Super Giveaway

Is it hard to become a superhero?


But never fear.  Bart King, author of “The Big Book of Boy Stuff”, “The Big Book of Girl Stuff”, not to mention “The Big Book of Gross Stuff”, can answer all your questions. Superhero cover

As Bart explains:

“For starters, you need the perfect superhero name, a secret identity, a cool costume, and a burning desire to fight evil. But where are you going to get all that stuff?

“From The Big Book of Superheroes, naturally! It will teach you everything you need to know—including how to actually GET superpowers. (They’re good for your self-esteem!) The Big Book of Superheroes will teach you how to:

—Defend yourself from preschooler supervillains
—Make your own jetpack
—Battle costume wedgies
—Customize your Secret Lair
—Learn hand-to-hand and foot-to-butt combat

This hilarious book even tells you how to become a supergenius. (We’d explain it here, but you wouldn’t understand–yet!) In these pages, you’ll snicker at superhero humor, snort at the Ten Lamest Superpowers, or just sneeze if you’re allergic to its super awesomeness.


As a child, author Bart King discovered he could punch people into outer space. (Sadly, he lost a lot of friends that way.) Today, Bart is one of the world’s leading superhero experts. And he is giving away two signed copies of his new book. To be eligible, enter a comment below. 

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Tricia Springstubb
Tricia is the author of many books for middle grade, most recently "Every Single Second" (HarperCollins) and the third book in the Cody series, "Cody and the Rules of Life" (Candlewick Press). A frequent speaker at schools, libraries, and conferences, she lives in Cleveland OH. You can find out more about her and her work at
  1. Yeah for THOR!

  2. Congratulations to Brooke Einstein and Thor Haglund! (Or should that be “congratulations”?)

  3. I would love this book. My Twins would love this book.

  4. I think my son would love this book!

  5. This sounds like a lot of fun, what is there not to love about super heroes!

  6. I like turtles.

  7. Oh man. I wish I had this when I was a kid. Maybe I can get it for my daughter then live vicariously through her. Can I still have a cape?

  8. Love our Bart King books and would be honored to have another to share with our family.

  9. I’m not able to write specific replies to these gracious comments, so instead I’ll just thank everyone for their interest…however misguided it might be!

    Also, I just thought of a new superhero—Maple Leaf Woman. She fights for truth, justice, and the Canadian “eh?”