Yearly archive for 2012

Double Dog Dare with Lisa Graff

We’re thrilled to welcome Lisa Graff to the Mixed-Up Files. She’s a long-time reader of our blog and she’s celebrating the release of her fifth novel, DOUBLE DOG DARE. She’s also the author of THE THING ABOUT GEORGIE, UMBRELLA SUMMER, THE LIFE AND CRIMES OF BERNETTA WALLFLOWER, and SOPHIE SIMON SOLVES THEM ALL. A former children’s book editor, she’s an adjunct professor at McDaniel College and a writing instructor at Writopia Lab in Manhattan. To learn more about Lisa, visit


DOUBLE DOG DARE tells the story of fourth-graders Kansas Bloom and Francine Halata, who start out as archenemies, until–in a battle of wits and willpower–they discover that they have a lot more in common than either would have guessed.

This dual-perspective novel will appeal to girls and boys alike–and to anyone who has ever wanted anything so badly that they’d lick a lizard to get it. (From IndieBound)

Lisa, I double dog dare you to do this entire interview while unicycling on a high wire. Are you game?

Of course! (That’s how I typically answer interview questions, anyway.)

Impressive. So what inspired you to write DOUBLE DOG DARE?

This book originally grew out of a two-page short story I wrote as an exercise in graduate school (I got my MFA in Writing for Children at the New School in Manhattan in 2005). Somehow the two characters, Francine and Kansas—fourth-graders who couldn’t stop egging each other on to do more and more ridiculous things—stuck with me over the years, and I knew that one day I’d like to turn their story into a novel. But it wasn’t until I decided to add the divorce element that everything really began to fall into place.

Green hair. Underwear up a flagpole. Howling whenever your name is called. How did you come up with so many perfect-for-fourth-grade dares? And what’s the craziest dare you’ve ever done?

Lisa in Fourth Grade


I was pretty much a goodie-two-shoes when I was a kid. I think the most exciting dare I ever did was eating dry cat food (which, as I remember, was not too terrible). To come up with some of the dares in the book, I asked my friends and family members to tell me about dares they’d done. It turns out this is a good way to learn a lot of juicy information about people—who knew I had so many crazy friends??



Mmmm…cat food. Besides all the highly entertaining dares, you sort of slip in some heavier stuff about divorce and coping with it through the two narrators—Francine and Kansas. What advice would Francine give to kids about divorce? Kansas?

I knew when I began writing the book that I wanted to portray two very different kinds of divorces. Francine’s parents are trying their hardest to have a “civil” divorce, while Kansas’s father is almost completely absent from his life. So I think their advice would probably reflect those differences: Francine would most likely tell kids that sometimes you need to learn how to make the best out of a bad situation, while Kansas would encourage kids to lean on friends when they need help.

Your story alternates between a boy and girl narrator, something I haven’t seen a lot of in contemporary middle-grade stories. Why did you choose to tell the story in this way?

I’d never done that in a novel before, but the story just sort of seemed to call for it. It was a lot of fun to explore these very different kids, as well as to get two sometimes drastically different takes on the Dare War Francine and Kansas find themselves wrapped up in.

As a writer, I thought it was so unique the way you used each chapter title in one special scene near the end (don’t want to give anything away). Was this structure something you planned from the beginning or did that idea come along later?

Thanks so much! That absolutely was not something I planned. That structure came about probably in the eighth draft or so. Once I finally figured out what the end of the novel should be, I had to go back through the story and weave in those pieces throughout, so that everything would fall perfectly into place.

Your stories read so spot-on for their age. How do you stay in tune with the middle-grade mind set?

I’ve always been drawn to writing for the middle-grade age group, especially fourth-graders. I think it’s because that period was a very important one for me growing up (both of my parents remarried the summer before fourth grade, for one thing), so those memories have really stuck with me. I’m also lucky because I get to visit schools fairly frequently to talk about my books, and that helps to remind me what it’s like to be that age (and also to learn how being a kid has changed over the years!).

What’s your writing process like?

My process really changes for every novel—sometimes I outline a ton, sometimes not at all. The only thing that remains constant for me is the amount of revising I do. I am a HUGE reviser. I typically rewrite a novel—beginning, middle, end, all of it—at least four times, and very often more. Most writers really hate revising, but I actually like it quite a bit. For me revising is like a puzzle, trying to get every single piece of the story to fit just perfectly. First drafts are my nightmare—all that white space on the page really freaks me out.

What’s next for you?

I have another middle-grade novel, A TANGLE OF KNOTS, coming out with Philomel Books in Spring 2013. I’m really excited about that one because it’s my first novel with any magic in it. I also have my very first young adult novel, MOTHERSHIP, coming out this July. It’s the first in a series—sci-fi and very funny—which I’m co-writing under the pen name Isla Neal.

And, of course, the Mixed-Up Files has to know: what’s your favorite middle-grade novel?

That’s an easy one! My all-time favorite middle-grade novel is HOLES by Louis Sachar. That was the novel that made me really serious about writing my own books. (I had the honor of meeting Mr. Sachar several years ago, and I was so nervous I could barely squeak out four words!) If I can ever create anything half as good as that book, I’ll be a very happy writer.

To celebrate the release of her book, Lisa and Philomel Books are hosting a DOUBLE DOG DARE Rube Goldberg Machine Contest. Children ages 6 to 13 are invited to enter by creating their own Rube Goldberg Machines (delightfully complicated contraptions that implement a long line of steps to perform a relatively simple function, named after inventor Rube Goldberg). The contest is open to school and classroom groups as well as individuals, and the many awesome prizes include a full class set of Double Dog Dare books, and a free Skype visit for your school!
Here’s the video announcement for the contest. For a full list of rules, as well as instructions on how to enter, visit the Double Dog Dare contest page.

Lisa’s blog tour continues this week at:

Thursday, April 19th: Greetings From Nowhere (
Friday, April 20th: Reading Everywhere (

She’s also giving away a copy of her book for Mixed-Up Files readers! Leave a comment to win DOUBLE DOG DARE.


Karen B. Schwartz writes contemporary middle-grade novels and raises contemporary middle-grade kids.


We’re Looking For a Few New Mixed-Up Members!

We’d love to add a few new members to our blog who love middle-grade books as much as we do.

Are you wondering what you’ll have to do if you join us?  Well, you’ll have scheduled posting dates about 5 – 7 times a year.  We love having original, quality posts that can include discussion-invoking topics about the changing market, unique book lists, interviews, and pretty much anything middle-grade related.  Each Mixed-Up member has at least one job (such as keeping our parent, teacher, librarian, or kids pages updated, gathering new release information, or updating our Facebook or Twitter pages).  We greatly appreciate when our members join in discussions and help promote our blog via blog/Facebook/Twitter.

If you’re interested in joining us, please send an email to memberrequest at fromthemixedupfiles dot com, and include the following in the body of your email (please don’t send us an attachment):

1. Your name and website or blog
2. A bit about your writing and/or publishing history (a brief description would be great)
3. How you learned about our site
4. What special skills/talents you have (such as vlogging, webmaster, or web coding experience, artistic skills, etc.) and what you think you can do for The Mixed-Up Files…of Middle-Grade Authors
5. How you can help promote our group
6. What you think being a member of this blog will do for you
7. Why you love middle-grade books
8. Anything else that you think might be useful for us to know about you

We will accept applications until Tuesday, May 1st.  Please spread the word to others who might be interested.  If you applied a while back and would still like to join us, we’d be happy to receive a new application from you.  We can’t wait to announce our new Mixed-Up members on Thursday, May 10th!