Lenore Look is here today to discuss screen free week (April 29th – May 5th) a time when many chose to turn off their televisions in exchange for other activities. I know I enjoyed reading Alvin Ho during my time away from the T.V. this week, even if it was a bit early! Lenore has some great input for what she does during her unplugged days. Read ahead to learn all about it!
Me: During your screen free week you decide to take advantage of a beautiful sunny day, what do you do?
Lenore: Believe it or not, it’s not only screen-free week for me, it’s a screen-free life! I had decided at age 18, when I moved out to college that I would never own a TV. In my parents home when I was growing up, the TV was on ALL the time, and I got so sick of it and saw how much time was wasted in front of it, that I knew I didn’t want it inmy house. And do you know what? I never even miss it. My days are so full that I don’t have time for everything, let alone find time for TV. I really don’t know how people fit it in. On sunny days in my screen-free life, I’ll go for a run, meet a friend for lunch, work on my books, read a book, read the newspaper, go for a swim, travel, and so much more! The more screen-free you are, the richer and fuller your life becomes!
Me: That’s awesome! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve threatened to turn off the cable. I don’t know what’s stopping me. Thank you for being such a great example. What are your rainy day options? Do you grab your sword and shield and fight off fire breathing dragons or do you put on an aluminum foil cap so the aliens can’t read your mind?
Lenore: Everything I do on sunny days is even better to do on rainy days, except maybe for the run. I love curling up with a book on a rainy day. And nothing makes me write better than a good storm. When I was a kid, a rainy day (and there were many in Seattle!) meant rolling out the flying carpet (a bath towel) and going on the most splendid journeys to exotic lands. I dropped in and out of different cultures and even time traveled. It was fantastic! When I was old enough to not burn down the house, I enjoyed baking cookies and brownies on rainy days.

LENORE LOOK is the author of the popular Alvin Ho series; in a starred review Kirkus Reviews called Alvin “refreshingly original [and] endearing.” Lenore is also the author of several acclaimed picture books, including Henry’s First-Moon Birthday and Uncle Peter’s Amazing Chinese Wedding, both of which received three starred reviews and were named ALA-ALSC Notable Children’s Books. Her latest picture book is Polka Dot Penguin Pottery.
Lenore: Sadly, I’m a crafter wannabe who will never amount to much. I always get inspired to do a craft whenever I see something spectacular that someone has made, and say, “Hey, I can do that!” Then the competitive part of me adds, “I can do it better!” Then I head straight to the craft store, where I’ll spend a princely sum because not only will I do it better, I’ll make the BEST ONE YET!!! Guess how many world-famous, museum-worthy craft projects I have in the back of my closet waiting for me to do???
Me: Ha! Don’t I know that feeling! One last question. A unicorn visits your picnic, do you:
a. share your chocolate
b. chase him away with a stick while wearing a turbin and dancing the hula
c. feed him your veggies (the ones that you tucked under your napkin at dinner last night)
Lenore: Sorry, unicorn, I’m going to say “none of the above” – this is on account of a.) I love chocolate so much I have a really hard time sharing chocolate, b.) I would never chase you away because I love animals, and c) I love veggies so much I have a hard time sharing those, too, though not as much as chocolate. So if you’re a unicorn at my picnic, I would share my homemade granola with you because it’s the best granola in the world and it’s good for you. Then I’ll comb your coat. Then we’ll be friends, just like that!
Me: Smart girl. I wouldn’t share my chocolate either! Thanks for joining us here on The Mixed-Up Files, Lenore.
ALVIN HO: Allergic to Babies, Burglars, and Other Bumps in the Night by Lenore Look; illustrated by LeUyen Pham
Alvin’s fans will laugh out loud at his latest fear–a baby!Readers will herald the return of their favorite phobic boy in this, the fifth book in the beloved series. Alvin’s mother has been getting bigger . . . and bigger. Alvin’s sure it’s all the mochi cakes she’s been eating, but it turns out she’s pregnant! There are lots of scary things about babies, as everybody knows–there’s learning CPR for the newborn and changing diapers (no way)–but the scariest thing of all is the fact that the baby could be a GIRL. As a result of the stress, Alvin develops a sympathetic pregnancy and hilarity definitely ensues. Once again, Lenore Look and LeUyen Pham deliver a story that’s funny and touching in equal measures.
Want a copy of this book?? One lucky winner will receive a copy of Alvin Ho: Allergic to Babies, Burglars and Other Bumps in the Night by Lenore Look! If you’d like to win this delightful story just fill out the form below!
You can learn more about screen free week here http://www.commercialfreechildhood.org/screenfreeweek/. Here’s a youtube video from Random House about unplugging https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsbhj6_ha94. Now, join the cruisade and UNPLUG!
Amie Borst and her middle-grade daughter write fairy tales with a twist. Their first book, Cinderskella, releases October 2013!
I love to use my Kindle to read:)
seriously considering no screen during summer but maybe a once a week film..really can’t do without a good film to read. but I do want to make better of my time with me and the family. having another alvin ho book to laugh aloud with some summery morning sounds really good to me. love this series.
I love the premise–afraid of babies! Sounds like a fun game. I also think screen free week is a great idea!
We like to cook together and we’ll try more art projects.
Our kids are always up for a board game!!
I like to do scrapbooking during my screen free time.
Great interview and something to think about since I use too much screen time honestly…sometimes I need some kind of distraction, but I guess that is no excuse!
I have been meaning to read these books. Fun.