
A Chat with Tania Unsworth (& a giveaway!)

Book jacket for BrightwoodOctober is one of my favorite months. Candy apples. Gorgeous fall leaves. Halloween. And, my favorite, spooky middle grade stories! So I was thrilled to chat with Tania Unsworth, author of the frighteningly beautiful new middle-grade story Brightwood. Leave a comment below for a chance to win your own copy!

JA: Unlike Daisy, the heroine in Brightwood who has never set foot outside the grounds of the mysterious mansion where she lives, you moved around quite a bit during your childhood. How did that impact the stories you tell? 

TU: I was born in the UK but spent most of the time up till the age of seven living in Greece and Turkey where my dad – the novelist Barry Unsworth – taught English and wrote. That was an amazing early childhood to have – full of wonder and novelty – and it gave me my love of travel, of setting out on journeys into unknown places…But it also made me crave safety and stability. As a writer I’m drawn to stories about this conflict; the comforting certainty of home versus the need to go out into the world. I like writing for middle grade because it’s around that time that most of us start to feel this conflict. In Brightwood, my heroine Daisy is just at the beginning of the end of childhood. Change is coming. It’s a frightening, sorrowful – and completely thrilling – time of life!

JA: Describe Daisy in three words: 

TU: Secret, powerful, kind.

JA: A lot of authors whose first books find great success suffer from what they call “second book syndrome.” How was writing your second middle-grade story? How was it different than writing The One Safe Place?

TU: I’ve written several books, two for adults, two for middle grade and three (by my last count) that never made it to the publishers at all! So you’d think I’d know how to do it by now. But while some things get easier – experience really helps with some of the technical aspects – each book has different challenges and demands. I think I can truthfully say that I never know how to write a particular book until I’ve got to the end of it. Sometimes I think of it as trying to walk across a bridge while building it at the same time…You have to rely a lot on faith – in your story and in yourself. And if you’re under pressure to follow up a good book with another that’s equally good or better, it can really get in the way of doing that.

JA: I’m too chicken to read scary stories for YA or Adult audiences, but I love a good middle grade spooky story. What made you want to write scary stories for children? 

Author Tania Unsworth. Image (c) D.E. Thaler

Author Tania Unsworth. Image (c) D.E. Thaler

TU: I think children love scary stories. I certainly did. When I was very small, there were some books that made me run away just at the sight of them. But I always crept back, unable to resist the dreaded words or scary illustration. Books are a safe way for kids to explore all kinds of fascinating emotions – including fear.

JA: What’s your favorite ghost story for children?

I love the classics. The Monkey’s Paw by W.W Jacobs was written over a hundred years ago, and the style is slower – and perhaps a little less accessible – than children are used to these days. But it’s still an outstandingly spooky story. Be careful what you wish for!

JA: You’re currently on tour as part of Algonquin’s #iLoveMG Author Tour. What’s your favorite part of being on the road and talking about your books?

TU: That’s easy. Meeting readers!

JA: What are you working on next?

TU: I’m writing a story about a girl who thinks she’s a mermaid, although it’s more thriller than fairy tale. Dark, with plenty of twists!

I have a ten-year-old in my household who loves all things dark and mermaid, so we’ll be waiting to see that new one. In the meantime, we’re wrestling over Brightwood. Thank you Tania!

Readers, leave a comment below for a chance to win your own copy of Brightwood.

Celebrating Snow Fright

Book jacket for Snow FrightMost people in the book business love Tuesdays because that’s when new books are released into the world. I particularly love Tuesdays when an author whose books my kids & I love has a new release. And when that author happens to be friend and Mixed-Up Files contributor Amie Borst, well, let’s just say it’s a banner Tuesday!

I was lucky enough to chat with Amie about Snow Fright, about writing with her daughter, and about all things pink and sparkly. Leave a comment for your chance to win a copy of Snow Fright!

JA: Cinderskella came out in 2013. How has writing three books with your daughter changed as she’s grown? 

AB: My daughter and I actually wrote Cinderskella in 2010 shortly before her 10th birthday, so by the time it was published in 2013 and we penned Little Dead Riding Hood in 2013/2014 we’d experienced quite a shift in our partnership. First, Bethanie wasn’t a child any more but had grown into a teenager. Second, her writing skills had also blossomed. And third, she was gaining independence. I could give her a prompt and ask her to write the scene and she’d churn out 2,000 words before I’d even sat down at my desk. When it came time to write Snow Fright she penned about half of it before we even really plotted together! Of course she was on track and her writing set the tone for the novel.

JA: Do you think you’ll continue to collaborate?

AB: She’s written at least four more novels on her own and I’ve ventured into solo works as well. So that’s hard to say. She’s a teenager now who is thinking about college and career choices. I’d love to write more stories with her but….hold on….I hear her groaning in the background. Okay. Never mind. That’s a no.

JA: What was your favorite part of writing Snow Fright? 

AB: I really do love collaborating with my daughter. She’s so smart and creative. And she’s freaking funny. The best part is that she’s so uninhibited. I’ll always think that something can’t be done and she’ll say, “Why not?” Turns out she’s right, of course. It can always be done.

I think the best part was developing the seven worms that live inside Sarah’s head. That was all Bethanie’s idea, of course, and I couldn’t imagine Snow Fright any other way.

JA: Do you and your daughter read a lot of the same books? Do you tend to agree or disagree on your favorites?

AB: We definitely have very similar literary tastes! Okay, I admit I’m not a Tolkien fan but when it comes to middle-grade books we share the same love for dark stories.

A photo of author Amie Borst

Author Amie Borst

JA: What’s on your bookshelf right now? Any fall releases you’re particularly excited about?

AB: Textbooks. I recently returned to school so I’m swimming in assignments. There is one class entirely dedicated to middle-grade novels (Classics in Children’s literature). That stack includes Winnie the Pooh, The Secret Garden, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The Golden Compass, The Tale of Desperaux, Adam of the Road, Holes, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Where the Red Fern Grows, Sounder, James and the Giant Peach, Harry Potter, and The Lightening Thief. I’m going to be very busy this semester!

As far as new releases, I’m excited to read Rose Cooper’s The Ungrateful Dead (sequel to I Text Dead People). Rumor has it I’m in the acknowledgements.

JA: When did your obsession with the color pink begin? Does your daughter share this love, or rebel against it? 

AB: Hahaha!! No, she most definitely does not share my passion for pink. She is the furthest thing from a girly-girl and according to her, pink is classified in the ultra-girly-girl category.

My earliest recollection for my pink passion came in first grade. I wore a pink dress to school almost every day. My teacher at the time nick-named me The Pink Lady. It just kind of stuck. I actually do like other colors, green being a close second, but I think my affinity for everything pink will live forever.

JA: What’s next for the Borst writing duo?

Chocolate. Chocolate is definitely next. Maybe cookies. Perhaps ice cream. But definitely chocolate.

JA: Cookies sound good! Congratulations on the launch of Snow Fright and best of luck, Amie! Readers, don’t forget to leave a comment below for your chance to win a copy of Snow Fright!

Amie Borst loves glitter, unicorns, and chocolate. But not at the same time. That would be weird. She’s a PAL member of the SCBWI as well as a founding and contributing member of The Mixed-Up Files…of Middle-Grade Authors. As a featured judge on Rate Your Story, she enjoys helping new writers find their voice. Amie is the author of the middle-grade series, Scarily Ever Laughter. The series, which she co-authored with her daughter, Bethanie, features fairy tale retellings with a twist. Cinderskella, Little Dead Riding Hood, and Snow Fright are published by Jolly Fish Press. Amie lives in Virginia with her three beautiful daughters, her handsome husband, and two cute dogs named Lily and Maggie. She wishes she could travel the country in a hot pink elevator but for now, her minivan will have to do.

You can find Amie on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram as well as her website and blog She also shares a website with her daughter

Swing Sideways!



Swing Sideways is a story about love, friendship, and hope that takes place when two girls meet at the exact moment when they need each other the most. They quickly develop a friendship that will rival that of Tom and Huck, Jess and Leslie, or Charlotte and Wilbur. It is a book that will make you want to call your best friend, then go out and pick a basketful of wild berries and dip your toes in the cool water of a creek. It is a book that will show you how your life can change in one instant when the truth of a well kept secret is revealed. School Library Journal said, “This is a summer neither Annabel nor readers will ever forget.”

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Amie: Welcome to The Mixed-Up Files, Nancy! We’re so glad to have you hear today and learn more about you and your books. What lead you to become a children’s author? And why middle-grade books?

Nancy: When I was four we lived in England. Our neighbor gave me a vinyl record of Vivien Leigh (think Scarlett O’Hara) narrating the story of Peter Rabbit. I played that record over and over so many times, my older brother broke it in two so he didn’t have to listen anymore. (I have since forgiven him). Within minutes (like as soon as I stopped crying) I asked my mother to write down a story I wanted to tell, because I knew that by creating it myself, no one could take it away. I wrote my first “novel” when I was nine, and still have it, complete with crayon drawings of a wild horse. That same year, I read Black Beauty and when I closed it after reading the last page, I knew I would become an author someday.

It is such an honor to write for middle grade readers. Try this: ask an adult what their favorite book was when they were a kid. Don’t specify age. Nine times out of ten, they will give you the name of a book they read between the ages or 8 – 13. Why? Because those are the books that make or break us as readers. How awesome is it to be the author who changes a child’s life that way?

Another major factor for me was because I wanted to be able to teach kids about writing, and encourage them to tap into their own creativity. I can do this through presenting workshops in schools and libraries, which is something that makes my heart swing sideways.

Amie: Wow! Older brothers can be tough like that, can’t they? Admittedly, so can moms. I remember when my children would insist on listening to a song or watching the same movie repeatedly, I’d hide the cd or dvd so I wouldn’t have to endure it just “one more time.” I know, I know. *hangs head in shame*

I love that you recognize how important middle-grade books are and their lasting impact on readers. Why are you the perfect person to tell Annabel’s story in Swing Sideways?

Nancy: Annie is a dreamer who was being stuffed into a mold by outside influences (Mom, Dad, teachers, school friends, Tommy, a resort community, etc). In order for Annie to discover who she truly is as a person, and in order for her to have the strength and courage to break free and fly solo, the person who told her story had to know how it felt to be her from the inside. There had to be a friend like California to give her “permission” to be herself, to accept her for who she was and not what someone else wanted her to be, to show her how it looked to march to her own beat. We all need a California in our lives at that age. Perhaps part of Swing Sideways was written out of my need to go back and change some of the things I didn’t like about myself at that time in my own life, and who else can do that but me?

Amie: Change has to come from within. It’s important for readers to recognize that at every age. If you could visit any place on earth where would it be?

Nancy: Scotland. I know that probably sounds unimaginative to some, but my ancestors come from Scotland. There is a remarkable story about one of them, Robert St. Clair, who, as a little boy, was kidnapped by gypsies and taken by ship . . . oh, wait, I can’t tell you that story just yet. Anyway, I am now living in the place where I was always meant to be, so I would love to see some of the old castles and craggy cliffs and shores of Scotland where part of my family’s history originates.

Amie: I think that would be an incredible place to visit! Last question, Nancy. It’s an important one so pay attention. Mashed potatoes and gravy or rice and beans?

Nancy: Totally mashed potatoes and gravy. And, if I’m not feeling too terribly fat, a nice big pat of sweet cream butter between the potatoes and the gravy would be like digging in to a piece of Heaven.

Amie: I’m suddenly very hungry. Maybe I’ll cook up some…*focus, Amie, focus!* Oh, I mean, thanks for joining us here at The Mixed-Up Files, Nancy!



Nanci Turner Steveson writes for middle grade readers and is an active member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. She studied under the mentorship of award winning authors Kathi Appelt, Patty Lee Gauch, and Bethany Hegedus.

At home in Wyoming, Nanci is on the Board of Directors of the Jackson Hole Writers Conference, and is the Teen Creative Writing Instructor at the Teton County Library in Jackson Hole. She works as a Stage Manager for Off Square Theatre Company, with her heart tied closest to the annual Youth Musical Production. One of Nanci’s greatest ambitions is to work with kids and inspire them to become two-fisted readers, like herself, and allow their own creativity to soar through the beauty of creative writing.

A life-long horse girl, Nanci lives in a historic meadow cabin in the shadow of the Teton mountains with two horses, two dogs, and an assortment of elk, moose, great gray owls and the occasional black bear who wander down from the national forest outside her back door. After a profound experience in 2009, Nanci is dedicated to getting books into the hands of homeless people, especially in shelters that house children, through her Literacy for Hope Project.

Swing Sideways (HarperCollins), Nanci’s debut novel has received stellar reviews from important publications and was launched in May, 2016. Her second novel, Georgia Rules, is scheduled for publication May 2, 2017. She is represented by Al Zuckerman, the founder of Writers House, LLC., and can also be reached through her website at

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Amie Borst is the author of Cinderskella, Little Dead Riding Hood, and the soon-to-be-released, Snow Fright. You can find her on twitter, facebook, and her website.