Posts Tagged writer’s life

A Writer’s Thanksgiving

I love the Thanksgiving season! It reminds me that I have so much to be thankful for. And it turns out, being grateful has its benefits.
In addition to promoting a positive attitude, research has shown that practicing gratitude for 15 minutes a day, five days a week (for at least 6 weeks) can positively affect your physical and mental health.
Expressing gratitude can also improve your sleep, mood, and immunity.
Writers often experience a boatload of rejection – query rejection, manuscript submission rejection, revision rejection. These experiences can easily produce a negative attitude toward writing, and life in general.
Writers have so much to be thankful for! For example,
  • books,
  • the ability to create,
  • critique partners,
  • honest feedback that leads to improvement,
  • time for revision,
  • quiet walks that spark ideas, and
  • frequent celebrations (nothing is too small. Ex. completing a paragraph or scene or meeting a daily word count goal).
We’d love to hear what you’re thankful for. Please leave a comment below, and let’s start practicing gratitude today!
Have a have a Grateful Thanksgiving!