Thank you all for your comments on Bruce Hale’s interview! The winner of a signed paperback of DIAL M FOR MONGOOSE is…
Candie L
Congratulations, Candie! We’ll send you an e-mail soon with details on how to receive your prize. If you have any questions, please write to msfishby (@) fromthemixedupfiles (dot) com.
Don’t forget that you still have a chance to win a full length Skype visit with Bruce Hale or seven other middle-grade authors. You have until October 3rd to enter for a chance to give your favorite class, library, group, or club a visit with one of these amazing middle-grade authors:
Tami Lewis Brown (The Map Of Me),
Erin Moulton (Flutter),
Kathy Erskine (Mockingbird),
Tricia Springstubb (What Happened On Fox Street),
Sarah Aronson (Beyond Lucky),
Uma Krishnaswami (The Grand Plan To Fix Everything),
Jennifer Nielsen (Elliot and the Pixie Plot),
Bruce Hale (Chet Gecko Mysteries)
Mindy Alyse Weiss writes humorous middle-grade novels and is constantly inspired by her ten and thirteen year-old daughters, adventurous sock and underwear munching puppy, and two stinky but adorable ferrets. Visit her blog to read more about her writing life, conference experiences, and writing tips.