November 27, 2018

Green Earth Book Awards: It’s time to submit your choices for the 2019 Green Earth Awards. You’ve got form now to December 3, 2018 – just one week from today! Judges are looking for strong work that conveys the message of environmental stewardship. The categories: picture book, children’s and young adult fiction, and nonfiction categories.

The short list comes out in March 2019, and the winners will be announced on Earth Day, April 22, 2019. Winners receive $750 to the author and $750 to the illustrator/photographer (or $1,500 if the author and illustrator/photographer is the same person). In addition, Green Earth Book Award-winning books will be donated to Title I schools and military bases across the country. For more on how to submit, click here.

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Jennifer Swanson
Science ROCKS! And so do Jennifer Swanson's books. She is the award-winning author of over 40 nonfiction books for kids. Jennifer Swanson’s love of science began when she started a science club in her garage at the age of 7. While no longer working from the garage, you can find Jennifer at her favorite place to explore the world around her.
Jennifer is also the creator and administrator of #STEMTuesday and #STEAMTeam2020