world, and actually find it a lovable fun mystery of every year.


Ramadan Schedules

The holy month of fasting for Muslims all over the world means a change in daily schedules, and for many children aged 7-9, it might even be their first year attempting the fast.

Fasting in Ramadan means no food or drink (yes, not even water!) being consumed from dawn until sunset. So for many middle-grade students, that means waking up earlier with their families to eat suhoor or the pre-dawn meal. After a short prayer, kids go back to sleep, but this interruption might cause more sleepiness during the school day, and a need for a nap after school. Fasting continues all day until sunset, and families gather after for Iftar, a meal to break the fast.

Ramadan schedules also include a lot of extra time for doing good deeds and praying, and there are special night prayers done at the Masjid each night called Taraweeh. Many Muslim students and kids also go to these prayers, and so their sleep schedules might be a little delayed due to this as well.

Lack of eating or drinking also means not eating lunch at school (although some students may decide to break their fast at this time, which is completely okay! It depends on each kid and their comfort level).

Fasting might make it difficult for many to be in the cafeteria at this time. So where do most students go? (Where did I go as a young kid?)



The Library as a Safe Haven

As a young Muslim American, school libraries were truly my safe haven. I spent my fasting days between book shelves, passing the time by flying away on another middle grade adventure. Librarians have always looked out for me, and been there to make sure that I find the perfect middle grade book to enjoy.

Another cool library use- a place to pray!

Muslims pray five times a day- dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and a night prayer. These prayers are standing rituals, with bowing and prostrating, specific motions and words recited, with a Muslim focusing completely on their prayer. Many use prayer rugs to help keep the place they put their heads down on clean from any dust.

I often found the area between bookshelves the perfect place for me to pray my noon prayer, and the books really felt like the perfect quiet supportive company. The librarians were truly the coolest, always being very careful to make sure no one disturbed me while praying.


 So how can non-Muslim allies help Muslim students who are fasting during this month?

Ramadan lasts around 29 to 30 days (again based on the sighting of the crescent moon to signal the ending of the lunar month), and so students might find themselves in need of extra compassion and support, especially as the days go by.

Books, libraries, librarians, and educators play an important role in helping students with finding a safe haven to stay during lunch, as well as providing an understanding and supportive place these students can depend on.

A Ramadan Boooklist

Get those awesome middle grade book recs ready, (maybe even some Muslim middle grade options-linked below) and most of all, please make sure to completely be supportive. Muslim students often just want to feel like they belong, and being an ally goes a long way in helping them feel proud and confident in their faith.

For a school Ramadan educator guide, check out:

A great resource on educators and learning more about Ramadan is linked here and made by Muslim authors Aya Khalil and Huda Fahmy.

And a super fun Muslim Middle grade list by Muslim authors to help Ramadan students pass the time:

OMAR RISING by Aisha Saeed

A BIT OF EARTH by Karuna Riaz

ONCE UPON A EID by Aisha Saeed and SK Ali




WORLD IN BETWEEN by Kenan Trebincevic

A PLACE AT THE TABLE by Sadie Faruqi

BHA FOR NOW by Maleeha Siddiqui

HAMRA by Hana Alkaf


((For more, check out this archived Melissa Roske interview with Muslim author Hena Khan)) 

Thank you so much librarians and educators!


Using Time in Nature to Get Your School Year Off to a Terrific Start

Photo: Jo Hackl

This year presents unique challenges for educators, students, and parents. As we navigate the new normal, why not try a proven technique to reduce stress and increase overall well-being? It turns out that spending time outdoors (even for a few minutes) can help you to do just that. Here’s a summary of some of the growing body of research supporting the benefits of exposure to nature.

Below are some easy ideas to help you incorporate nature into your day. They can not only help to make your day better, but also benefit your entire family.

Photo: Jo Hackl



1. If possible, eat breakfast outside or by a sunny window. Exposure to sunlight helps you wake up and the sights and sounds of nature help set the mood for a productive, calm day.


Photo: Jo Hackl



2. Whether you’re working at home or going to school, include something from nature in your workspace. Even a simple photograph from nature pasted on the inside cover of your notebook can help you relax if you get stressed.



3. Unwind at the end of your school day by taking a walk outside. This helps you clear your mind and relax your body.


Photos: Jo Hackl


Photo: Jo Hackl



4. Consider keeping a nature journal. Your journal doesn’t need to be anything fancy. All you need is something to write on and a pen or pencil to record things that interest you in nature. You might try sitting in the same spot every day and noting how the things you see, hear, feel and touch change over the course of the seasons.



5. Plan your weekend around outdoor activities. It’s easier to maintain social distance outdoors and outdoor activities provide a fun way for your family and friends to make memories. If you’d like to take things a step farther, join me in the practice I’ve maintained for over 25 years—every Sunday I unplug from technology and spend as much time as possible outdoors. My family and I hike. We garden. We take nature photographs. We don’t think about work or school. And that one simple habit makes an enormous difference in our week.

Photo: Jo Hackl


If you can’t get outdoors, you can read books with natural settings. In addition to classics such as Hatchet, My Side of the Mountain, and Island of the Blue Dolphins



Below are some other wonderful books set outdoors:


A Wolf Called Wander by Rosanne Parry takes readers on a journey with a wolf separated from his family who embarks upon a thousand-mile journey to find a new home. Katherine Applegate, Newbery Medal-winning author of The One and Only Ivan, calls it “[r]iveting and lyrical . . . a vibrantly imagined celebration of the natural world.”





Pax by Sara Pennypacker takes readers on an adventure with Peter, who sets out to reunite with his pet fox. The San Francisco Chronicle calls it “at once a wilderness adventure about survival and a philosophical foray into big questions.”





The Skeleton Tree by Iain Lawrence takes readers on an adventure with two boys who must survive on their own in the Alaskan wilderness. The Horn Book Review calls it “[a]n emotionally engaging and heart-pounding read.”



For more information to help you explore the natural world, check out our STEM Tuesday section. You also can find more ideas (and cites to more research supporting the benefits of time in nature) at I grew up in the country and experienced the benefits of spending time outdoors. Years ago, this convinced me to create Outdoorosity as a free resource. These recent months have demonstrated more and more the value of making time to get outdoors to refresh and recharge. And doing so is good for all the people in our lives.