MUF Contributor Jen Swanson makes top 50 list

Congratulations to MUF contributor and STEM coordinator Jennifer Swanson for winning a place on this amazing top-50 book list from the extra-cool ThePlanets website.

What’s even better? Jen’s book, BRAIN GAMES, (National Geographic Children’s Books, 2015) competed with adult books too–and ranked #13. The Planets describes its top choices as “A collection of the most entertaining, enlightening and educational science books ever written.”

 Jen Swanson Brain Games

Way to go, Jen!

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Jennifer Swanson
Science ROCKS! And so do Jennifer Swanson's books. She is the award-winning author of over 40 nonfiction books for kids. Jennifer Swanson’s love of science began when she started a science club in her garage at the age of 7. While no longer working from the garage, you can find Jennifer at her favorite place to explore the world around her.
Jennifer is also the creator and administrator of #STEMTuesday and #STEAMTeam2020