Posts Tagged spy science

STEM Tuesday– Cryptography (Math)/Spy Science– Author Candace Fleming

Welcome to STEM Tuesday: Author Interview, a repeating feature for the last Tuesday of every month. Go Science-Tech-Engineering-Math!

Today we’re interviewing Candace Fleming, author of The Enigma Girls: How Ten Teenagers Broke Ciphers, Kept Secrets, and Helped Win World War II It’s a fascinating look at the British effort to defeat a Nazi invasion by breaking their military codes. The staff were mostly female, and most of those women were teenage girls. The book is garnering a lot of attention and starred reviews.

“In this absorbing book, Fleming approaches the subject by telling the individual stories of 10 young women… who left their homes to work secretly on projects related to the German military’s Enigma cipher machine. Even readers with little interest in codes and ciphers will find the women’s experiences intriguing.” — Booklist Review (starred)


CTB: Hi Candace. Welcome to STEM Tuesday. My first question: Did you always want to be a writer?

Candace: Yes, I’ve always been a writer. But I also wanted to be an archeologist, flight attendant and other things. In college I got a degree in American History.

I worked at the Chicago Historical Society after graduation, but when my second child was born with a health concern I retired. “What do I do now?” I asked myself. I thought – writing! And I started by writing my life for magazines: Parents Magazine, American Baby, Pediatrics for Parents, etc.  “Seven Nap time Strategies,” is one example of an article I sold. My sons, Scott and Michael are in their early 30’s now. So… I’ve been writing for a long time.

CTB: That’s quite a career change.

Candace:  It was. My then-husband and I were young and had never consider the possibility of having a sick child. I was working to buy paint so I could spruce up the bathroom or buy new curtains for the bedroom. Yes, I ended up with some home décor. But, more importantly, I completed an apprenticeship (although I didn’t notice it at the time). I learned to work with an editor and meet a deadline. I learned how to interview people.

I switched to writing for children when I started reading picture books to my own sons. I couldn’t get enough of them. We’d come home from the library with a BIG stack and start reading. At bedtime, it’d be my boys crying, “Please, mommy, turn off the light!” and me begging to read, “just one more.”

Of course, what I was really doing was discovering the bones and music picture books. Eventually, I thought I would write one of my own. I sent it in through the slush pile and an editor at Simon and Schuster found and bought it.”

CTB: What gave you the idea for The Enigma Girls?

The Enigma Girls CoverCandace: I’m endlessly curious. I had just seen the Bletchley series on television. So during a trip with friends to London, I went out to Bletchley Park. I’d assumed the place was small and secret, you know, an exclusive gathering of the most brilliant, scientific minds. Once I got there, I discovered that there were over 9,000 workers. It’s mind boggling given how small the area is. More mind boggling? 80% of these workers were female and most of these were young teenagers.

The teens weren’t code breakers in the expected way. They weren’t sitting around a table trying to find cribs. One girl might be indexing information. Another might be operating a typex machine, or a bombe or Colossus. They were cogs on the assembly line of a cypher breaking factory, which is essentially what Bletchley Park was.

Each girl had her own job. She didn’t know what other women were doing. That included the women they sat near, or had lunch with, or roomed with. Most didn’t even know they were breaking enigma ciphers until the 1980’s. Before that they weren’t allowed to discuss their work with anyone, not even with their co-workers.

Enigma womenCTB: But they were girls. That’s not something we would see in military programs today.

Candace.  Exactly! I thought, “Wow! Teenage girls!” And how astonishing that everything happening was top secret and that the girls never told anyone they’d worked there. Even when they got married, they never told their husbands. They’d signed the Official Secrets Act, you see, and they took that very seriously.

CTB: The girls were told to describe their jobs as “clerical work.”

Candace: That’s right. They basically lied about what they were doing, both during the war and for decades after. They could even tell people they’d worked at Bletchley Park, codenamed Station X. It was all very hush-hush. Some of the girls would receive letters when they were recruited that read:

“You are to report to Station X at Bletchley Park, Buckinghamshire, 
in four days time.…That is all you need to know.”

CTB: The work had an enormous impact on the war effort.

Candace: Yes. It is believed that the girls’ consistent hard work shortened the war by about 2 years. Think how many lives that saved! Think of the generations here today because of them. No, they were the Alan Turing’s or other big names in cryptography. They were ordinary girls. Some hated the work. It was slogging work, and often repetitious. Even so, they knew they were doing something important for the war effort, even if they didn’t exactly what that was.

And they were still kids, you know? Teenagers. They lacked the sophistication of modern teens. Many still lived at home before being summoned to BP. Others were still in school. Many had never traveled from their small towns. And while they did their jobs admirably, they were still so young. They played pranks and joked. They were high-spirited and goofy sometimes.

CTB: So what was the Enigma machine?

Enigma gearsCandace: The machine was used by the German military to send encrypted messages to the troops. It looks like a typewriter with keys for letters, but those keys were actually connected to a lamp board in the rear. And there were gears that were adjusted or replaced every day. The German sender and receivers were sent instructions for how to set them up each day. That allowed them to send and decipher codes. It was the British intention to decipher those codes as well.

CTB: But the codes changed every day.

Candace: That is what made things so difficult. The enigma machine created a sophisticated alphabet cipher. The soldier would type a letter on the machine, but gears would translate it to a different letter. The person on the other end would have a similar machine and if set correctly, would allow them decipher the code one letter at a time. The people at Bletchley Park had to determine the new ciphers each day. There were more than 159 quintillion possible combinations. I wanted readers to understand how hard the codes were to break

CTB: With word counts and project requirements, there is never enough space for everything. Where there stories of girls that didn’t make it into the book?

Candace: Because I wanted to pick young women from all classes of society, as well as for each job, I ended up setting aside some terrific human stories. Take, Muriel Dindol, for example. She quit school at the age of fourteen because, she claimed, it bored her. Her parents lived in the town of Bletchley, and Muriel found a job at Station X as a messenger. This meant she spent her shifts delivering top secret messages to various departments. Of course, she didn’t know they were top secret. She also claimed she wasn’t curious about what was inside the manilla envelopes she carried. She’s wanted to work at BP because the older girls going in and out of the place seemed glamorous to her. “I wasn’t interested in war work,” she said, “but I wanted money for makeup.” Muriel left behind her recipe for lipstick. I wouldn’t recommend you try it.

CTB: With all of your experience, what advice would you give to a young reader who wants to be a writer?

Candace: Oh. That’s a good question. Here’s some thoughts:

  • Writing is meant to be fun.
  • You don’t have to finish – not everything is as project
  • You don’t have to write from start to finish

I still write by hand with a blue Bic pen. It’s a reminder that the work is not precious. I can ball it up or scratch it out. Also, I like the smell of the pen. I’ve been using it all of my life, and its smell tells my brain “we are writing.” Sometimes the bottom of my arm is covered in blue ink from rubbing against the paper as I write.

So many kids think that writing has to be neat. It doesn’t have to be anything. Also, I hear readers tell me they have writer’s block. They have this idea that one should write from story’s beginning straight through to its end. Truthfully? I don’t know anyone who writes that way. Most skip around and write what you they know. They go back and fill in the blanks.

That’s why I like loose leaf paper. It’s intentionally messy. Sure, by the second draft I use Word. I edit on my laptop. But I always, always write by hand the first time around – both big and small projects.

CTB: What are you working on next? Anything we should be looking for?

Candace: I’m finishing a book tentatively titled Rhino Country. It’s about rhino poaching. I went to South Africa and spent 4 weeks with rangers and conservationist. I also completed a week-long wildlife forensics class alongside anti-poaching units from all across South Africa, and I worked at a rhino orphanage, helping to care for the babies orphaned by poaching. Honestly, I left my heart there.

Death in Jungle coverI’ve also written Death in the Jungle: Murder, Betrayal and the Lost Dream of Jonestown for Anne Schwartz Books/ Random House. It’s about the Peoples Temple movement. It’s coming out in April 2025. It’s YA nonfiction and very dear to my heart, because of the extraordinary people who shared their stories with me. There’s a real bravery to being that honest. While the story of Peoples Temple serves as a cautionary tale, it is also a very human one.

“Young people are bound to recognize themselves in the idealism of Annie Moore; the rebelliousness of Tommy Bogue; the love/hate feelings harbored by the teenaged Stephan Jones for his father.”

Candace Fleming in an article at San Diego State University.


Fleming book covers



C FlemingCandace Fleming is the author of more than fifty books for children and young adults, including the 2021 Sibert Medal-winning Honeybee: The Busy Life of Apis Mellifera, as well as the 2021 YALSA Excellence in Nonfiction Award-winning The Rise and Fall of Charles Lindbergh. A recipient of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, she is also the two-time winner of both the Boston Globe/Horn Book Award, and the Sibert Honor. Her most recent titles are The Enigma Girls and Narwhal, Unicorn of the Arctic.
Candace is married to award winning illustrator, Eric Rohhman.
author christine Taylor-butler

Photo by Kecia Stovall

Today our host is Christine Taylor-Butler, a graduate of MIT and author of The Oasis, Save the… Tigers, Save the . . . Blue Whales, and many other nonfiction books for kids. She is also the author of the STEM based middle grade sci-fi series The Lost Tribes. Follow @ChristineTB on X and/or @ChristineTaylorButler on Instagram, and @ctaylorbutler on Bluesky. She lives in Missouri with her family, a tank of fish and cats that think they are dogs.


STEM Tuesday– Cryptography (Math)/Spy Science– Writing Tips & Resources


noun: cryptology

  1. the study of codes, or the art of writing and solving them.

As an advocate for STE(A)M, I want to connect cryptology to the arts. It may seem an unlikely connection, but there are many examples of hidden messages in literature, music, and visual art. I give examples below and include an art activity and a link to an article that gives examples of contemporary hidden messages.


For older readers, there is the classic THE DAVINCI CODE by Dan Brown. Many of you may have wondered (I sure did) how much was real and how much made up. But this post isn’t about the novel but using it as an example of code in literature. Middle grade writers like Blue Balliett and Ellen Raskin incorporate puzzles to solve and provide clues for an alert reader. I enjoy stories about secret messages and clues and it adds another level of mental activity to the reading.


Music has provided opportunities as well for secret meanings. I’ve included classical examples here. And one of my favorite musical examples is in the Alfred Hitchcock film “The Lady Vanishes.” Miss Froy disappears but not before she entrusts Iris and Gilbert with a musical phrase that passes a secret message to the Foreign Office.

From the online article Musical Cryptography: Hiding Messages in the Music! (link below) from PuzzleNation Blog.

 This sort of musical wordplay appears in compositions by Ravel, Debussy, and Shostakovich among others. Johann Sebastian Bach did this often enough that the succession of notes B-A-C-H is now called a Bach motif.

The composer Dmitri Shostakovich lived under a very repressive regime in Russia. He included passages in his compositions that “critiqued” the government. However the members of the government didn’t know enough about music to see that. This was dangerous because penalties for speaking against the government were severe.

Visual art/graphic design

For an activity this month, I am looking at Secret Messages in a way we see every day. The opportunities to be a spy are few these days, but knowing how to spot messages coming to you is a good skill. According to John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, Cryptology is the study of the codes and ciphers used to create secret writing. We usually think of spies and stories, but there is “secret writing” all over.

For instance, in the article 36 Hidden Messages in Company Logos You See All the Time, by Kelly Kuehn (link below) you can see how people are influenced without even realizing they are being influenced. Check out the article for other examples.

You may have thought the dot over the “i” was used to give the logo a pop of color, but it’s actually part of a hidden—and creative—message. The red dot is actually a bowl of salsa. The two T’s are people, and the yellow triangle in between them is a chip. It’s supposed to represent people coming together to share a tasty snack of chips and salsa.

Once you know that this is common, you can find examples of hidden messages all over.

When I was teaching graphic design in at university, I had the students make 50 (yes, 50) small logo sketches, known as thumbnails, with their initials. We used tracing paper and pencil and it was about ideas, not perfection. Then we could discuss the merits of some of the individual ideas and use them to move on to a more polished design. You can, of course, make fewer sketches – how many you need to get the idea you like.

There are two aspects to consider. One is the visual part. Is it attractive? Colorful? Compact? Attention getting?

The second aspect is the underlying meaning. Does it respond to the personality of the designer? And – does it say more than an initial quick glance would reveal? Here is where the hidden meaning comes in. This requires higher level thinking to manipulate the space to include a secret message.

It helps to have a plan.

  1. What is the overall spirit of the logo? Some possible answers are serious, playful, sporty, mysterious. Write it down to remind yourself.
  2. What is the secret message? Your answer to #1 might be sporty so somewhere there could be the shape of say, a soccer ball or a running shoe. Can you incorporate it into the design so that it isn’t immediately apparent, but is easily recognizable? There are many books on logo design, both how-to and the best-of.
  3. Try to make the final drawing clean and in black and white.

Yes, a challenge. Sometimes it helps to work with a partner or a team, the way a professional design studio would work.

After settling on an idea, then make a Very Clean drawing.  The drawings can be scanned (at 300dpi) as jpgs or pngs, for use on such documents as school assignments. For younger grades, a rubber stamp or stickers are fun for embellishments.

Have fun with your secret message logo!


Margo Lemieux is professor emerita at Lasell University and spent time in October doing plein air painting in cranberry bogs.


Hiding Messages in Music

Musical Cryptography: Hiding Messages in the Music!


More musical messages


Cryptology definition


Company Logos You See All the Time, by Kelly Kuehn



STEM Tuesday– Cryptography (Math)/Spy Science– In the Classroom

In my former career, I worked with communications and communication security (which included cryptography). It is a topic that will always be near and dear to my heart. This month, I read the following books:


How to Be an International Spy book

How to Be an International Spy by Andy Briggs

This book covers lots of different topics associated with being a spy. The science around it all ranges from psychology to quantum physics. It includes lots of practice activities to help you fully engage in the topic.


Top Secret Science Book

Top Secret Science: Projects You’re Not Supposed to Know About by Jennifer Swanson

If you’re looking more for the history of secret projects, this is the book for you. It looks at a variety of programs that were run in secret.


Can You Crack the Code book

Can You Crack the Code? by Ella Schwartz and Lily Williams

If your goal is to learn how to create and crack secret codes, you might want to check out this book. It does a great job of covering the major cryptography methods. There are lots of secret codes to practice with, too.



Rather than making up activities to go along with these books, I want to share some of the fabulous resources that are already out there that would pair well with this month’s theme.

Check out “The Farm”

The CIA may be a secretive organization, but they’ve got an online presence. There are stories, games, activities, and other things for young readers to explore on their CIA Spy Kids site:

They’ve also developed lesson plans for teachers:

Delve into Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity ensures that electronic devices are protected from criminal or unauthorized use. There are lots of career opportunities in cybersecurity, so it’s a great topic to learn more about.

The University of Texas at San Antonio’s Center for Infrastructure Assurance & Security (a.k.a. UTSA CIAS) has lots of resources for teachers and students on their website. Their activities cover grades K through 12. Here’s their main page:

Their Cyber Games are found here:

Microsoft and Minecraft teamed together to provide resources for teaching cybersecurity, too. Check that out here:

Learn About Public Key Encryption

Public Key Encryption is used to secure many different types of transactions on the internet, from email to online store payments. This video from PBS NOVA labs does a great job of explaining at a high level how public key encryption works:

NOVA Labs also has a cybersecurity game online: – there is an educator guide to go along with it.

Cryptography in History

Pretty much all the books this month talk about the long history of secret-keeping (and cryptography to help with that). Here are some web sites that explore cryptography in history.

“The Secret Code of Lewis and Clark” activity:

“Cryptology in the American Revolution” videos from NSA’s National Cryptologic Museum:

The National Cryptologic Museum also has videos on Steganography, Ciphers, or Visual Signaling during the American Revolution. For these and other videos, check out this playlist:

More Resources

There are lots of cryptography and spy-related museums and websites out there to explore. Here are a few more you might want to check out.

The Spy Museum in Washington, DC: – if you can’t get there in person, they also have some resources and activities online. They even have a podcast and a YouTube channel.

In the New York City area, there is the Washington Spy Trail. This includes a series of historic sites on Long Island that are associated with George Washington’s circle of spies during the Revolutionary War. If you’re lucky, you can tour some sites in person. If not, you can learn about some of it online:

You can learn more about American Civil War spies online: – each spy is associated with at least one National Park.

Janet Slingerland has written more than 20 books for children. Her book History’s Forgotten War Stories – – includes secrets and spies. To find out more about Janet and her books, check out her website –