#DVPit and #DVCon creator Beth Phelan has launched a new, non-profit organization: DiverseVoices, Inc. Phelan’s mission: “empowering and advocating for book creators from marginalized communities in getting traditionally published within an industry dominated by white, cis-hetero, non-disabled voice” (From the announcement news release)
Phelan, who is DiverseVoices President and, separately, a literary agent with Gallt and Zacker Literary Agency, says she envisions mentorships, grants, a book club, and more–all with the aim toward helping more diverse creators get traditionally published. “We still have a long way to go in this industry with regard to equitable and inclusive publishing, so we’re currently working on expanding our team so that we can develop more programs to further our mission.”
Among the new programs on the horizon: DVMentor and DVDebut.
The DiverseVoices, Inc. team includes:
- Vice President: Kat Cho
- Treasurer: LeKesha Lewis
- Secretary: Norma Perez-Hernandez
- Claribel Ortega
- Pete Knapp