Posts Tagged Story Monsters Ink

For Kids: Publish Your Writing

girl writing

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Are you a budding writer? Students may think only adults can get published, but there are magazines and websites that are looking for stories, poetry, articles, and even artwork from elementary school writers and illustrators. The lists below will give you some places to try.


But first, here are some tips before sending out your writing:



  • Check the publication thoroughly. Have an adult look over the information to be sure it’s safe and that it’s suited to you and your writing.
  • Edit your story well. Choose your strongest writing. Reread it many times to catch all mistakes. Ask several people you trust to check it too.
  • Pay attention to the guidelines. Does what you wrote fits with what they publish and what they’re asking for? Some places have themes and will only accept stories that fit those topics.
  • Be confident in your writing. Not everyone will get accepted. That doesn’t mean what you submitted wasn’t good. Believe in yourself and keep submitting. Even famous writers don’t get accepted all the time.
  • Read the stories in the publication to see if there are things you can do to improve your next story.
  • Keep creating. The more you write, the better you’ll get.
  • Take classes and/or read writing books. The more you know, the better your writing will become.



Stone Soup
Ages 8-13
Known for its excellence, Stone Soup is a nonprofit literary magazine written and illustrated by kids. They publish poetry, fiction, essays, and artwork in the bimonthly print magazine, and they also have a blog with book reviews, a poetry podcast, travelogues, and responses to current events—all by kids under age 14. In addition to their annual book contest, they also publish novels and poetry collections by young writers.

Skipping StonesSkipping Stone magazine cover
Ages 8-17
Skipping Stones magazine features writing from educators and students focused on different regions or cultures of the world. They accept poems, stories, articles, essays, and photos in addition to sponsoring writing contests. They publish online as well as in print.

Magic Dragon magazine coverMagic Dragon
Ages 5-12
Published quarterly, Magic Dragon is interested in stories, essays, and artwork. If your work is chosen, you will receive a copy of the issue.




fingers commas toes
Ages 4-26
This theme-based online publication looks for nonfiction essays and personal stories (including videos) as well as fiction, poetry, visual and digital art, and music. Check the site to find out what topics they’re looking for.

The Louisville Review
For their Cornerstone section, The Louisville Review accepts previously unpublished poetry from kids.

Story Monsters InkStory Monsters Ink magazine cover
Ages 5-17
A Gold Award winner from Mom’s Choice Awards, Story Monsters Ink publishes stories, essays, articles, and drawings. They also accept book reviews and stories about favorite teachers.


Guardian Angels Kids
Up to age 14
For their Young Muses: Guardian Angel Kids looks for picture stories, activities, crafts, recipes, math and problem-solving ideas, and poetry.

New Moon Girls
Ages 8-14
Written and edited by youth, New Moon Girls magazine invites girls to contribute stories, poems, opinions, art, and photos. They also welcome young journalists.


Any age
Once you create an online account, you can write installments of your stories to keep readers interested. Readers can like and comment on the writing.

Competitions or Contests

Cricket Magazine
Ages 5-12
Cricket Magazine has monthly story, poetry, or art contests. You can check out each month’s challenges online or subscribe to the printed magazine.

boy writing

Image by Freepik

Young Writers
Ages 5-12
Young Writers runs national writing competitions and publishes winners in a book. They also offer writing encouragement as well as some writing instruction on poetry types and terms. The site also has additional information for parents and teachers.

Need some encouragement to keep writing?

Gr. 4-12
NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program is an adaptation of the adult NaNoWriMo challenge to write a novel in a month. Along with the usual features of keeping track of your writing progress, this version offers advice and encouragement and even has classroom support for teachers who want to use it with their students.

For teachers

Gr. 1-8
The StoryJumper website gives students a chance to create and publish their own illustrated stories online or in book format. Free teacher accounts have a dashboard and lesson plans. Students can collaborate on stories and even work with classrooms in other states or countries. You can buy digital or hard copies of the books.