Posts Tagged uv waves

STEM Tuesday– Radio/UV Waves and Applied Physics — Book List








All the things you cannot see! This book list gives an introduction of all the different kinds of waves and radiation out there – and their sometimes surprising applications.




Wave Hi and Goodbye to Energy!: An Introduction to Waves

by Baby Professor

With colorful photographs and simple explanations, this book gives a basic introduction to the different waves of energies and their applications in day to day life.








Radar and the Raft: A True Story About a Scientific Marvel, the Lives it Saved, and the World it Changed 

by Jeff Lantos

Are you looking for a tale that includes scientific discoveries, the dangers of war and a family in peril? This is the book for you. Jeff Lantos connects the dots between batteries and radar during World War II while adding into the mix a family’s harrowing journey. The result, a rollicking adventure through history. This is an adventure you won’t want to put down!







A Ray of Light: A Book of Science and Wonder

by Walter Wick

Fascinated by the world of light?  Take a peek inside and discover what it is made of. With fabulous photographs and engaging text, readers will come to understand the secrets of light. Take a look at incandescence, light waves, the color spectrum and more; it just might change the way you observe the world.







Looking Up: An Illustrated Guide to Telescopes 

by Jacob Kramer and Stephanie Scholz

Telescopes have been our partners exploring the skies for ages. How do they work? Are  all telescopes the same? Peer inside this amazing book and learn about

the instrument that makes our skies shine.


Inside In: X-Rays of Nature’s Hidden World

Written by Jan Paul Schutten, photography by Arie van ‘t Riet, translated by Laura Watkinson

What can an X-ray show us? Only nature’s hidden world! See a seahorse’s skeleton, discover how a frog uses its eyes to swallow, and peek under a bee’s furry coat for starters. Images will amaze readers as they explore a world they never knew.







Unlocking the Universe: The Cosmic Discoveries of the Webb Space Telescope

by Suzanne Slade

It took thousands of people to build the James Webb Space Telescope. With the help of scientists and engineers, what started with a dream became an amazing reality. The result? Images that captivated the world. This is the story of the James Webb Space Telescope, and it will astound you.







The Radium Girls: Young Readers’ Edition: The Scary but True Story of the Poison that Made People Glow in the Dark 

by Kate Moore

The true story of the young women who worked in watch factories painting dials with glow-in-the-dark radium paint – and started falling ill with a mysterious illness, and their determination to fight back. For fans of both science and history.








The Way Things Work 

by David Macaulay

Learn about all things physics in this exciting, fun-filled book, including about different kinds of waves and their applications.







X-Rays: Super Science Feats: Medical Breakthroughs

by Alicia Z Klepeis

With photographs, infographics and activities, this book is an introduction to how x-rays were discovered, how X-ray imaging works, and its applications.









by Traci Vonder Brink

Microwaves don’t just cook your food! This book tells us all the other things that microwaves do – carry messages, help detect weather and much more!








Understanding and Using Radio Waves (Electromagnetic Spectrum) 

by Elizabeth Rubio

Radio waves don’t just mean music on your radio. The applications of radio waves are far-reaching – it is used in space exploration too! Learn all about radio waves, transmitters, AM/FM frequencies and much more in this book.










Susan Summers is a wildlife enthusiast and an author. Contact her at:



Shruthi Rao is an author. Her home on the web is