So today I finally activated my Instagram account. I know! How very 2010 of me, right?!? (I’m just mildly behind the times… Give me another six years and I might actually post something on it!)
Now, I’m not anti-social media. Not at all. In fact, I probably spend a little too much time there. I love the connections, the real-time updates from friends, and communicating with fellow writers and readers. I’m pretty active on Facebook (great for keeping my mom up-to-date on my whereabouts, or so she tells me); and Twitter (which I understand is an excellent place to beg Mark Zuckerberg for money, haven’t tried yet though). And I’m actually rather excited about following the whole #bookstagram community (some of the photographs are truly works of art!).
(And I know I’m hardly the first person to say this… ) But… all of it can be a bit daunting, right? So. Much. Information… In so. Many. Different. Places. And just when you think you’ve mastered one social media site, a new one pops up and takes its place (I know, I know, this is coming from the person who just discovered Instagram. Please, whatever you do, don’t try to Snapchat me, okay?!?) I mean, I haven’t even ventured into Google+ territory. Or Tumblr. And my YouTube presence is limited to watching music videos while I work out. There’s only so much time in the day, and that laundry isn’t going to do itself… (um, is it?)
So, I’m curious — how social are you? Do you do Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Snapstagramchat… or would you be just as happy if people started communicating with tin cans and strings again? Do you have a favorite social site? And why? Tell me in the comments below… And maybe we can @ each other!
Jan Gangsei is the author of ZERO DAY (Disney-Hyperion, 2016), as well as several MG series for Working Partners, LTD. You can find her on Twitter, Facebook and yes, now Instagram (where eventually she may even post a picture of what she ate last night!).
I like Facebook best. While I see the attraction of Twitter, it’s much too ephemeral for me! I’m also on Pinterest but who knows why? Hooray for Goodreads, such a wonderful, thought-provoking community!
Pintrest is addictive and I am on Goodreads every day. I would love to have more goodreads friends who read Middle grade, so feel free to friend me:
I use Twitter to keep up with authors and fellow bloggers, and Facebook is mostly for family and friends. I’ve been curious about Pintrest, but I don’t want to get bogged down in social media either.
You’re still ahead of me! I am just
learning to use my cell phone and only this year started a Twitter account. I love keeping up with my writer friends but it’s overwhelming to keep up with several hundred other people. It helps to have a five-year-old grandson to show me how to use some of this newfangled technology. I’m not going to go beyond Twitter and Facebook.