Search Results for BOOKSTORE

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STEM Tuesday — Fun with Physics — In the Classroom

As we get ready to head back to school, there are a ton of physics activities that kids can try at home or in the classroom. The books on this list will help students learn more about the world around us and how it works. What are forces? How do they affe ...

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Indy Spotlight: A Children’s Place, Portland OR

...  always a treat to feature an independent bookstore devoted to children’s books, especially one that has been in ...  Children’s Place in Portland, Oregon ( MUF: Portlanders love books. It would be hard to find another town with so many good independent bookstores, and yet some have folded recently. During the COVID challenge, what ...

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Writing Bingeable Books

...  can be found on the following booklists: Mysteries in Bookstores and Libraries, at Book Fairs and Festivals, in Literary Landmarks, ...

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