Last week, as we blasted our way into a month-long MUFiversary to celebrate 7 years of the MUF blog, we gave you a chance to be one of seven different winners of an author-signed book . Well, this week brings another great opportunity for free middle-grade books. But this time, there’s a catch.
As middle-grade writers, all of us MUF folks have a special place in our hearts for middle-grade readers. And where is it easy to find a load of middle-grade readers? . . .
At school!
(Okay. I know this is bad timing. Most of our middle-grade readers are not at school right now. They’re busy sleeping-in and luxuriating in the early stages of summer vacation. But you get the idea.)
Anyway, over the past year, we’ve squirreled away a variety of new releases and Advanced Readers’ Copies (ARCs) of middle-grade books*. Now, we’re ready to do a giveaway of a whole bunch of those books to one lucky school!
*Major shout-out to Simon & Schuster and Candlewick Press for sending us copies of so many great books we can feature on MUF and use in giveaways!
Here’s the scoop:
>You can leave a comment on this post, nominating an elementary school or middle school to receive approximately a dozen new middle-grade books for its library. Just tell us the NAME OF THE SCHOOL and the CITY AND STATE where it’s located. By leaving a comment with this information, you’ve automatically given the school a chance to win.
>Then you can earn extra entries for the school by sharing about our giveaway on Facebook, Twitter, etc. You can further improve the school’s odds of winning by having other parents, teachers, and friends nominate the same school.
>Next Wednesday, June 21st, 2017, we’ll randomly select the winning school and ship an assortment of middle-grade books to add to the school’s library! (The winning school will receive about half of the stash pictured above. The remaining books will be used in our final MUFiversary giveaway on Thursday, June 29th.)
The giveaway closes at midnight (ET) on Tuesday, June 20th. Be sure to check back next Thursday, June 22nd, for our next MUFiversary giveaway!
NOTE: Due to shipping costs, this week’s giveaway is only open to elementary schools and middle schools in the United States.
Chancellor Livingston Elementary, Rhinebeck, NY
Regis Middle School
Cedar Rapids, Iowa