We will miss the authors that recently left who all contributed immensely to our blog. In our recent call for new members, we had so many wonderful applications from those hoping to join us on the Mixed-Up Files that it was a really tough decision. We felt as stumped as this guy:
We may not be able to fit them all, but we’d like to announce the following eleven new contributing members of From the Mixed-Up Files…of Middle-Grade Authors:
Greg Fishbone
Linda Johns
Michelle Schusterman
Jaye Robin Brown
T.P. Jagger
Erin Shakespear
Jen Gennari
Michele Weber Hurwitz
Yolanda Ridge
Jonathan Rosen
Bruce Eschler
We are excited to have these amazing writers joining in the Mixed-Up fun! Be watching for their debut entries later this summer. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn a little more about our new members, please feel free to peruse their bios on our Mixed-Up Author Bios page.
Welcome to our new Mixed-Up Authors!